MUGEN participant’s publications list
(updated 17/06/08)
1: Saner FH, Damink SW, Pavlakovic G, van den Broek MA, Rath PM, Sotiropoulos GC,Radtke A, Canbay A, Paul A, Nadalin S, Malagó M, Broelsch CE.
Pulmonary and Blood Stream Infections in Adult Living Donor and Cadaveric Liver
Transplant Patients.
Transplantation. 2008 Jun 15;85(11):1564-1568.
PMID: 18551060 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
2: Soria NM, Tussiwand R, Ziegler P, Manz MG, Heidenreich O.
Transient depletion of RUNX1/RUNX1T1 by RNA interference delays tumour formation in vivo.
Leukemia. 2008 Jun 12. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
PMID: 18548094 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
3: Holmdahl R.
IL-21 and autoimmune disease - hypothesis and reality?
Eur J Immunol. 2008 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18546147 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
4: Allie N, Alexopoulou L, Quesniaux VJ, Fick L, Kranidioti K, Kollias G, Ryffel
B, Jacobs M.
Protective role of membrane tumour necrosis factor in the host's resistance to
mycobacterial infection.
Immunology. 2008 Jun 9. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18544042 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
5: Galliera E, Corsi MM, Bonecchi R, Locati M, Mantovani A.
Chemokines as pharmacological targets.
Mini Rev Med Chem. 2008 Jul;8(7):638-46.
PMID: 18537719 [PubMed - in process]
6: Parravicini C, Ranghino G, Abbracchio MP, Fantucci P.
GPR17: Molecular modeling and dynamics studies of the 3-D structure and
purinergic ligand binding features in comparison with P2Y receptors.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 Jun 4;9(1):263. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18533035 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
7: Sanchez-Ruiz M, Wilden L, Müller W, Stenzel W, Brunn A, Miletic H, Schlüter D,
Deckert M.
Molecular Mimicry between Neurons and an Intracerebral Pathogen Induces a CD8 T
Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Disease.
J Immunol. 2008 Jun 15;180(12):8421-33.
PMID: 18523310 [PubMed - in process]
8: Rowley MJ, NandakumarKS, Holmdahl R.
The role of collagen antibodies in mediating arthritis.
Mod Rheumatol. 2008 Jun 3. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18521704 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
9: Steinberg MW, Turovskaya O, Shaikh RB, Kim G, McCole DF, Pfeffer K, Murphy KM,Ware CF, Kronenberg M.
A crucial role for HVEM and BTLA in preventing intestinal inflammation.
J Exp Med. 2008 Jun 9;205(6):1463-76. Epub 2008 Jun 2.
PMID: 18519647 [PubMed - in process]
10: van den Broek M, Van den Broeck C.
Chiral brownian heat pump.
Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Apr 4;100(13):130601. Epub 2008 Mar 31.
PMID: 18517927 [PubMed - in process]
11: Lang PA, Contaldo C, Georgiev P, El-Badry AM, Recher M, Kurrer M,
Cervantes-Barragan L, Ludewig B, Calzascia T, Bolinger B, Merkler D, Odermatt B,
Bader M, Graf R, Clavien PA, Hegazy AN, Löhning M, Harris NL, Ohashi PS,
Hengartner H, Zinkernagel RM, LangKS.
Aggravation of viral hepatitis by platelet-derived serotonin.
Nat Med. 2008 May 30. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18516052 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
12: Vetrano S, Rescigno M, Cera MR, Correale C, Rumio C, Doni A, Fantini M, SturmA, Borroni E, Repici A, Locati M, Malesci A, Dejana E, Danese S.
Unique Role of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-A in Maintaining Mucosal Homeostasis
in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Gastroenterology. 2008 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18514073 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
13: Rajewsky K, von Boehmer H.
Lymphocyte development: overview.
Curr Opin Immunol. 2008 Apr;20(2):127-30. Epub 2008 May 29. No abstract
PMID: 18513936 [PubMed - in process]
14: Etzensperger R, McMahon RM, Jones EY, Fugger L.
Dissection of the multiple sclerosis associated DR2 haplotype.
J Autoimmun. 2008 May 29. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18513924 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
15: Bonecchi R, Borroni EM, Savino B, Buracchi C, Mantovani A, Locati M.
Non-signaling chemokine receptors: Mechanism of action and role in vivo.
