Riverheads High School Concert Band Syllabus
2013-2014 School Year
Teacher: Mr. Harner
Room: Music
Block: III
Phone: 540-337-1921
Office Hours: (M-F) 1:20 – 3:16 PM
Course Description:
The Riverheads High School Concert Band is a non-auditioned ensemble. It is open to any student who has previous instrumental experience. The majority of the class focus is on performance and instrument fundamentals; however the student will also be exposed to music history, theory, form, and analysis. Instruction coincides with the VA Music Standards of Learning and the Association for Music Education National Standards.
Required Materials:
Students will be assigned a band folder and performance music which should be brought to class daily. Other band technique, sight reading, and methodology materials will also be distributed and should remain in the student’s band folder. Pencils are required and are the only acceptable writing utensil allowed.
Augusta County Grading Scale:
A+ = 98-100 B+ = 88-89C+ = 78-79 D+ = 68-69F = 50-59
A = 92-97B = 82-87C = 72-77D = 62-67
A - = 90-91B - = 80-81C - = 70-71D - = 60-61
Concert Band Grading Policy:
Grades are based upon the following.
- Written Exams and/or Concerts/Dress Rehearsals (40% of grading period)
- Daily Participation, Individual Student Effort (30% of grading period)
- Scale Tests and Repertoire Exams and/or Listening Quizzes (20% of grading period)
- Classwork/Homework/Practice Charts (10% of grading period)
Written Exams are assessments that are given to determine the student’s comprehension of music fundamentals that are discussed in class. The exams are based on, but are not limited to; music theory, vocabulary, music history, form, and analysis.
Daily Participation and Individual Student Effort includes being actively involved in daily music rehearsals, coming to class prepared and with required materials, practicing music at home for the required number of hours, and abiding by all policies and procedures stated in the RHS Music Department Handbook.
Scale Tests are “pass-off” assessments that are given to determine the student’s comprehension of all of the 12 Major Scales. Percussionists will also be tested on all major scales using mallet instruments. The “pass-off” system works so that students must receive a passing grade on the first scale assigned before moving on to the next.
Repertoire Exams are assessments that are given to determine the student’s comprehension and/or memorization of music that will be performed for concerts and other events. These exams will also include the student’s ability to sight-read basic instrumental melodies.
PRACTICING IS A REQUIREMENT OF THIS COURSE. It takes self-discipline and self-motivation to practice your instrument. It is not easy to acquire the necessary skills for playing an instrument. Our class schedule does not allow us ample time to waste. Once you have the basics down, you will need to practice to improve your skill. I know it is not always easy to get motivated to practice, but start the school year by making it a habit. Here are some tips to make practicing easier and hopefully more fun. Remember that practice does NOT make perfect, it makes permanent. If you practice bad habits, you will have bad habits. As you get older, most problems you will find with your playing can be traced back to bad habits you picked up early in your musical career.
- Find a quiet place where you will not be distracted.
- Purchase a small portable music stand or find something to put your music on that can be adjusted to eye level. You want to sit with proper posture at home just as you would in class.
- Warm up at home just like we do in class. Structure your practice time so that you work on the details of the music, not just a quick run through.
- Challenge yourself to play something that you could not play before. If you do this every day, you will improve very quickly
- Try recording yourself. You will hear many good things, as well as things you missed the first time.
- Keep a positive attitude.
- Have fun. Experiment with different sounds, and explore the possibilities.
- Practice with another member. Play duets, work on band music, or echo each other.
- Play or sing along with recordings or the radio. See if you can figure out your favorite song.
Practice Charts
As a band student, you are expected to learn many responsibilities. One of those is to record and turn in a practice chart each week. The rules for practice charts are as follows:
- Each week, you are responsible for getting your own practice chart.
- Failure to get a practice chart does not exclude you from practicing.
- You are also responsible for turning in your practice chart on the first class day of the week
- Your practice chart MUST have the correct dates written in the space.
- Each week that your practice charts is late; you will lose a letter grade.
- You must practice at least 4 days each week. Any less will be a loss of a letter grade.
- Any practice chart turned in more than 4 weeks late will not be accepted.
- Your practice chart must be completed in pen/pencil.
- Your practice chart must be signed to receive credit – NO EXCEPTIONS
- If you choose not to practice, please write the word “ZERO” in the blank.
- Practice charts completed incorrectly will be returned to the student, and must be turned in by the next class correctly to receive credit.
Concert attendance is mandatory. The concert is the culminating activity of each concert season. Therefore, an exam grade is earned by participating in each concert. Excused absences include serious illness or death in the family. If at all possible, please contact Mr. Harner before the concert call time with an emergency excused absence request.
Please note that every effort is made to avoid VHSL activities. However, if an activity is re-scheduled, the student must participate in the concert to earn their exam grade. Unexcused absence from a concert will result in a zero test grade for the six weeks during which the concert takes place. There will be an alternate written assignment for excused absences.
*Dates are given out far in advance to try and eliminate scheduling issues, however, issues can arise. In the case of a scheduling conflict please try to arrange plans so that students are able to participate in the scheduled events. If you know that you will not be able to resolve a conflict, excuses must be submitted in written form at least 2 weeks prior and will be verified. Acceptance of the excuse is left to the discretion of the director.
Dress Rehearsals:
Dress rehearsals are also mandatory. However, if a dress rehearsal occurs on the evening of an already scheduled VHSL event, the student may choose to participate in either event. In this case, the parent must contact Mr. Harner before the dress rehearsal.
Concert Attire:
Women – Black from the waist down, White from the waste up. Skirts, dress-pants, or dresses are appropriate. Please refrain from large and excessive jewelry. Shoes should be black and dressy. TENNIS SHOES AND/OR JEANS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE
Men – Black from the waist down, White from the waste up. Shirts should have a collar, and a neck-tie is required. Dress-pants/slacks are appropriate. Please refrain from large and excessive jewelry. Shoes should be black and dressy. TENNIS SHOES AND/OR JEANS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.
***Students who do not wear the proper attire to a concert will not be allowed to perform, and will receive an “F” as their overall participation grade. Examples would include: tennis shoes, short skirts, white socks, tank tops, or jeans. ***
A Note to Parents:
Your child is taking on a very challenging but potentially rewarding activity. Your support and encouragement, especially in the early stages, is extremely important. It is not easy to be a band parent. It costs money, involves transporting your child to school outside of the school day, and it can be loud when they are practicing. It is a small price to pay for the pride of seeing your child making beautiful music with his/her peers. Participating in band is a big step in learning responsibility. Please encourage your child to be honest, ethical, and accountable for his/her practice cards and attendance. He/she is required to practice 5 days a week at home, every week of the school year, and keep you informed of upcoming events/rehearsals. There are infinite ways that you can be involved in helping the band program. This year, we will begin the process of building up our music booster organization participation. We will meet once a month to discuss the needs of the music department, ways you can be involved, and ways you can support you students. Your involvement helps us grow and it keeps you informed of your child’s progress.
**Return this page to Mr. Harner**
Handbook Contract
I have read and understand all of the information contained in this handbook. I agree to abide by the classroom rules. I understand the grading policies. I also understand the importance of afterschool rehearsals, outside practice time, and concert obligations that are a requirement for this class.
Please return to Mr. Harner no later than Friday, August 23, 2013
(Turning in this contract will be the first quiz grade of the semester.)
Home Phone NumberCell Phone Number
______@______(dot) ______
Email Address (Print neatly)
Student’s Grade
Parent’s name (please print)
Parent’s signature Date
Student’s name (please print)
Student signature Date
Concert Band – Fall 2013