Background Questionnaire
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. This information helps me to better understand you asa complete person. With that knowledge, the test findings can be more accurately interpreted.
Demographic Data
Date of birth: ______Age: ______Gender: Male Female
Home Address:______
Employer/School: ______
Occupation: ______
Education level: ______
Phone: Home:______Work:______
Cell: ______E-Mail:______
Can I leave a personal message? ______
Current Marital/Relationship Status ______
If divorced or separated, when did this occur? ______
If widowed, when did this occur? ______
Do you have any children? Yes No
If so, please list their names, genders, and ages below:
If divorced with children, what is the custody agreement? ______
List all people living in your household including Name, Age, and Relationship:
Recent family stressors (deaths, births, moves, job loss, etc.):
Dominant language spoken in the home: ______
Other languages spoken in the home: ______
Name of primary care physician: ______
Name of other significant health care providers: ______
Who referred you?______
Are you seeking assistance with a court case? Yes No
Have you been or are you currently involved in any legal proceedings or pursuits?
Yes No
If so, please explain: ______
Family of Origin History
Father’s Name: ______Age: ______
Occupation:______Deceased? Yes No
Mother’s Name: ______Age: ______
Occupation: ______Deceased? Yes No
Marital status of parents: ______
If separated or divorced, how old were you when the separation occurred? ______
If divorced, was the divorce amicable? ______
If divorced, what was the custody arrangement? ______
List all brothers, sisters or other significant people living outside the household:
Have you ever been abused (emotionally, physically, or sexually)? Yes No
If yes, please explain: ______
How were you disciplined as a child? ______
How would you describe your childhood and your relationship with the members of your family of origin? ______
Presenting Problem:
Briefly describe your current difficulties and/or concerns:______
How long has this problem been of concern to you?______
When was this problem first noticed?______
In your opinion, what is the major cause of these difficulties? ______
Have you ever received evaluation or treatment for the current problem or for similar
problems? Yes No
If yes, when and with whom? ______
Have you been in therapy at any time? Yes No
If yes, when and with whom? ______
Is abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs an issue for you? Yes No
If yes, please explain: ______
Are you being treated for a medical illness? Yes No
If yes, for what condition are you being treated? ______
Are you on any medications at this time? Yes No
If yes, please fill out the chart below:
Medication: Dosage: Reason for medicine:
Social and Behavioral Checklist:
Place a check next to any behavior or problem that you recall having as a child:
Difficulty with hearing
Difficulty with vision
Difficulty with coordination
Difficulty with balance
Difficulty making friends
Difficulty keeping friends
Preferred to be alone
Did not get along well with brothers/sisters
Fought verbally with adults
Mood swings
Aggressive behavior (describe)
Withdrawn behavior (describe)
Clinging to others
Low energy
More interested in things (objects) than people
Engaged in behavior that could be dangerous to self or others (describe)
Broke objects deliberately
Lied frequently (describe)
Stole (describe)
Self injury
Running away
Low self-esteem
Blaming others for troubles
Is argumentative
Did not show feelings
Frequent crying spells
Had unusual or special fears, habits, or mannerisms (describe)
Bed wetting
Temper problems
Sleeping problems
Rocking or head banging
Poor appetite
Eating disorder
Poor bowel control
Overly talkative
Worrying too much
Risky behavior
Excessive guilt
Learning disabilities
Repetitive behavior (e.g. Hand flapping, wheel spinning)
Tics or twitches
Constantly seeking attention
Nervousness and anxiety
Overly suspicious of other people
Feeling sad or unhappy often
Suicidal thoughts
Poor attention span
Poor memory
Setting fires
Fearful of new situations
Used illegal drugs (describe)
Used alcohol
Sexually provocative behavior
Anxiety when separated from parents
Anxiety about going to school
Compulsion about cleanliness – wanting to wash or feeling dirty all the time
Other Problems (describe)
Academic History:
How were your grades? (Please indicate below):
Elementary: ______
Middle School: ______
High School: ______
College: ______
What subjects were you good in? ______
What subjects were difficult for you? ______
Were you in any special education classes? Yes No
If yes, what type of class? ______
Were you held back in a grade? Yes No
If yes, what grade and why? ______
Were you in honors or advanced classes? ______
Did you receive special tutoring or therapy in school? Yes No
If yes, please describe: ______
Did you ever receive special tutoring or therapy outside of school? Yes No
If yes, please describe: ______
Did you like school? Yes No
Birth History:
Are you adopted? Yes No
If so, please list what you know about your birth parents: ______
Were there any problems during your mother’s pregnancy with you? Yes No
If yes, please describe:______
Were you exposed to any problematic substances in utero (e.g. medications,
drugs, alcohol, X-rays, chemicals, etc)? Yes No
Details: ______
The following questions relate to your early childhood. You may not know the answers to many of these questions. Please provide whatever information you do have regarding your early development.
Were there any birth defects, illnesses, or complications during your mother’s pregnancy with you? Yes No
If yes, please describe:______
Did you grow normally? Yes No
If no, please describe: ______
Speech/Language Development:
Age youspoke your first word ______put 2-3 words together ______
Speech delays/problems (e.g. Stuttering, delay in speech)?______
Oral-motor problems (e.g. Late drooling, poor sucking, poor chewing)? ______
Was speech/language therapy ever necessary? ______
Were you slow to learn the alphabet? ______name colors? ______count? ______
Were there any other special problems in your growth and development during the first few years? Yes No
If yes, Please describe:______
Medical History:
Place a check next to any illness of conditions that you have experienced. When you check an item, please note the approximate time when you had the illness orcondition:
Head Injuries
High fever
Injuries to head
Broken bones
Hearing problems
Ear infections (tubes needed?)
Sleeping problems
Fainting spells
Loss of consciousness
Frequent headaches
Difficulty concentrating
Memory problems
Extreme tiredness
Rheumatic fever
Bone or joint disease
Gonorrhea or syphilis
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Thyroid Condition
Family Medical and Psychological History:
Place a check next to any illness or conditions that any member of your familyhas experienced. When you check an item, please note the family member’s relationship to you.
Academic problem orLearning Disability
Developmental problem orMental Retardation
Drug problem
Emotional problem
Autism or Aspergers
Personality Disorder
Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression
Suicide attempt
Other problem
What do you enjoy doing for fun?______
Please give me a brief and general idea of your weekly schedule:
MonTuesWedThursFriSat Sun
Do you have any special areas of talent?______
What are three positive traits that you see in yourself?______
What are three negative traits that you see in yourself?______
Please Sign Below:
I consent to psychological testing or therapy with Dr. Miller, and understand the limits of confidentiality associated with this. I accept and understand the financial responsibility outlined in the Psychologist-Patient Agreement provided to me.
______Date: ______
______Date: ______