Factory Compliance and Code of Conduct Questionnaire
I. Background
A. Auditor and Factory Contacts
Audit Date: ______
Factory Name and Address (specify if more than one facility): ______
Factory Telephone: ______
Factory Fax: ______
Factory E Mail: ______
Factory Contact (Name & Title) responsible for questionnaire preparation: ______
Auditor’s Name: ______
Auditor’s Title: ______
Auditor’s Employer: ______
B. Factory Ownership
Name(s) of Factory Owner(s) and General Manager(s): ______
Name of Parent or Holding Company (if any) that owns the factory: ______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______
Name of Factory Export Manager: ______
Factory Bank, Bank Address and Account Manager: ______
Applicable insurance co. and policy nos.: ______
If applicable, list all other factories/vendors at this facility: ______
C. Local Authority
Do local laws govern workplace safety and if so, please specify: ______
Does the local government audit or inspect the factory? ______
If so, do the audits or inspections also include worker’s rights and environmental concerns? ______
When was the last time the factory was inspected or audited, who performed it and how often are such audits or inspections performed? ______
Have local or foreign authorities cited or penalized the factory for any reason relating to health, safety or workers rights within the past three years? If yes, please describe? ______
Have the conditions subject to the citation or penalty been corrected? If so, please explain how and provide any supporting documentation: ______
Is the local inspection or audit system, to your knowledge, fair, knowledgeable and correct?______
Are there any legal actions not mentioned above that are currently pending or have been pending within the past three years against this facility, its owner(s) or manager(s)? ______
Is there any evidence that the manager(s) or owner(s) of this factory have violated local laws or regulations? If so, please specify: ______
D. Factory History
When did the factory begin supplying goods to Polaris: ______
Please describe the product(s) and quantities produced for Polaris over the past 12 months: ______
Do you expect production for Polaris will continue over the next year? If so, please list anticipated products and quantities: ______
What percentage of this factory’s space/equipment/workforce is used for Polaris products? ______
List other buyers/labels using this factory or other factories owned by owners of this factory: ______
E. Current Sub-Contracting Arrangements
List the names and addresses of all sub-contractors used by this factory for Polaris and identify the products, components or materials supplied by each subcontractor: ______
F. Community Relations
Does the management of this facility contribute to helping the community, and if so, how? ______
G. Environmental Protection Policies
Does this factory take steps to control air, land or water pollution? If so, please explain: ______
Is this factory in compliance with local environmental laws? ______
Do local government officials inspect the factory for environmental concerns, and if so, are such inspections fair, knowledgeable and correct?______
Are environmentally friendly materials (for example, recycled and non-toxic products) predominantly used? ______
Where does the factory discharge its sewage? (E.g. municipal sewage, septic tank, deep well injection, etc.)______
Are any factory associates exposed to raw sewage?______
If yes, please explain: ______
Does the factory use Azo dyes, formaldehyde, pentachlorophenol or nickel in manufacturing or incorporate components with these substances in its products? ______If so, please specify the product, processes and amount of the specified substance: ______
What other chemicals are stored on-site?______
Are chemicals separated from materials and machines and stored safely, away from sunlight in a cool, dry room?______
Are the containers free of leakage?______
Are the caps tightly in place?______
Is the chemical storage room labeled “no smoking?”______
How does the factory dispose of empty chemical storage containers?______
- Workforce Profile
What is the total number of employees at the factory (workers plus office staff):______
Please specify: Workers ______Office Staff ______Management ______
Does the factory employ foreign nationals? ______
If yes, how many, from what countries, and in what capacity? ______
What language is spoken by factory management and supervisory personnel? ______
What language(s) do the factory’s employees speak? ______
What is the age range of the employees? ______
- Personnel Policies
Do the factory employees have ID cards? ______
Are the’ ID card hard copies kept on site? ______
Does this facility have written personnel policies and work place rules? ______If so, please enclose a copy.
Are workplace policies and rules posted where they can readily be viewed by the workers? ______
In what language(s) are the personnel policies and workplace rules posted? ______
Are people hired and promoted on the basis of their ability to do the job rather than on the basis of personal characteristics and beliefs? ______
Are workers favored based on race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or other similar factors? ______
Are there any employees or staff at the factory involuntarily? ______If so, please explain: ______
To the best of your knowledge have prisoners ever worked at the factory? ______
- Termination of Employment
Does the factory have a personnel manager?______
If yes, what is his or her nationality? ______
Are records kept of dismissed employees? ______
If so, who keeps them and how long are they kept? ______
Are the above records readily accessible and/or easily retrievable for review? ______
Does the factory pay severance upon termination as required by law?______
If yes, explain if it is paid in full or negotiated: ______
What is the factory’s approximate employee turnover rate for the past year? ______
- Harassment
Are you aware of sexual harassment or of any reports of sexual harassment at this facility? ______
If so, what action was taken or is currently being taken to correct such incidents? ______
- Disciplinary measures
How does the factory discipline a worker in the event such actions are necessary? ______
Are disciplinary measures permitted to include physical force or punishment? ______
Are the workers ever subject to mental or physical force or abuse in connection with their employment? ______If so, is there any physical evidence of such force or abuse? ______
Is there a procedure to review disciplinary measures taken against employees?______
If so, please explain: ______
F. Wages (When applicable, please specify currency)
Are employees paid by the hour and if so, at what rate per hour? ______
Are employees paid by the piece and if so, how is the piece rate calculated? ______
What is the minimum hourly wage required by law? ______
What is the minimum hourly overtime wage required by law? ______
What percentage of the factory’s workforce consists of untrained workers, and what work is performed by untrained workers? ______
Please advise the following: (Specify US $ or Local Currency)
Hourly wage for: Trained employees: ______Untrained employees: ______
Weekly wage for: Trained employees: ______Untrained employees: ______
Lowest hourly wage to: Trained employees: ______Untrained employees: ______
Average wage paid to: Trained employees: ______Untrained employees: ______
Does the factory offer bonus or incentive plans? ______
If yes, describe the plans offered: ______
G. Payroll
Does the factory have a time clock and if so, is it in proper working order? ______
Is the time clock used to calculate employee pay records? ______
Who punches the clock? employees, supervisor or management? ______
How are employees paid? cash, check, other? ______
Are employees paid timely?
