Enterprise Online Payment Solution
Release Date: April 5, 2017
ProposalResponse Due Date: 4p.m.CDT,May 17, 2017
Table of Contents
2.Instruction to Proposers
2.1General Rules
2.6County’sRight to Withdraw, Cancel,Suspendand/orModify RFP
2.7Proposer’sRight to Withdrawor ModifyProposal
2.8Proposals Will Not BeReturned
2.9Public Disclosure ofProposalDocuments
2.12Conflict ofInterest
3.Attachment 1- Business and Technical Requirements
4.Attachment 2 - Cost Proposal Worksheet
5.Proposal Format and Content
6.Evaluation and Selection
6.1Proposal Evaluation and Recommendation forSelection
6.3EvaluationPanel and EvaluationCriteria
6.5Execution ofContract
7.Other Attachments
Attachment 3 – Proposal Content and Format
Attachment 4 –Sample Software and Services Agreement
Attachment 5 –Web Governance & Standards Document
The County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota (“County”) is soliciting proposals from vendors with proven experience in implementing an Enterprise Online Payment Solution. To be considered for this project vendors must be able to commit key staff with proven experience in implementing an online payment solution.
TheCountywants to standardize and streamline an online payment solution on the Hennepin County website.The scopeofthisRequestforProposals(“RFP”)islimited tothe purchasingonline payment solution(the“Online Payment Solution Project”),butitmustbe implementedwithotherprojects in mind.
Please be aware that simultaneous with the release of this RFP, the County is analyzing whether the Enterprise Online Payment project can be completed in-house using County resources. The County will carefully review the proposals submitted in response to this RFP and then determine whether to hire a vendor for the project or complete it in-house using County resources.
The following is a list of minimum technical and functional requirements that must be met for the online payment solution:
- Ability to accept credit/debit cards or electronic checks (e-checks)
- Compliant with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards, and provide data encryption
- Hennepin County infrastructure (server, network, etc.) must be out of scope for PCI certification
- Available 24x7
- Has ability to run on mobile devices
- Ability to work with Elavon, the County’s preferred credit card processor
- Ability to integrate with several Hennepin County back-end systems, including but not limited to, (PeopleSoft, Xerox’s Land Records Management Software (LRMS), and iNovah (end-to-end revenue management solution))
- Ability to process convenience fee and non-convenience fee transactions
- Must comply with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) section 508 compliance
- Data must be stored and processed only within the U.S.
- A solution that will have a consistent look and feel, amongst all lines of business
- Intuitive and easy for residents and vendors to use, thereby minimizing staff overhead for training and help-desk functions
- An asset to the county and does not create additional work and/ or need additional head count to handle processing and reconciliation of online payments
About Hennepin County
Hennepin County is the largest of Minnesota's 87 counties in terms of population, budget and estimated market value. Incorporated in 1852, the County forms part of one of the nation's major metropolitan areas with Minneapolis as its largest city. The County Board of Commissioners consists of seven (7) members elected by district. The County Administrator is appointed by the County Board and is responsible for carrying out the policies and resolutions of the Board of Commissioners, for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the County, and for appointing the heads of the County's departments. The County’s 2017 operating budget is $1.94 billion and the County has 8467budgeted FTE’s.
2.Instruction to Proposers
2.1General Rules
ThisRequestfor Proposals ("RFP") is aninvitationfor Proposers to submit a proposal to theCounty.It is not to be construedasanofficialandcustomaryrequestfor bids, but as a meansbywhich theCountycan facilitatethe acquisition of informationrelated tothepurchase of services.Anyproposal submittedasprovidedherein constitutes a suggestion to negotiate andNOTABID.
April 5, 2017Release ofRFP
April 18, 2017Closingdate forallquestions,Noon, CDT
May 17, 2017Proposals Due, 4pm, CDT
These datesare subject to revision or cancellationbytheCountyin its sole andabsolutediscretion.
Submit an original and five (5) paper copies of the proposal (the original proposal should be clearly identified) and one (1) electronic copy of the proposal on a flash drive. Address it to:
Enterprise Online Payment Solution RFP
Henry Schulteis, Manager of Strategic Procurements
Hennepin County Purchasing and Contract Services
300 6th Street South
A-1730 Government Center
Minneapolis MN55487
Proposals must be received no later than May 17, 2017 by 4:00 p.m. Central Time.Faxed and e-mailed copies will not be accepted. Failure to submit a proposal on time may be grounds for rejection of the proposal; however, the County reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to accept proposals after the time and date specified. The County is not responsible for delays caused by the U.S. Postal Service or any other carrier or delivery service.
Inquiries concerning this RFP should be submitted as follows, in writing via e-mail:
Subject:Enterprise Online Payment Solution RFP
Henry Schulteis, Manager of Strategic Procurements
Hennepin County Purchasing and Contract Services
Copy to:
Lynn Denne
Office of Budget and Finance
Project Manager
Phonecallsare notaccepted.
