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Placement Agreement
?artie-s to the groement:
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M Gf5.NN1$ (ANtJo
Ag<tney Copy
the Ageney - Acting as a 90 between for the Nurse/Midwife and tho oospit:d.
The Nurso/Midwife - Providing easual nursing services to hospitals.
Natura of the Aqreemont
Code Blue Nurses acts as a go between for nurses and midwives wihing to soeure
, work placements and hospitals requiring casual staff. Nurses and midwives are
NOT employed by the agency, but are employed by the requesting hospital,
• iIn oicrdance wit.ti Avstralfan Taxation Office Rulings thG Nurse and Midwives are not employed by tho Agoncy. To assist the ildminlstroUon qf tho relationshfp betwelln the NUrnQ/MidwlfO and the Hospital, the Agency will cotnplo10 the adrnlntr tfon function on behoilf of Che Hospital end the Nuri;o or MIJwl(e who ltas provlded tho servlc&, The admlnlstr<itlon wlll
Include weekly or rortnlghUy payments 10 the Nur:io or Midwife. tho deduction or AYG Find the paymont of supcraMuorlon oneh quMor. The Nurse or Midwile wilt lncut $4 fee for evory electronic funds lt<lnsfor payment or a $6 charge for tho prv:::osslr.9 of cheques, which will be deductod from monlo$ owod lo thorn.
1.2 The Nurso or Midwife wlll complete a Umesheol bofore leaving tno hospital, which wlll act as tho Nun:io or Midwlfo's invoice to tho hospital. 'rho Hospltol's Representative wlll sign ancl forwa the llmosheet to the approprillto department al the hosplt:lltor paymont,
1.5 The Nurse ot Midwifo agrees to pay o ono off admlnt;;trqtion foe to 1ho Agency tor services
providGd on application . Tho S10 foe will be deducted from the Nurso or Midwife's riri;1
1.G The Nc:rse or Midwilo will adviso tho Agency when personal dot<ills crmnge to &nsure tho effic:iel'lcy or the oidminlstration process.
Z.0 l='L.AC91o1elr
Z.1 The Nurse or Midwife 'is requestnd lo advise their avnHabllHy to the Agency for coordln:.tian
• Nurses <il'ld midwlvos are conuic:ted by 1he Agency to fill :> rec:iue!;t for :;orvlcos by a hospl(al.
The Nurno or Midwife !las tho opportunity to soeepl or rofu:;e the offor t>y tho Hospital.
• The Hosplla/ will require lho services of !he Nur:1e or Midwife tor an 09reod parlod. The Hospital wlll govom any changos 10 tho location or du1"11ion of th:il sorvloo. Should fhc hour.s worked vary from the otiglnal ngtood tlmoi:: tho Nuro or MldwHe ii: required to ccintact tho Agcney 10 assist in i:ic;ourale p<1ymeol$,
• Th Nurt:e of Midwife understand$ thar the Hosplt;il Is lhe employer zmd lhlt Hosplt:1l's
R()prasont<1tlv11 Wiii provide directions on proloools, standard o( poticnl e:iro <1nd how it is dellvored1 compli.oneo wllh tho Hooplt;:it's OH&S and Risk MDMgemonl requiru.m13nts In aoc::ard.;>C\CO wllh !he hl9hesl professionel srandsrds of the nursing industry. ft Is lh-0 Nurse or Midwife'$ rsponslbllity to oomply with an lawful end reasonable diroc!fono given by tho Hosplti>l's Reprosen1$hve.
• On ec;c:eptance, the Nurse or Mldwifti !s eommilled to atteodh'l9 and provlaln9 a qualily sorvice to the Hospital. Should the Nurs& or Midwlto be unoblo to allant1 .in agreed :;hlft tor imy l\lason, the Nurse or Mii:lwife mui:t odvlse tho Agonoy c9ordinarton unit so lhe HO$pit<tl can be notified immcdl<itoly of !he r;ti;inge.
3.i Tho Agency Wiii obS&/'\/e oll owards, oortified groemen!s cirid Au::trallan Workplace A9reomonts., The Division ,nuroo or midwife holding u c;urront speclollsl quallficaliOn gaine\j lhrough a hospllalpostgraduole program or ;i combined hospital f.lnd unlv1;1rslty program, upon
agreamont with tho Agency, wlll be paid a C3:1u;,r rate for shifts worked llf a rovel rnat
rocogl'lior:s. their 0C1ue41tlon and professional oxperlel'lc:.
• Ol11islon 11 L&vel 1 nurses with oxperlonCG In i;poeialty are:is that havo not undertokon ., formul program or Olvl11ian 1t,l.ovel 1 nurse or midwife ourrMtly undortaklnp a spocr:di:it training progrGim, upon agroemenl wl!h the AgOflcy, will :ilso bA paid CQ$UGI role that rocognlses their level of exporlonco. AU over aworQ: i::n9ual rates arf1 av11ih1olo on tho ourr1111t rates sheet, upon request.
