Primer Walking

For DNA sequence analysis of a template/region that is larger than the average read length obtained with our Long-Read Sequencing service, our Sequencing group offers sequencing of one or both strands of your insert/PCR amplicon or of the entire plasmid.

Our primer walking service includes:

· Design and synthesis of specific primers

· Single- or double-stranded sequencing

· Editing and assembly of the sequence data

· Comparison to known reference sequence (if available)

· Manual Blastn analysis (upon special request only)

· Free storage of template DNA and primers for three months

· Email notification upon project completion, with data output attached

· Turnaround time: 2 kb within 6-10 working days

Please note:

The availability of a reference sequence will accelerate the project as it enables us to define multiple

primers right from the beginning of the project .

Projects may be delayed or impossible to complete if submitted template contains a heterogeneous

(mixed) population, significant contamination, or repetitive regions over 1.5 kb.

Upon completion of your project, the following data will be provided:

· A Consensus sequence (FASTA format) based on the edited assembly of all sequences

· All raw (unedited) chromatogram files (the output of the ABI sequencing platform)

· Additional files generated by Sequencher (*.SPF project file, assembly summary, restriction map, variance table (only if discrepancies between reference sequence and consensus))

To ensure efficient processing of your order, please review our requirements for sample submission.

Since service costs can vary due to project specifications as well as specific intrinsic features of the DNA sequence, all primer walking projects are handled as custom sequencing projects. Prior to sample submission, please contact us to discuss your project with our specialists and to inquire about pricing.

Note for Tristan and Amy:

“Contact us”:

Email window opens up: Primary recipients: Amy Avery and Daniel Collette

Cc: Nicole Stange-Thomann