Emailed questions are typically answered in an addenda that is provided to all Proposers known to have received a copy of the RFP and posted on the County’s contract opportunities web page.
Proposersmaynot havecommunications,verbalor otherwise,concerning this RFPwith anypersonnel orboards fromHennepin Countyor relevantconsultant(s),other than the personslisted in this section.Thisrestrictionmaybesuspended or removedbytheauthorityanddirection ofthepersons listedabove.If anyProposer attempts or completesanyunauthorizedcommunication,Hennepin Countymay, in its sole andabsolute discretion,reject the Proposer’sproposal.
The Countyreserves theright to modifythe RFPatanytime prior to theproposal due date.IftheRFP is modified (or questions answered as indicated above), addendato the RFPwill beprovided to allProposersknown to have receivedacopyofthe RFPand posted on the County’s contract opportunities web page. It is theresponsibilityof eachprospective Proposer to assure receipt of alladdenda.
The Countywill modifythe RFP onlybyformalwrittenaddenda. Proposer’s proposal should bebased on the specificationshereinandanyformalwrittenaddendafrom theCounty, not oral orother interpretations or clarifications, includingthose occurringatpre-Proposalmeetings, sitevisits, etc.
2.6County’sRight to Withdraw, Cancel,Suspendand/orModify RFP
The Countyreserves theright to withdraw,cancel, suspend,and/or modifythis RFPfor anyreasonandatanytimewith no liabilityto anyprospective Proposerfor anycosts or expensesincurred in connection with the RFP or otherwise.
2.7Proposer’sRight to Withdrawor ModifyProposal
A proposalmaybe withdrawn on writtenrequestofthe Proposer prior to the proposal duedate.Prior to the proposal duedate,changesmaybemade, provided the change issubmitted in writingandsignedbyanofficeror authorizedrepresentative ofthe Proposer.Nomodification,unless inwriting,will be accepted.
2.8Proposals Will Not BeReturned
Upon submission, proposalswill not be returned.
2.9Public Disclosure ofProposalDocuments
Under Minnesota law, proposals are private and nonpublicuntil the proposalsare opened on theproposal due date.Once the proposals areopened,the name oftheProposerbecomespublic.Allother data in theproposal is private ornonpublicdatauntil completion ofthe evaluationprocess.The evaluationprocess iscompletedwhen theCountyenters into a contractwith a Proposer.Atthattime,allremainingdata submittedbyallProposers is public with theexception of dataexemptedunder Minn. Stat.Section 13.37 oftheMinnesota GovernmentData PracticesAct.
Ifthe Proposer believes non-public data is included in its proposal,Proposer shall clearlyidentifythedata andcitethe Minnesota GovernmentData PracticesAct exemption(s). However,the Proposer agrees,as acondition ofsubmittinga proposal, theCountywill not be liable oraccountable for anyloss or damage which mayresult from a breach of confidentiality,asmayberelated to theproposal. Pricing,fees,andcosts arepublic data.
TheProposeragrees toindemnifyand hold theCounty, itsofficials,agents,and employeesharmlessfromallclaimsarisingoutof,resultingfrom, orin anymannerattributabletoanyviolation ofanyprovision oftheMinnesotaGovernmentData PracticesAct,includinglegalfees anddisbursementspaid orincurredtoenforcethisprovision.
TheCountyshallnotberesponsibleforanycostsincurred byProposerinconnection withthisRFP.Proposershallbearallcostsassociatedwithproposalpreparation,submission, andattendanceatpresentationinterviews,oranyotheractivityassociated withthisRFP orotherwise.
IftheCountydeterminesthatcollusionhasoccurred amongProposers, noneofthe Proposals ofthe participants in such collusion shall be considered.The County’sdeterminationshall be final.
2.12Conflict ofInterest
The Proposer affirms that, to the best ofits knowledge, its proposaldoes not present a conflict ofinterestwithanypartyorentity,whichmaybe affectedbytheterms ofa contract resultingfromthis RFP.The Proposer agreesthat, should anyconflict or potentialconflict of interestbecomeknown, it willimmediatelynotifytheCountyofthe conflict or potentialconflict,andwilladvisetheCountywhether it will or will not resignfrom the other engagement orrepresentation.
Further, theCountymaymake reasonableeffortstoavoid,mitigate, orneutralize anorganizationalconflict ofinterestbya Proposer inallcompetitive procurements.Toavoidanorganizationalconflict ofinterestbya Proposer, theCountymayutilize methodsincludingdisqualifyingaProposerfromeligibilityfor acontractaward orcancelingthe contract iftheconflict is discoveredafter a contract has been issued. To mitigate or neutralize an organizational conflict of interest by a Proposer, the County may use methods such as revising the scope of work to be conducted, allowing Proposers to propose the exclusion of task areas that create a conflict, or providing information to all Proposers to assure that all facts are known to all Proposers. The County may, at its sole and absolute discretion, waive any conflict of interest.