J Neuroimmunol. 2008 May 28. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18513804 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
16: Jacobi AM, Reiter K, Mackay M, Aranow C, Hiepe F, Radbruch A, Hansen A,
Burmester GR, Diamond B, LipskyPE, Dörner T.
Activated memory B cell subsets correlate with disease activity in systemic lupus
erythematosus: Delineation by expression of CD27, IgD, and CD95.
Arthritis Rheum. 2008 May 31;58(6):1762-1773. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18512812 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
17: Granucci F, Zanoni I.
Role of Toll like receptor-activated dendritic cells in the development of
Front Biosci. 2008 May 1;13:4817-26.
PMID: 18508547 [PubMed - in process]
18: Mandillo S, Tucci V, Holter SM, Meziane H, Al Banchaabouchi M, Kallnik M, LadHV, Nolan PM, Ouagazzal AM, Coghill EL, Gale K, Golini E, Jacquot S, Krezel W,Parker A, Riet F, Schneider I, Marazziti D, Auwerx JH, Brown SD, Chambon P,
Rosenthal N, Tocchini-Valentini G, Wurst W.
Reliability, Robustness and Reproducibility in mouse behavioral phenotyping: a
cross-laboratory study.
Physiol Genomics. 2008 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18505770 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
19: Moncrieffe H, Coles M, Stockinger B.
The influence of CD4 T-cell subsets on control of CD4 T-cell-mediated
graft-versus-host disease.
Immunology. 2008 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18498346 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
20: Brandenburg S, Takahashi T, de la Rosa M, Janke M, Karsten G, Muzzulini T,
Orinska Z, Bulfone-Paus S, Scheffold A.
IL-2 induces in vivo suppression by CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells.
Eur J Immunol. 2008 Jun;38(6):1643-53.
PMID: 18493984 [PubMed - in process]
21: Tripmacher R, Gaber T, Dziurla R, Häupl T, Erekul K, Grützkau A,
Tschirschmann M, Scheffold A, Radbruch A, Burmester GR, Buttgereit F.
Human CD4(+) T cells maintain specific functions even under conditions of
extremely restricted ATP production.
Eur J Immunol. 2008 Jun;38(6):1631-42.
PMID: 18493983 [PubMed - in process]
22: Cañón J, Tupac-Yupanqui I, García-Atance MA, Cortés O, García D, Fernández J,
Dunner S.
Genetic variation within the Lidia bovine breed.
Anim Genet. 2008 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18492131 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
23: O'Garra A, Stockinger B, Veldhoen M.
Differentiation of human T(H)-17 cells does require TGF-beta!
Nat Immunol. 2008 Jun;9(6):588-90. No abstract available.
PMID: 18490908 [PubMed - in process]
24: Meylan E, Tschopp J.
IRAK2 takes its place in TLR signaling.
Nat Immunol. 2008 Jun;9(6):581-2. No abstract available.
PMID: 18490904 [PubMed - in process]
25: Hömig-Hölzel C, Hojer C, Rastelli J, Casola S, Strobl LJ, Müller W,
Quintanilla-Martinez L, Gewies A, Ruland J, Rajewsky K, Zimber-Strobl U.
Constitutive CD40 signaling in B cells selectively activates the noncanonical
NF-kappaB pathway and promotes lymphomagenesis.
J Exp Med. 2008 Jun 9;205(6):1317-29. Epub 2008 May 19.
PMID: 18490492 [PubMed - in process]
26: Kranich J, Krautler NJ, Heinen E, Polymenidou M, Bridel C, Schildknecht A,
Huber C, Kosco-Vilbois MH, Zinkernagel R, Miele G, Aguzzi A.
Follicular dendritic cells control engulfment of apoptotic bodies by secreting
J Exp Med. 2008 Jun 9;205(6):1293-302. Epub 2008 May 19.
PMID: 18490487 [PubMed - in process]
27: Uren AG, Kool J, Matentzoglu K, de Ridder J, Mattison J, van Uitert M,
Lagcher W, Sie D, Tanger E, Cox T, Reinders M, Hubbard TJ, Rogers J, Jonkers J,
Wessels L, Adams DJ, van Lohuizen M, Berns A.
Large-scale mutagenesis in p19(ARF)- and p53-deficient mice identifies cancer
genes and their collaborative networks.
Cell. 2008 May 16;133(4):727-41.
PMID: 18485879 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
28: Baenziger S, Ziegler P, Mazzucchelli L, Bronz L, Speck RF, Manz MG.
