Creation Assembly – Primary
Before the assembly put 1 Corinthians 10:26 up on the wall so everyone can see (“The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”). Introduce this memory verse and say you will ask at the end if anyone can remember it.
Choose 2 teams of 2 people and bring them out to the front. Have a table with lots of props on it. You show 1 player from each team a job that is written down and they have to mime that job to their team. When the other person thinks they know what the job is then they have to run to the props table and choose a prop that belongs to the job (eg, chef and apron). Have 5 jobs but have more props in order to make the game harder. Have a globe and God as one of the answers.
Explain that the last question was all about God and the right answer was the world. In the Bible it says this, The earth is God’s and everything in it. It also says that he has given it to us to look after.
Imagine if you were asked to look after someone’s pet while they were on holiday and you never fed it, you didn’t clean it and you never spent time with it. The owners would be cross. God is not happy when we don’t look after this planet that’s why we should recycle, walk to school and don’t waste things because it’s not ours it belongs to God.
We need to remember that God created this world and he has chosen us to look after it. Let’s see this week if you can find ways to look after it.
© Christians in Schools Trust 1