Always ______Usually ______Sometimes ______Seldom ______
Are some workers paid more frequently than others, and if so, why? ______
Are you aware of any situation where the factory held an employee’s wages? ______
If so, how often (frequently, sometimes, seldom, never) and why? ______
Do employees take work home, and if so, how often (frequently, sometimes, seldom, never)?
How does the factory pay for home work and what records do they keep of these payments? ______
What type of employee pay and work records are kept by the factory? ______
Who keeps employee pay and work records and where are they kept? ______
How long are employee pay and work records kept? ______
H. Hours and Overtime
Maximum number of work hours (excluding overtime) permitted by local law:
Per day? ______Per week? ______Per month? ______
Maximum number of overtime hours permitted by local law :
Per day? ______Per week? ______Per month? ______
Average number of overtime hours:
Per day? ______Per week? ______Per month? ______
At what rate are employees paid for overtime? ______
Are employees ever required to work overtime involuntarily? ______
If overtime is required, are meals or meal allowances provided? ______
If overtime is required, are employees provided with transportation if needed? ______
Is overtime payment in additional to the workers’ wages? ______
In what form and how often is overtime payment made? ______
On what days of the week do employees work? ______
At what times do shifts, mealtimes and worker breaks begin and end on each day worked? ______
When do overtime periods begin and end on each day worked? ______
What is the daily and weekly number of scheduled work hours?
Per day ______Per week ______
What is the average number of overtime hours worked per week? ______
What is the maximum number of hours employees might be asked to work per day and per week? Per day______Per week ______
Are working hours at this facility different from prevailing local practice, and if so, how? ______
Who decides which workers will work overtime and how is that decision made? ______
Are all employees given equal opportunity to work overtime? ______
If not, please explain: ______
Do employees ever refuse overtime? ______
How often do employees have one day off? ______
If the working week exceeds 60 hours, please explain reasons and frequency: ______
I. Deductions
Please advise whether the following deductions from payments to employees are made, and if so, the amount of the deduction:
Housing: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Meals/Food: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Medical Services: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Uniforms & Clothing: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Tools & Equipment:Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Dental: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Transportation: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Child Care: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Employment Agency Fees: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
Other (school, etc., please specify)______:
J. Employee Benefits
What benefits are provided for employees?
Vacations: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
If pay is deducted, how much? ______
Holidays: Yes_____No_____Required______Voluntary______
If pay is deducted, how much? ______
Cash Bonuses: ______
If so, how are they awarded? ______
Sick Leave: ______
If sick leave is provided, is pay deducted and how much? ______
Maternity Leave: ______
If maternity leave is provided, is pay deducted and how much? ______
Does the factory have a cafeteria facility for employees? ______
K. Pregnancy and Maternity
Are maternity benefits are provided by this facility and if so, please specify: ______
Are women required to provide pregnancy test results when applying for a position or during employment at this facility? ______
Are women permitted to return to the same position at the same rate of pay after their maternity leave? ______If not, please explain: ______
L. Production Quotas
Does the factory establish production quotas for its employees? ______If so, are the quotas by individual employee or by groups? ______
If so, who establishes the quotas and what guidelines are used to establish the quotas? ______
M. Collective Bargaining and related issues
How do employees bring work related issues or complaints to management’s attention? ______
To whom are such issues presented? ______
Do workers have the right to associate freely? ______
Do workers have the right to form a union? ______
Is there a union in this facility and if so, please specify: ______
Have attempts been made to unionize this facility and if so, by which group? ______
Have workers ever been penalized for efforts to join a workers’ organization group? ______
Are workers in this facility covered by a collective bargaining agreement? ______
N. Child Labor Policies
What is the minimum age permitted by local law for working in this locale/country? ______
Until what age, if any, are children legally required to attend school in this country? ______
What is the maximum number of hours per week permitted by local law for minors under 15 in this locale/country? ______
What is the youngest age of an employee present in this factory? ______
Are employees younger than 15 permitted to attend school during the day? ______
How many hours a week do employees younger than 15 years old work? ______
What is the youngest age of employees in other facilities under the same owner(s) as this facility? ______
Is documentation required to prove age when hiring workers? If yes, please explain: ______
O. Contract Labor Policies
Are there any contract employees in this factory? ______
If so, please explain where they are from, the name of the entity or agency with which they are under contract, and the contract conditions: ______
How are they recruited? ______
Please provide a copy of the contract with this form.