• A nurse> or mfdwifo 16 ellglblo for ituporaonualion on 03rnin9 moro tht>n $450 p&r cetondor monlh wilh each lndlvldu31 hospital. Superannuation Is paid ot the sratutary raee into a rund or your cholc;o or it.D fund Is not provided the poyment wlll delaUJl lo tho Agency dosfgnated fund,
S,4 As lho Nurse or Mldwlra la no! an ampJoyee- of tho Agency , thoy havo no ontlt!ement to annual Jonvo, :s'Jck louvc, tong oorvJco leave•• profes:sfonar lndsmn/ly and publle Jfabillly, even though all non Midwifery por11onne! oro coverod by our Proros:;ionalIndemnity polloy as part of our sorvle. All the A96ncy pcrlormG e coordinating f1.snc:tlon 1he Nuo or Mldwlrc ls required to
provide a :iul!Dbla tndulltry stnndard unlrorm when <i!ltondlng hoi:;pltals.
Co:1e !*Jo ffi Nur::o;; l19oncy Pll. ASN 3$3 o 652
+61 3 9317 0239 +61 3 9317 0239
3.S Hotpltals require nursos and mklwives to present appropriatoly dressod in o r>rofossional
manner. For security the A;oncy wlll provide sn loenllficntion nsmo lag to Identify the Nui-se
or Mldwirc when onletin9 !no hospital and It 1, rocQmmonded tha1 the Nurse or Midwife carry their Practicln11 Certificate and another form of idanllficallon, such as o Dt1vers License at ell tlmoa, The Nurse or Midwife will bo rosponslble lor tho purciT11s of equipment cuch ns stothosc:opes. foroeJ)s, :iclsso.safety oiasses. torches, oducntlonnl material, textbooks and
;ill travel expenses.
p 2/5
4.1 'Tho Nur(lo or Midwife ls required to htlve !he currency of their registration ravlowed on Joining the Ag&ncy, by olthor pro'lldlng a hard copy or their Currant Pr'tlctioioe cerllllcate or viewed on the website public register of the stare registering boay, Therearuir !he yearly reMwaf must bo
document"1d oy the Age My for Ouallty and logo! purpose.s. The Nurse- or Midwifo must carr y
their current Practicing CorUticmto at all times as the Hospital }iQ:i the right 10 confirm tho curroncy of rhe certlflc:at <1nd may not have httmedlara Internet ac::ess, Hospital:; mily rofu!lo entry to e nu!'l>e or midwlfo who ill unable 10 produce 41 currenr Ptacllclng Certificate. Whoro a nurse or midwife foils to renow an annu:.il currC1nt Practicing Cortlflcate by the &nd of the dcignatod deadline (this will vary frorn tote re!Hale), each yoar the Nurso or Mldwlfo will no! be eligible for placement. It Is a man(1atory requirement by tho Hoopltals and the sttito Nurses Boards th3t nursing ond Midwifery seNlces SNl provldoc! by cerllfiod prncticlng nursas and midwives 011/y. Tho NUll or Midwife mutt inform !he Agency of any cancoll:Jtion, re:;tr!crlon or auopon:;lon plaeocl on their registration by their &tto Nurses Board within 24 hours of thl!i occurring.
5.1 Tllo Hosp/ta! hs the right to dismiss e nurse or midwfle I( ll'lelr bohoviouf is provon to be unaccept3ble to !he Hospital, .Somo Instances where o hospital may dlsml5s arc: tho t<lklng or
&lccihi:>l, vnlawful subr;tances or ovar lhe c:ounter (lrug. which may lmpocl on !heir
performance prior 10 or during nplace>mtnt. Refusal o follow a lawful and reasoriable dlritction, unociot>Je or aggressive langun9c or behaviour, end foUure to follow hOspitnl de:ii9nated prclocol or dootor':s order::..
5. 1 Where ::i dispute or grievance occurs, the Agency will ct in good failh as an int1>rrnediatory with a view to resolving tho issue. Whro modlalion or coocHialion does not resolve the lsGue, tho mnuer wli! be token lo an authorised body for te3oh.1tlon.
7.1In signins this document tho Nul'Se or Midwife givos Code r;Jf ua Spoc:iorisl Nuroes Agency Pl permission to supply the hospl1;1IG with rho necoi;sary information required to rm shills. This Information lneludes :eny reason:ibl& roquest suah as eurronl Pr;ic:ticlng CClrtlrlC<Jt(lS.
qvalinc:alions nnd levels of exptirtonc:e. Tho supply of inlonnetion to linanr::J.a1 or lending
Institutions mtt'l be precorSod tiy a lettor ot authorisation ty the Nurse or Mldwlle tor the relt'lase or this Information.