3.Attachment 1- Business and Technical Requirements
See below Attachment 1 – Business and Technical Requirements
4.Attachment 2 - Cost ProposalWorksheet
Proposers must follow the formatandcontentrequirements as described in the below Attachment 2 – Cost Proposal Worksheet
Use the attachment as a guideline and remove or add any relevant cost category as needed. Please include costs for all subscription fees, professional services and travel expenses that are relevant for implementation and support for the proposed solution. If providing cost information on a separate page, please ensure that all requested information is provided in a similar format.
5.Proposal Format and Content
Proposers must follow the formatandcontentrequirementsattachedasAttachment 3 – Proposal Format and Contentwhensubmittingproposals.
6.Evaluation and Selection
6.1Proposal Evaluation and Recommendation forSelection
The RFPdoes not commit theCountytoaward a contract. Submission ofa proposalasprovidedhereinshallneither obligatenor entitle aProposerto enter into a contract with the County. TheCounty, reserves thefollowingrights, to be exercised in the County’s soleandabsolutediscretion: 1)to determine whether anyaspect ofaproposalsatisfactorilymeets thecriteria established in this RFP;2)to seekclarification oradditionalinformation from anyProposer(s);3)to negotiate, sequentiallyor simultaneously, pricing and/or termswith anyProposer(s) orvendor (s) that did not submit a proposal; 4)to rejectanyorallproposalswith or withoutcause; 5)to waiveanyirregularities or informalities in a proposal; 6)to canceland/or amend byaddenda this RFP, in partor entirely;and 7)to award multiple contracts toProposersand/or vendors that did not submit a proposal.
Evaluation of proposalsbya selectioncommittee,evaluationpanel, Countystaff, a technicaladvisorycommittee, orbyanothergroup, individual orentityis advisoryonly.The CountyBoardorits designee mayconsideror rejectsuchevaluation(s) foranyorall proposals.Suchevaluations are for thesole benefit oftheCountyBoardorits designee, and assuch, theyarenotbindingupon the County,normaytheybe reliedupon in anywaybya Proposer.
The Countywillconsiderall the materialsubmittedbytheProposerto determine whether theProposer’soffer is in compliance with the termsandconditionssetforth in this RFP.Responsesthat do not complywith the provisions in this RFPmaybe considered nonresponsive andmayberejected.
6.3EvaluationPanel and EvaluationCriteria
After review of each responsive proposal, the County may immediately award a contract to a successful Proposer based on the evaluation criteria, or it may establish a short list of Proposers for further consideration. The short list of Proposers may be asked to provide additional information and/or attend an in-person or telephone interview and/or demonstration, as determined by the County in its sole discretion.
Evaluation factors shall include the following in order of importance:
1.The quality of the proposal including, without limitation, Proposer’s:
- solution to the requirements in this RFP, including the quality of Proposer’s products and services to be used for implementing the solution
- completeness in addressing and meeting the requirements of this RFP, specifically in Section 1.1. above and in Attachment 1;
- following the format and content requirements attached as Attachment 3
- acceptance of the County’s Terms and Conditions (Attachment 4)
2.The experience and qualifications of the Proposer including, without limitation, Proposer’s:
- successful completion of similar projects
- experience of proposed staff
- references on projects, preferably for public entities similar in scope, size, and requirements to Hennepin County
The County will consider the trade-off between proposal price and the other evaluation factors in determining the proposal which is most advantageous to the County.
The Countyreserves theright to request additional informationfromProposers duringanyphaseofthe proposalevaluationprocess.Duringtheevaluationprocess, theCountymayrequire thepresence ofaProposertomake a presentation and/or answer specificquestionsregardingtheirproposal.Anyrequest fora presentationwill be given at a later date with no less than a 10 day notice.
6.5Execution ofContract
Before acontractbecomeseffective between theCountyandanyProposer, the contractawardmust be ratifiedand signed bytheCountyBoardorits designee.Iffor anyreason theCountyBoardorits designee does not ratifyandsign the contractthen therearenobindingobligationswhatsoever between theCountyand theProposerrelative to the proposedcontract.
7.Other Attachments
Attachment 1 – Business and TechnicalRequirements
Attachment 2 – Cost Proposal Worksheet
Attachment 3 – ProposalFormatandContent
Attachment 4 – Sample SoftwareandServicesAgreement
Attachment 5 – Web Governance and Standards
Attachment 3 – Proposal Content and Format
Enterprise Online Payment Solution proposalsmustadhere to thefollowingformat and includethe requiredcontent. BysubmittingyourProposalyouagree toprovide theCounty with twoyears of auditedfinancial reports, upon request.