Human T cell development and HIV infection in human hemato-lymphoid system mice.
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2008;324:125-31. Review.
PMID: 18481457 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
29: Bonecchi R, Borroni EM, Anselmo A, Doni A, Savino B, Mirolo M, Fabbri M, Jala
VR, Haribabu B, Mantovani A, Locati M.
Regulation of D6 chemokine scavenging activity by ligand and Rab11-dependent
surface upregulation.
Blood. 2008 May 14. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18480427 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
30: Julius C, Heikenwalder M, Schwarz P, Marcel A, Karin M, Prinz M, Pasparakis
M, Aguzzi A.
Prion propagation in mice lacking central nervous system NF-kappaB signalling.
J Gen Virol. 2008 Jun;89(Pt 6):1545-50.
PMID: 18474572 [PubMed - in process]
31: Baldi F, Mantovani A.
A new database for food safety: EDID (Endocrine disrupting chemicals - Diet
Interaction Database).
Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2008;44(1):57-63.
PMID: 18469377 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
32: Kida H, Mucenski ML, Thitoff AR, Le Cras TD, Park KS, Ikegami M, Müller W,
Whitsett JA.
GP130-STAT3 regulates epithelial cell migration and is required for repair of the
bronchiolar epithelium.
Am J Pathol. 2008 Jun;172(6):1542-54. Epub 2008 May 8.
PMID: 18467707 [PubMed - in process]
33: Sica A, Larghi P, Mancino A, Rubino L, Porta C, Totaro MG, Rimoldi M, Biswas
SK, Allavena P, Mantovani A.
Macrophage polarization in tumour progression.
Semin Cancer Biol. 2008 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18467122 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
34: Di Segni G, Gastaldi S, Tocchini-Valentini GP.
Cis- and trans-splicing of mRNAs mediated by tRNA sequences in eukaryotic cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 May 13;105(19):6864-9. Epub 2008 May 5.
PMID: 18458335 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
35: Tarlinton D, Radbruch A, Hiepe F, Dörner T.
Plasma cell differentiation and survival.
Curr Opin Immunol. 2008 Apr;20(2):162-9. Epub 2008 May 2.
PMID: 18456483 [PubMed - in process]
36: Dorsett Y, McBride KM, Jankovic M, Gazumyan A, Thai TH, Robbiani DF, Di
Virgilio M, San-Martin BR, Heidkamp G, Schwickert TA, Eisenreich T, Rajewsky K,
Nussenzweig MC.
MicroRNA-155 suppresses activation-induced cytidine deaminase-mediated Myc-Igh
Immunity. 2008 May;28(5):630-8. Epub 2008 May 1.
PMID: 18455451 [PubMed - in process]
37: Sica A, Allavena P, Mantovani A.
Cancer related inflammation: The macrophage connection.
Cancer Lett. 2008 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18448242 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
38: Sansone SA, Rocca-Serra P, Brandizi M, Brazma A, Field D, Fostel J, Garrow
AG, Gilbert J, Goodsaid F, Hardy N, Jones P, Lister A, Miller M, Morrison N,
Rayner T, Sklyar N, Taylor C, Tong W, Warner G, Wiemann S; Members of the Rsbi
Working Group.
The First RSBI (ISA-TAB) Workshop: "Can a Simple Format Work for Complex
OMICS. 2008 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18447634 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
39: Aitman TJ, Critser JK, Cuppen E, Dominiczak A, Fernandez-Suarez XM, Flint J,
Gauguier D, Geurts AM, Gould M, Harris PC, Holmdahl R, Hubner N, Izsvák Z, Jacob
HJ, Kuramoto T, Kwitek AE, Marrone A, Mashimo T, Moreno C, Mullins J, Mullins L,
Olsson T, Pravenec M, Riley L, Saar K, Serikawa T, Shull JD, Szpirer C, Twigger
SN, Voigt B, Worley K.
Progress and prospects in rat genetics: a community view.
Nat Genet. 2008 May;40(5):516-22. Review.
PMID: 18443588 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
40: Michallet MC, Meylan E, Ermolaeva MA, Vazquez J, Rebsamen M, Curran J, Poeck
H, Bscheider M, Hartmann G, König M, Kalinke U, Pasparakis M, Tschopp J.
TRADD protein is an essential component of the RIG-like helicase antiviral
Immunity. 2008 May;28(5):651-61. Epub 2008 Apr 24.
