Promoting Public Awareness On Energy Resources:
Name ______Date ______Period ______Score ______
There are 8 types of energy and you will be given one by random selection. You can be in groups up to 4 students. Each student will be required to do their own research one day in the computer lab. On the second day you can compile your information to come up with a group presentation. Each group member will be assigned a role.It will be up to you how you present your information as long as you answer the 8 questions!
Energy Expert: Provides information about the types of energy and how it is used.
Analyst: Explains why the energy source is better to use than other sources.
Environmental Expert: Provides information about how these energy sources effect the environment or compares how these energy sources are better for the environment than other sources.
Conservation Expert: Explains ways to conserve these energy sources. Explains why energy conservation is important.
- Choose 1 of the following options to get your information out to the public:
- Write a newspaper article
- Create a bifold brochure
- Make a commercial (in the form of a skit)
- Design a poster
- Construct a model that best represents how these forms of energy are used.
2. All group members should review the rubrics. You must have a rubric on the day of presentation.
3. After completing your assignments you should be prepared to share your presentation with the rest of the class. Please prepare for a 10 minute presentation.
Use the following list as a guide for note taking while researching your energy sources:
- How does this energy get its power? Explain the source of this energy form.
- How is this energy transformed into usable energy?
- List and describe the advantages to using this source of energy.
- List the disadvantages to using this energy.
- Where is this source of energy commonly used? Is Ohio using this type of energy?Where and how are they using it?
- Is this a renewable or non-renewable resource?
- How can this energy resource be conserved? Is conservation necessary?
- How does using this energy effect the environment?
Forms of Energy:
General Resources Energy
- -- The energy story. Information on renewable, non-renewable resources, energy conservation
Fossil Fuels
- -- Energy resources
- -- Energy kids page
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy resources
- -- The Energy story
- -- Energy kids page
- -- Energy resources
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy Kids page
- -- Energy resources
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy kids page
- -- Energy resources
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy resources
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy kids page
- -- Energy resources
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy kids page
- -- Energy resources
- -- The energy story
- -- Energy kids page
- What is your energy source ______
- How does this energy get its power? Explain the source of this energy form.
- How is this energy transformed into usable energy?
- List and describe the advantages to using this source of energy.
- List the disadvantages to using this energy.
- Where is this source of energy commonly used? Is Ohio using this type of energy?Where and how are they using it?
- Is this a renewable or non-renewable resource?
- How can this energy resource be conserved? Is conservation necessary?
- How does using this energy effect the environment?
- List Resources :