EQuAL Minutes
November 18, 2015
- Meeting was informally begun at 5:07.
- Minutes from previous meeting were read-through and the subject of Safe Zone training was discussed:
Jeff has attended Safe Zone training, but was not sure if an opt-in box had been added for those trainees who would like to be listed publicly, and as discussed with Joseph Dunnigan.
Minutes were accepted.
- Reports
Lindsay: none
Treasurer’s Report: Jeff reported that we have $370.00 in the Treasury.He will email the listserv all relevant information about dues.
Anthony: re last meeting’s discussion on public bathrooms list. Contacted the Police Department and Jason Kirksey about using the new Safe Shield app for this purpose.
Jeff informed us that Jason Kirksey was at Safe Zone training. He said that current law is that individuals can use bathroom that suits their identity. Jeff feel this means that Dr. Kirksey is on top of this issue.
Discussion followed on law versus perception by the public.Jeff reiterated what Jason said, but that safety remains an issue.
Anthony: Regarding the Safe Zone people willing to be publicly listed – Believes that Counseling must be very busy, has a large waiting list. Has not been able to get in for a meeting with Joseph. Is concerned about getting word out about Safe Zone-trained people.
Jeff reported that there has been a request for Safe Zone training for students.
Greg said ITLE is interested in designing new courses. Maybe they could manage the training.
Ally campaign: Anthony – spoke with a graphic designer about the logo.
Reached out to Freedom Oklahoma, spoke with Troy about getting involved with them. Spoke about possible attendance at one of our meetings to brainstorm ideas. Anthony will follow up.
Pamela Stokes of Health Services requested a training for their educational series, by us, regarding trans and/or LGBTQ sensitivity. This could be a job for our Speakers’ Bureau. They are looking for a 45-minute training for their staff.
- Projects/Visions
a. EQuAL Student Scholarship/Grant Fund: Lindsay wants to talk about requirements, need-based or academic-based.
Suggestions were: a personal essay, describing the impact the scholarship would have. Some consensus that it should be need-based.
Lindsay will look for a template for a scholarship that rewards fortitude, persistence, in the face of personal hardship.
Fundraising/Advocacy: Greg in Human Sciences is using a site called Buzz Sumo.com . Allows an organic search. Set up a focus group and ask them how they would organically search for LGBT resources. Buzz Sumo shows the back links, how often your term is back-linked. This could help us in our drafting of documents, with the goal of reaching LGBT students/faculty. Would allow us to know which sites are most successful in attracting page views, so that we could link to them, and which meta-tags and search terms to use. Which social media to use.
Jeff pointed out that we have a two-pronged: a. goal to offer scholarship, long-term: alumni or businesses contribute to the organization
Lindsay brought up that she has been approached about creating a scholarship in the past, but the focus was on students who are already successfully active and surviving. Whereas those who are the most needy might not be so well-connected.
Need to ensure that we attract money to local organizations, such as ours, in the way that United Way does. Create, for instance, an annual EQuAL drive.
Jeff : the OSU Foundation seeks money once per year. It is possible to specify for what cause your gift is meant.
Lindsay reports to Dr. Kirksey’s subordinate. Can talk to Dr. Kirksey, who is very interested in LGBTQ issues. She can speak with him. He may know what goes on behind the scenes, who our advocates could be. He may also be helpful in protecting against opposition.
b. Activism/ connection to other orgs
Equality Center in Tulsa
website: okeq.org
Business Alliance group meets.
c. Current and upcoming events
Lindsay reported that this week is Transgender Awareness week.
There will be an OSU Day of Remembrance event Thursday evening at 6pm in the Browsing Room.
Report that PRISM event had an attendance of around 100 people and was very successful.
d. December social event:
Discussion of potluck. Jeff said that goes well when in combination with other orgs, such as WGS. They are usually held after grades are submitted. Discussed potluck in combination with WGS.
Meeting adjourned by Lindsay at 6:15
Next meeting(s)