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Signed on behalf of Cde Slue Sp"cialist Nln·-sos Agncy P\L
Stg'nt:stUr\l, ,...1,..•• h••··l t I ••••"'• c•• ••• • ••• ••••• ••• ••• t••••" 'o '•••• D<lto......
Membership Agreement
" '•
Code Blue
.. ' ,
Parties to the agreement: Copy
The Agency - Acting as a go between for the Nurse/Midwife and the hospital.
The Nurse/Midwife - Providing casual nursing services to hospitals.
Nature of the Agreement
Code Blue Nurses acts as a go between for nurses and midwives wishing to secure work placements and hospitals requiring casual staff. Nurses and midwives are NOT employed by the agency, but are employed by the requesting hospital.
1.3 The Nurse and Midwives employed by the Agency. To assist the administration of the relationship between the NurselMidwife and the Hospital, the Agency wlll complete the administraiion function on behalf of the Hospital and the Nurse or Midwife who has provided the service. The administration will include weekly or fortnightly payments to the Nurss or Miclwife, the deduction of PAYG and the payment of superannuation each quarter. The Nurse or Midwife will incur a $5 fee for every electronic funds transfer payment or a $6 charge for the processing ·of cheques, which will be deducted from monies owed to them.
1.4 The Nurse or Midwife will complete a timesheet before leaving the hospital, wh_lch will act as the Nurse or Midwife's invoice to the hospital. The Hospital's Representative will sign and foiward the timesheet to the appropriate department at the hospital for payment
3.6 The Nurse or Midwife agrees to pay a one off administration fee for joining the agency, to the Agency for services provided on application. The $10 fee will be deducted from the Nurse or
Midwife's first payment
3.7 The Nurse or Midwife will advise the Agency when personal details change to ensure the efficiency of the administration process.
2.1 The Nurse or Midwife is requested to advise their availability to the Agency for coordination purposes.
2.2 Nurses and midwives are contacted by the Agency to fill a request for services by a hospital. The Nurse or Midwife has the opportunity to accept or refuse the offer by the Hospital.
2.3 The Hospital will require the services of the Nurse or Midwife for an agreed period. The Hospllat will govern any changes to the location or duration of that service. Should the hours worked vary from the original agreed times; the Nurse or Midwife is required to contact the Agency to assist in accurate payments.
2.4 The ·Nurse or Midwife understands that the Hopital ls the employer and the Hospital's Representative will provide directions on protocols, standard of patient care and how It is delivered, compliance with the Hospital's OH&S and Risk Management requirements in
accordance with the highest professional standards of the nursing industry. It is the Nurse or Midwife's responsibility to comply with an laWful and reasonable directions given by the Hospital's
2.5 On acceptance, the Nurse or Midwife is committed to attending and providing a quality service to the Hospital. Should the Nurse or Midwife be unable to attend an agreed shift for any reason, the Nurse or Midwife must advise the Agency coordination unit so the Hospital can be notified immediately of the change.
3.4 A nurse or midwife is eligible for superannuation on earning more than $450 per calendar month. Superannuation is paid at the statutozy rate into a fund of your choice or if a fund is not provided the payment wlll be made into Health S4per or Colonial on your behalf.
3.5 As the Nurse or Midwife is not an employee of the Agency , they have no entitlement to annual
leave, sick leave, long service )eave., professional indemnity and public liability, nevertheless hospitals require that we have a professional indemnity policy in place to cover nurses and the
hospital. As the Agency performs a coordinating function only. The Nurse or Midwife is required by the hospitals to wear a suitable industry standard outfit when attending hospHals. Code Blue Nurses can make available on request by the nurses or- midwives branded clothes fo purchase. Nevertheless Code Blue Nurses does not have a uniform. II is the responsibility of the Nurse
/Midwife to present to the hospital in a professional manner.
1.5 For security purposes the Agency will provide an identification name tag to identify the Nurse or Midwife as required by the hospital when entering the hospital. It is recommended that the Nurse or Midwife carry their Practicing Certificate and another form of identification, such as a Drivers License at all times. The Nurse or Midwife will be responsible for the purchase of equipment such as stethoscopes, forceps, scissors, safety glasses, torch9s, educational material, textbooks and all
travel expenses.
Code Blue Speclalist Nurses Agency P/L ABN 22 363 340 652
13 10 99
Head Office
PO Box 7176 Dandenong 3175
Phone 03 9792 9866 Fax: 03 9792 0999
E-mail: www.codeblue.com.au
Call 131099 in your state for the local call centre contact numbers
Dear Colleague,
Thank you for your interest in Code Blue Nurses
Code Blue Nurses has been in operation for many years coordinating hospital staffing needs, payroll for hospitafs and nurse availability througho ut Australia. Nurses and Midwives ate able to access shift availability through our telephone service that operates from Sam through to 11pm dally.