PMID: 18439848 [PubMed - in process]
41: Apostolaki M, Manoloukos M, Roulis M, Wurbel MA, Müller W, Papadakis KA,
Kontoyiannis DL, Malissen B, Kollias G.
Role of beta7 Integrin and the Chemokine/Chemokine Receptor Pair CCL25/CCR9 in
Modeled TNF-Dependent Crohn's Disease.
Gastroenterology. 2008 Jun;134(7):2025-35. Epub 2008 Mar 5.
PMID: 18439426 [PubMed - in process]
42: Senn O, Russi EW, Schindler C, Imboden M, von Eckardstein A, Brändli O, Zemp
E, Ackermann-Liebrich U, Berger W, Rochat T, Luisetti M, Probst-Hensch NM;
Circulating alpha1-antitrypsin in the general population: determinants and
association with lung function.
Respir Res. 2008 Apr 25;9:35.
PMID: 18439253 [PubMed - in process]
43: Gattorno M, Piccini A, Lasigliè D, Tassi S, Brisca G, Carta S, Delfino L,
Ferlito F, Pelagatti MA, Caroli F, Buoncompagni A, Viola S, Loy A, Sironi M,
Vecchi A, Ravelli A, Martini A, Rubartelli A.
The pattern of response to anti-interleukin-1 treatment distinguishes two subsets
of patients with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Arthritis Rheum. 2008 May;58(5):1505-15.
PMID: 18438814 [PubMed - in process]
44: Giordano F, Carbone P, Nori F, Mantovani A, Taruscio D, Figà-Talamanca I.
Maternal diet and the risk of hypospadias and cryptorchidism in the offspring.
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2008 May;22(3):249-60.
PMID: 18426520 [PubMed - in process]
45: Watanabe H, Gehrke S, Contassot E, Roques S, Tschopp J, Friedmann PS, French
LE, Gaide O.
Danger signaling through the inflammasome acts as a master switch between
tolerance and sensitization.
J Immunol. 2008 May 1;180(9):5826-32.
PMID: 18424701 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
46: Allegretti M, Bertini R, Bizzarri C, Beccari A, Mantovani A, Locati M.
Allosteric inhibitors of chemoattractant receptors: opportunities and pitfalls.
Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2008 Jun;29(6):280-286. Epub 2008 Apr 20.
PMID: 18423629 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
47: Imai Y, Kuba K, Neely GG, Yaghubian-Malhami R, Perkmann T, van Loo G,
Ermolaeva M, Veldhuizen R, Leung YH, Wang H, Liu H, Sun Y, Pasparakis M, Kopf M,
Mech C, Bavari S, Peiris JS, Slutsky AS, Akira S, Hultqvist M, Holmdahl R,
Nicholls J, Jiang C, Binder CJ, Penninger JM.
Identification of oxidative stress and Toll-like receptor 4 signaling as a key
pathway of acute lung injury.
Cell. 2008 Apr 18;133(2):235-49.
PMID: 18423196 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
48: Hamzah J, Jugold M, Kiessling F, Rigby P, Manzur M, Marti HH, Rabie T, Kaden
S, Gröne HJ, Hämmerling GJ, Arnold B, Ganss R.
Vascular normalization in Rgs5-deficient tumours promotes immune destruction.
Nature. 2008 May 15;453(7193):410-4. Epub 2008 Apr 16.
PMID: 18418378 [PubMed - in process]
49: Mingueneau M, Sansoni A, Grégoire C, Roncagalli R, Aguado E, Weiss A,
Malissen M, Malissen B.
The proline-rich sequence of CD3epsilon controls T cell antigen receptor
expression on and signaling potency in preselection CD4+CD8+ thymocytes.
Nat Immunol. 2008 May;9(5):522-32. Epub 2008 Apr 13.
PMID: 18408722 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
50: Kutsch S, Degrandi D, Pfeffer K.
Immediate lymphotoxin beta receptor-mediated transcriptional response in host
defense against L. monocytogenes.
Immunobiology. 2008;213(3-4):353-66. Epub 2007 Dec 31.
PMID: 18406380 [PubMed - in process]
51: Laskarin G, Redzović A, Rubesa Z, Mantovani A, Allavena P, Haller H,
Vlastelić I, Rukavina D.
Decidual natural killer cell tuning by autologous dendritic cells.
Am J Reprod Immunol. 2008 May;59(5):433-45.