Can workers leave before their contract expires? ______
Have any workers chosen to leave before their contracts expire? ______
What records are kept about these workers and where? ______
Who pays travel costs between the workers’ home country and the factory? ______
Do these workers receive a training wage? ______
- Health and Sanitation
Do workers have access to medically trained personnel at this facility? If yes, please specify (for example, 1 doctor, 1 nurse): ______
Are first aid supplies readily available in the factory and is a qualified person always present who is able to administer first aid? ______
Do the workers generally appear to be in good health? ______
Do employees have access to clean drinking water? ______
Are washroom facilities and toilets functional, sanitary and clean? ______If not, please specify: ______
Number of men’s toilets? ______
Number of women’s toilets? ______
Are bathroom facilities ever locked? ______
Are employees timed while using the bathroom or are bathroom schedules kept? ______
Indicate if the following items are available in the lavatory:
Toilet Paper:_____Soap:_____Towels(Paper or Cloth):_____
Garbage Pail(for women’s use):_____Doors on bathroom stalls:_____
Are the sinks functional and clean, with running water?______
Is the factory well ventilated? ______
Is the factory adequately heated and/or cooled? ______
Is there an offensive odor in the factory? ______
Is the factory clean? ______
Does the factory have a cleaning staff or use a cleaning service? ______
If yes, how often is the factory cleaned by this staff or service? ______
Are there any obvious signs of infestation (i.e., accumulated garbage, foul smells, pests, rodents?) ______
How often are the cutting room floor and sewing floors swept? ______
B. Safety and Theft Prevention
Is the factory adequately lit?______
Is there an adequate number of clearly marked and unblocked exits in the event of an emergency? ______
Are emergency fire fighting equipment and procedures in place?______
What fire protection systems are featured in this facility? (Automatic sprinklers, water flow alarms, sirens, smoke detectors, fire alarms etc.)
Are the following items available to the employees:
Eyewear_____Protective Masks______Protective Cutting Gloves_____
Ear Plugs_____Eyewash Stations_____
What has been the nature and frequency of emergencies, accidents and injuries in the past year? ______
What types of records are kept of injuries and accidents? ______
What hazardous, flammable or combustible items are present in the facility? ______
Are the personnel handling such materials properly trained? If so, please advise the method of training:______
Are such materials properly stored? ______
Are workers provided with safety, educational and/or training materials? If so, please attach:______
Where is the water supply from? Public main____Water tank____Fire pump_____Other___
How far is the factory from the nearest fire station? ______
Are fire drills and procedures routinely practiced with employees and staff? ______
Is written fire protection/control information posted in the factory? If so, please describe: ______
Is emergency fire fighting equipment readily accessible? ______
Number of fire extinguishers:______
Total floor space in sq.ft.:______
Ratio of no. of fire extinguishers per sq. ft.:______
Are all fire extinguishers in working condition?______
Are they inspected periodically? If so, how often?______
Have any employees have been trained to use this equipment? ______
How many fire exits are unblocked, unlocked and readily accessible on each floor of this facility? ______
Are exits located at opposite ends of the facility? ______
Are there any exposed electrical cables and wires in the facility? ______
Are there any holes in the floors, walls, ceiling or roof? ______
Are the aisles and walkways maintained clear of obstructions, bundles overhanging wires and similar materials? ______
Are the aisles and walkways marked? ______
Are there exit maps and signs in the facility? ______
Is emergency lighting installed operating on batteries or independent generators not requiring electricity? ______
What type of burglar protection is used in the facility? ______
If a burglar alarm is used, is it connected to a central station? ______
Are windows and doors protected? If so, how? ______
Is the noise level inside the factory at a safe level? ______
How is the noise level monitored? ______
Are the elevator permits valid? ______
Is there easy access to product transportation areas? ______
Are maintenance records kept for all factory equipment? ______
If so, where and for how long? ______
Has the auditor observed any safety hazards during the review? If yes, please explain: ______
C. Facilities Structure
How many buildings constitute the entire facility? ______
What is the approximate size of the floor space for all operations (including staff) in the factory? ______
What year were the buildings built? ______
Please indicate the building construction types:
Roof: Metal______Wood______Masonry______Other______
Floor: Metal______Wood______Masonry______Other______
Walls: Metal______Wood______Masonry______Other______
Staircases: Metal______Wood______Masonry______Other______
How many stories does the facility have? ______
Do any of the buildings have a basement? ______
Do the sites where the buildings are located appear to be safe and clean? ______
Do the exteriors of the building appear structurally sound and well maintained? ______
Is this facility in a flood zone? ______
Has there ever been flooding in the neighborhood around the facility or in the facility itself? ______