Proposal Format
Part 1
Part 2
Section I.ExecutiveSummary
Section II.Project Plan
Section III.ProposerReferences
Section IV.Attachment 1 - Business and Technical Requirements
SectionV.Objections to County’s Terms and Conditions, Attachment 4, if any
Part 3
Section VI:Attachment 2 – Cost Proposal
Proposal Required Content
Part 1
►Transmittal Letter
TheProposer must submit a signedTransmittalLetter that includesthe items below:
a)A statementthat confirms the proposal is in responseto theEnterprise Online Payment Solution RFP;
b)Proposer’slegal name and anyother name underwhich the Proposer does business;mailingaddress;name and titleof individual who will sign the contract; name andtitleof thecompanycontactperson(if different);
c)A statementthat theindividual who signs theTransmittal Letter is authorized tocommit the company;
d)A statementthat theproposal is effective forsix(6)months from theproposal duedate;
e)A guarantee that prices quoted in the proposal were established without collusion with otherProposersandwithout effort to precludeHennepin Countyfromobtaining the best possible competitiveprice;
f)Acknowledgementthat the Proposerhasread thisRFP and any subsequentamendments/addendum;
g)A statement confirmingthat the Proposerhasreviewedandagrees to be bound bytheHennepin County Terms and Conditions (Attachment 4) or, alternatively, Proposer has identified contract provisions that may require negotiation;
h)A statement indicatingwhetheror not theProposer oranyindividual workingon theproposalhas apossible conflict of interest; and
i)A statement identifying all subcontractors and joint venture partners.
Part 2
►Section 1: Executive Summary
TheExecutive Summary,which must not exceed three (3)pages, must provide anoverview ofthe Proposer’sproposed solutionandbestrictlybased upon theRFP requirements outlined in Attachment 1. Proposers are encouragedto highlight those factors that theybelievedistinguish their solution from those of their competitors.
At a minimum, the Executive Summary will:
- Provide a brief company profile, includingsize, organizationalstructure, andhistory;
- A brief overview of your solution, including implementation timeframe, contingencies, and required county resources;
- State whether you’re offering a turnkey solution (strongly preferred by the County), and identify subcontractors, as necessary;
- Ability to meet or exceed the RFP business and technical requirements outlined in Attachment 1;
- Identification of any requirements that cannot be met and provide alternative solutions, as necessary; and
- Answer these additionalquestionsregardingtheproposed price:
- Is thereanenterprise-wide vs. departmental/line ofbusinessrate?
- Describewhat is includedin implementationservices?
►Section II: Project Plan
The Project will begin in the fall of 2017. Provide a Microsoft Project Plan Work Breakdown Structure level 2 including tasks, duration, estimated start and finish dates as well as responsibilities. The Project Plan must be in Microsoft Project 2013 and shall include the following deliverables / milestones and others as appropriate.
Deliverable– MilestonePreliminary Design Review
Critical Design Review
Test Plan Review
Test Readiness Review (QA)
System Test Review (Stage)
Operational Readiness (Production) Review
Go Live
►Section III: Proposer References
Provide three (3) referencesforwhom the Proposer has provided servicessimilar to thosedescribed in the Business and Technical Requirements.IfProposer will beusing a subcontractor, three references must beprovided for thesubcontractor aswell.The Countyreservestheright to checkotherreferences not providedbythe Proposer.Thefollowinginformation is required for eachreference:
i.Customer name and address
ii.Point of contact(name, telephonenumber, email) forcontractual/administrativemattersandtechnicalperformance
iii.Period of contractperformance
iv.Description of workperformed
Referenceswhich aregovernmentalorganizations of similar size and complexity to the County are preferred.The Countymayrequest additionalreferencesfromProposer andmayconsider Proposer’s pastperformance for entities not listed as a reference. .
Please notify allreferences submitted thatHennepin County may be contacting them fora reference interview.
►Section IV: Response to County’s Business and Technical Requirements
Please provide responses in the excel spreadsheet – Attachment 1 Business and Technical Requirements; however, if additional space is needed feel free to provide your response in a word document and reference the requirement number.
Attach the excel spreadsheet – Attachment 1 Business and Technical Requirements.
►Section V: Objections to County’s terms and conditions (if any)
If Proposer takes exception to any clause in the Hennepin County Terms and Conditions (Attachment 4), Proposer shall identified the clause that may require negotiation. Nevertheless, the County reserves the right to require compliance with these Terms and Conditions and to negotiate final terms, conditions, and requirements with the successful Proposer, at the County’s discretion.
Part 3
►Section VI: Cost Proposal
Attach the excel spreadsheet – Attachment 2 Cost Proposal Worksheet.
Attachment 4 –Sample Software and Services Agreement
Attachment 5 –Web Governance & Standards Document