PMID: 18405314 [PubMed - in process]
52: Dostert C, Pétrilli V, Van Bruggen R, Steele C, Mossman BT, Tschopp J.
Innate immune activation through Nalp3 inflammasome sensing of asbestos and
Science. 2008 May 2;320(5876):674-7. Epub 2008 Apr 10.
PMID: 18403674 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
53: Kresse A, Konermann C, Degrandi D, Beuter-Gunia C, Wuerthner J, Pfeffer K,
Beer S.
Analyses of murine GBP homology clusters based on in silico, in vitro and in vivo
BMC Genomics. 2008 Apr 10;9:158.
PMID: 18402675 [PubMed - in process]
54: Onai N, Manz MG.
The STATs on dendritic cell development.
Immunity. 2008 Apr;28(4):490-2. Review.
PMID: 18400192 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
55: Hamzah J, Nelson D, Moldenhauer G, Arnold B, Hämmerling GJ, Ganss R.
Vascular targeting of anti-CD40 antibodies and IL-2 into autochthonous tumors
enhances immunotherapy in mice.
J Clin Invest. 2008 May;118(5):1691-9.
PMID: 18398504 [PubMed - in process]
56: Berns A.
A tRNA with oncogenic capacity.
Cell. 2008 Apr 4;133(1):29-30.
PMID: 18394985 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
57: Schippers A, Mateika S, Prochnow B, Gruber AD, Müller W, Frischmann U.
Susceptibility of four inbred mouse strains to a low-pathogenic isolate of
Yersinia enterocolitica.
Mamm Genome. 2008 Apr;19(4):279-91. Epub 2008 Apr 5.
PMID: 18392655 [PubMed - in process]
58: Almendral J, Arribas F, Wolpert C, Ricci R, Adragao P, Cobo E, Navarro X,
Quesada A; DATAS Steering Committee; DATAS Writing Committee; DATAS
Dual-chamber defibrillators reduce clinically significant adverse events compared
with single-chamber devices: results from the DATAS (Dual chamber and Atrial
Tachyarrhythmias Adverse events Study) trial.
Europace. 2008 May;10(5):528-35. Epub 2008 Apr 7.
PMID: 18390985 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
59: Wang H, Kess D, Lindqvist AK, Peters T, Sindrilaru A, Wlaschek M, Blakytny R,
Holmdahl R, Scharffetter-Kochanek K.
A 9-centimorgan interval of chromosome 10 controls the T cell-dependent
psoriasiform skin disease and arthritis in a murine psoriasis model.
J Immunol. 2008 Apr 15;180(8):5520-9.
PMID: 18390736 [PubMed - in process]
60: Manolova V, Flace A, Bauer M, Schwarz K, Saudan P, Bachmann MF.
Nanoparticles target distinct dendritic cell populations according to their size.
Eur J Immunol. 2008 May;38(5):1404-13.
PMID: 18389478 [PubMed - in process]
61: Caccia M, Sironi L, Collini M, Chirico G, Zanoni I, Granucci F.
Image filtering for two-photon deep imaging of lymphonodes.
Eur Biophys J. 2008 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18389230 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
62: Luckashenak N, Schroeder S, Endt K, Schmidt D, Mahnke K, Bachmann MF, Marconi
P, DeegCA, Brocker T.
Constitutive crosspresentation of tissue antigens by dendritic cells controls
CD8+ T cell tolerance in vivo.
Immunity. 2008 Apr;28(4):521-32.
PMID: 18387832 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
63: Rubtsov YP, Rasmussen JP, Chi EY, Fontenot J, Castelli L, Ye X, Treuting P,
Siewe L, Roers A, Henderson WR Jr, Muller W, Rudensky AY.
Regulatory T cell-derived interleukin-10 limits inflammation at environmental
Immunity. 2008 Apr;28(4):546-58.
PMID: 18387831 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
64: Biesen R, Demir C, Barkhudarova F, Grün JR, Steinbrich-Zöllner M, Backhaus M,
Häupl T, Rudwaleit M, Riemekasten G, Radbruch A, Hiepe F, Burmester GR, Grützkau
Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 1 expression in inflammatory and resident
monocytes is a potential biomarker for monitoring disease activity and success of
therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Apr;58(4):1136-45.
PMID: 18383365 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
65: Sudarman E, Bollati-Fogolín M, Hafner M, Müller W, Scheller J, Rose-John S,
Eichler J.
