EOI –Classroom Teacher–Campsie PS

Full Time Temporary Classroom Teacher Position atCampsie Public School, Terms Two and Three, 2017.


Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified applicants who are willing to take up a temporary full time classroom teacher position on a stage two class at Campsie Public School in terms two and three, 2017.

School Context

Campsie Public School, with a K–6 enrolment of 765 students, is a proud multicultural community in the inner west of the Sydney metropolitan area. The school is in the CBD of Campsie, adjacent to local shops and facilities. A wide range of public transport options are available enabling families to easily travel to and from school and workplaces. 98% of our students come from over 60 language backgrounds other than English. Our school timetable ensures a wide curriculum choice including languages, the arts and physical education, as well as prioritising the literacy ad numeracy needs of all students through effective curriculum differentiation (K-6). Campsie PS hosts the only Korean Bilingual program in NSW, also offering three additional community languages, as well as five other languages offered for study as a LOTE or through a club. The majority of students study a language other than English and some students study more than one. The school site is a small one and, as a result, the school utilises local facilities and operates lunch breaks on a rotating timetable to allow access to play areas, facilitating safe, regular physical activity. We utilise specialist staff to provide high quality educational and co-curricular programs. Campsie Public School has strong community support including a small but active P&C. There is an onsite Out of School Hours centre that provides quality care for students before and after school, as well as during school holidays. The school has strong links to community groups including the Salvation Army, Campsie RSL and a playgroup which operates within the school. The school is used for a wide range of activities outside school hours, including martial arts, language classes and church groups.

Position Criteria

1.Approval to teach K-6 and a demonstrated ability to develop high quality, differentiated teaching and learning programs in English and Mathematics, as well as through integrated units of work across all key learning areas.

2.Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to work collaboratively and build positive relationships with students, staff and community.

3.Ability to foster and promote inclusive, safe and effective learning environments with an emphasis on building positive partnerships to engage the wellbeing of students.

4.Understanding of the importance of the languages programs at Campsie Public School and the demonstrated capacity to engage with an aspirational multicultural community.

5.Demonstrated skills and experience to support the wide range of high quality extra-curricular activities.


Interested applicants are invited to submit an Expression of Interest outlining relevant experience and abilities that should not exceed two pages. Please ensure you include the names of two referees who are familiar with you and are able to discuss your professional abilities and suitability for the position. Your first referee is to be the Principal if you have had casual or temporary work within the last 1-2 years and can support your application. Applicants will be required to attend an interview.

Applications should beemailedtoMrs Joanna French, Principal, Campsie Public School at by4pm Wednesday 29 March 2017.