Crisis Management Team
Meeting Notes
August 8, 2013
Attendance:S. Balko,E. Banas, P. Bankston, B. Beilfuss, C. Bushnell, S. Fejdasz, J. Gabbert,
C. Hartley, O. Jefimenko, G. Lewis, D. Malik, K. Malone, K. Manteuffel, P. Nowak,
J. Pellicciotti, J. Romero, C. Wood, T. Wyatt
Vice Chancellor Pellicciotti introduced and welcomed Tom Wyatt, new Director of Marketing and Communications, to the Crisis Management Team.
1.Approval of Minutes from June 13, 2013
The minutes from June 13, 2013 were approved.
- Protocol for Active Shooter/Imminent Danger Events
Vice Chancellor Pellicciotti reported that there have been several discussions at the last few incident commander meetings regarding the best way to fine tune the process of launching an IU Notify message during an active shooter event or other imminent danger emergency on campus.
Although there is a general process in place, the protocol they have decided to use will have the IUNPD dispatchers launching the initial IU Notify message. The dispatchers have been trained and will only be responsible for launching the initial notification. Other communications can be sent by Marketing and Communications throughout the situation. After the initial launch takes place, the protocol will be for the dispatchers to route incoming calls to the IU dispatch center in Bloomington.
Joe Romero added that the UITS call centers at IUPUI and Bloomington will absorb the general administrative lines as well. Vice Chancellor Lewis expressed concern about how this will affect incoming calls to Student Affairs. Joe Romero stated that calls coming into IUNPD will be rerouted to the IUPD dispatch in Bloomington; all other calls could be forwarded as well. They can walk through the details on how to handle administrative calls but this process is a way to manage the incoming call volume during an emergency.
- Update: Business Continuity Planning
Stephen Balko, Business Continuity Specialist, reported that the process is going well overall. There are a few outstanding plans. He sent out individual audits and is in the process of checking all information.
Dr. Carol Wood explained that the IT section of the BCP should be evaluated and filled out by each individual unit. The IT Department can provide guidance. There is one question regarding the storage of system back-up data that she will provide a generic statement and will send that out to everyone.
Joe Romero added, although the plan requiresa lot of tedious information, it will allow them the ability to kickstart the recovery process for everyone. The unit plans are intended to be operational and will provide necessary information for an automatic response.
- Update: IU Disaster-Resistant University Project
Joe Romero stated that the project is based out of the Polis Center at IUPUI whose specialty is geospatial analysis. The project will provide a campus mitigation plan that outlines all of the potential hazards. In addition, once the mitigation plan is finished, it will give the ability to obtain direct pre-incident federal grant funding to address specific hazards. It will also allow for post incident recovery funding for repairs. It’s a way of doing prevention, eliminating the impact of a disaster, and direct recovery funding, as opposed to going through the county. The Polis Center will run computer modeling based on the data we have given them and then will develop a mitigation and strategy plan for each campus.
Vice Chancellor Pellicciotti inquired about the upcoming public forum that will take place and urged involvement of Marketing and Communications. Joe Romero stated that it will have to be presented in a way that is accurate and truthful, but done very carefully so that it conveys a sense of security instead of fear. The public forum is anticipated to be held sometime in September.
- Added Functionality to IU Notify
Joe Romero stated that the added functionality is the capability to launch a text or e-mail from a cell phone and is intended as a last resort situation. The text or e-mail message will go directly to RAVE and then be broadcastedto the campus community. The text number will only be issued to registered cell phones of administrators who have permission to launch an IU Notify message.
- Access and Functional needs Annex to CEMP
Joe Romero sent out a draft in April that outlines how to support response and recovery for individuals with mobility needs, as well as for those who are vision and hearing impaired. He will send the draft out to everyone again in order to review and finalize. In addition, he will send the infectious disease decision matrix which is based around the pandemic flu decision matrix developed in 2009. This is not a planning document but is intended to identify the trigger points and the appropriate actions. He will send both documents out this week for review and input.
- Other Items
Joe Romero reported that Chief Nowak requested that each building on campus have an individual street address. This will allow them to work with the City of Gary and Lake County who will input building specific information into their computer aided dispatching centers for fire, police, and EMS to aid in any type of emergency. He is working with the Planning Department and the City of Gary to move it forward.
- Meeting Adjourned
The next full meeting will be held on October 10, 2013.
Submitted by Jackie Peyton
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