Synthetic mimetics of the gp130 binding site for viral interleukin-6 as
inhibitors of the vIL-6-gp130 interaction.
Chem Biol Drug Des. 2008 May;71(5):494-500. Epub 2008 Mar 25.
PMID: 18373551 [PubMed - in process]
66: von Allmen CE, Bauer M, Dietmeier K, Buser RB, Gwerder M, Muntwiler S,
Utzinger S, Saudan P, Bachmann MF, Beerli RR.
Identification of Ly-6K as a novel marker for mouse plasma cells.
Mol Immunol. 2008 May;45(10):2727-33. Epub 2008 Mar 26.
PMID: 18372042 [PubMed - in process]
67: Celli S, Breart B, Bousso P.
Intravital two-photon imaging of natural killer cells and dendritic cells in
lymph nodes.
Methods Mol Biol. 2008;415:119-26.
PMID: 18370151 [PubMed - in process]
68: Allavena P, Sica A, Garlanda C, Mantovani A.
The Yin-Yang of tumor-associated macrophages in neoplastic progression and immune
Immunol Rev. 2008 Apr;222:155-61.
PMID: 18364000 [PubMed - in process]
69: Veldhoen M, Hirota K, Westendorf AM, Buer J, Dumoutier L, Renauld JC,
Stockinger B.
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor links TH17-cell-mediated autoimmunity to
environmental toxins.
Nature. 2008 May 1;453(7191):106-9. Epub 2008 Mar 23.
PMID: 18362914 [PubMed - in process]
70: Du R, Petritsch C, Lu K, Liu P, Haller A, Ganss R, Song H, Vandenberg S,
Bergers G.
Matrix metalloproteinase-2 regulates vascular patterning and growth affecting
tumor cell survival and invasion in GBM.
Neuro Oncol. 2008 Mar 21. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18359864 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
71: Breart B, Lemaître F, Celli S, Bousso P.
Two-photon imaging of intratumoral CD8+ T cell cytotoxic activity during adoptive
T cell therapy in mice.
J Clin Invest. 2008 Apr;118(4):1390-7.
PMID: 18357341 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
72: de Lalla C, Festuccia N, Albrecht I, Chang HD, Andolfi G, Benninghoff U,
Bombelli F, Borsellino G, Aiuti A, Radbruch A, Dellabona P, Casorati G.
Innate-like effector differentiation of human invariant NKT cells driven by IL-7.
J Immunol. 2008 Apr 1;180(7):4415-24.
PMID: 18354162 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
73: Ferrera D, Panigada M, Porcellini S, Grassi F.
Recombinase-deficient T cell development by selective accumulation of CD3 into
lipid rafts.
Eur J Immunol. 2008 Apr;38(4):1148-56.
PMID: 18350545 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
74: Hultqvist M, NandakumarKS, Björklund U, Holmdahl R.
The novel small molecule drug Rabeximod is effective in reducing disease severity
of mouse models of autoimmune disorders.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 18347009 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
75: Autelitano L, Rabbiosi D, Mantovani A, Ghelma F.
Transthoracic hernia after harvesting a costal and latissimus dorsi flap.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Jun;37(6):584-6. Epub 2008 Mar 12.
PMID: 18339520 [PubMed - in process]
76: Anthenelli RM, Blom TJ, McElroy SL, KeckPE Jr.
Preliminary evidence for gender-specific effects of topiramate as a potential aid
to smoking cessation.
Addiction. 2008 Apr;103(4):687-94.
PMID: 18339115 [PubMed - in process]
77: Koralov SB, Muljo SA, Galler GR, Krek A, Chakraborty T, Kanellopoulou C,
Jensen K, Cobb BS, Merkenschlager M, Rajewsky N, Rajewsky K.
Dicer ablation affects antibody diversity and cell survival in the B lymphocyte
Cell. 2008 Mar 7;132(5):860-74.
PMID: 18329371 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
78: Tissot AC, Maurer P, Nussberger J, Sabat R, Pfister T, Ignatenko S, Volk HD,
Stocker H, Müller P, Jennings GT, Wagner F, Bachmann MF.
Effect of immunisation against angiotensin II with CYT006-AngQb on ambulatory
blood pressure: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase IIa study.
Lancet. 2008 Mar 8;371(9615):821-7.
PMID: 18328929 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
79: NandakumarKS, Holmdahl R.
Therapeutic cleavage of IgG: new avenues for treating inflammation.
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