ECR 2016

"ESR meets the Nordic Countries"

EM 1: Friday, March 4, 10:30-12:00, Room B

Mammography in Nordic countries, screening and new development

Welcome by the ESR President: Luis Donoso; Barcelona/ES


Katrine Åhlström Riklund; Umea/SE

Congress President

Maríanna Garðarsdóttir; Reykjavik/IS

President (2009-16), Radiological Society of Iceland

President (2016), Nordic Society of Medical Radiology

Gaute Hagen; Oslo/NO

President (2016), Norwegian Society of Radiology

Kristina Rue Nielsen; Copenhagen/DK

President (2015-7), Danish Society of Radiology

Henriettae Ståhlbrandt; Eksjö/SE

President (2015-7), Swedish Society of Medical Radiology

Ritva L. Vanninen; Kuopio/FI

President (2016), Radiological Society of Finland


Categories: Breast, Oncologic Imaging


Introduction (5') Henriettae Ståhlbrandt; Eksjö/SE

Session objectives:

1. To become familiar with radiology in breast cancer in Nordic countries.

2. To learn about screening, individualisation, risk stratification and new methods.

Mammography screening in Denmark:

implementation and results (20') Ilse Vejborg; Copenhagen/DK

1. To learn about the challenges in implementation of a service cancer screening programme.

2. To learn about the balance between positive and negative effects of a population based screening programme.

3. To hear about quality assurance of a nationwide mammography screening programme and in this context to hear about the results.

Performing MRI preoperatively in all breast

cancer patients in Iceland: is it worthwhile? (10') Maríanna Garðarsdóttir; Reykjavik/IS

1. To understand the value of preoperative assessment of disease extent as a tool in appropriate surgical planning.

Breast density, risk for breast cancer and how to

personalise screening: what are the future breast

imaging modalities? (20') Sophia Zackrisson; Malmö/SE

1. To learn about the current knowledge on how to estimate breast cancer risk and if this can be applied in a screening context.

2. To understand what imaging modalities for breast cancer screening we have at hand now and for the future.

Interval cancers in population based

screening programmes (15') Solveig Roth Hoff; Aalesund/NO

1. To understand interval cancers, i.e. breast cancers detected in the interval between two screening examinations.

2. To learn about registration of interval cancers, as the rate of interval cancers can be used as a quality measure of a screening programme.

New developments in MRI and MR

image analysis of breast cancer (20') Juhana Hakumäki; Kuopio/FI

1. To understand the fundamentals of DWI, DCE and MR spectroscopy in breast imaging.

2. To become familiar with the optimised analysis methods for DWI, DCE and MRS.

3. To learn about multiparametric data analysis in 3T breast MRI.