ERWC Senior Project Topics-Current Events

  1. Syria
  2. Should the U.S. Send arms to the rebels?
  3. Scotland
  4. Should Scotland gain independence from the U.K.?
  5. Should the rest of the UK be allowed to vote?
  6. Parent Separation
  7. Should couple have to attend marriage counseling before being granted a divorce?
  8. Vietnam to Iraq
  9. What lessons can the US learn from the Vietnam War, so we do not repeat the same mistakes in the Middle East?
  10. The Sex Trade
  11. How can the UN, the US and NGO’s limit the international sex trade?
  12. I-Phone 6
  13. Should APPLE have the ability to access all users’ phones?(U2 download)
  14. Are APPLE’s terms and agreement polices fair to users?
  15. Horseshoe Crab
  16. Blood can potentially cure diseases
  17. Should medical research continue even if the crab population is significantly decreased?
  18. Trying War Criminals-93 year old tried for being a potential Nazi
  19. What should be the statute of limitations?
  20. Texas Executions-Criminals who killed children are being killed at a faster rate
  21. What about executions for other crimes?
  22. The role of DNA in convictions-cases up for review
  23. Student Loans
  24. Should the U.S. Government provide more grants and scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students?
  25. Should there be a longer forgiveness period for college graduates before they are required to start making payments?
  26. Sea World
  27. Should orca whales be held in captivity?
  1. Bilingual Brain
  2. Brain development is arguably better for those who are bilingual.
  3. Immersion programs-should they be implemented in American schools?
  4. Should second language courses be implemented in American elementary schools?
  5. Wisdom of Babies
  6. Are babies capable of making judgments?
  7. Bernie Sanders
  8. Should he, an independent, run for president? He can potentially take democratic votes.
  9. Chicago Schools
  10. Should high school be six years? Programs in Chicago offer six year H.S. with built in AA degrees that are free of cost.
  11. Renewable Energy
  12. Wind and solar power is a better source as opposed to fossil fuels
  13. Baby Deficit
  14. Should Germany, Russia, Guatemala, etc. stop children from being adopted by American families?
  15. The Millennials
  16. How social media and technology are helping to advance American society
  17. LAUSD & Ipads
  18. Should school districts, using tax payers’ funds, purchase Ipads for all students?
  19. Ebola
  20. Survivors blood as potential serum. Sale of blood in the black market.