English 10 Honors To Kill a Mockingbird Vocab (part 1)

Word / Definition / Used in a Sentence / Synonym / Antonym / Reminds me of
Acquiesce / To accept, comply or submit passively / They demanded, and he acquiesced.
Acrimonious / Biting or bitter especially in feeling, language or manner / He went through and acrimonious divorce.
Aggregation / A group/mass composed of many parts/individuals / The aggregation of geese dirtied the park.
Conniving / Knowledge of and consent to wrongdoing / I was able to sneak out at night with the connivance of a camp counselor.
Contentious / Likely to cause disagreement or argument / After a contentious debate, the committee finally approved the funding.
Corroborate / To support with evidence; to make more certain. / The witness corroborated the policeman’s testimony.
Elucidate / To clarify; to give a clarifying explanation / When asked for details, he declined to elucidate further.
Encumber / To weigh down or burden; to impede the function/ activity of / These rules will only encumber the people we’re trying to help.
Glean / To gather (bit by bit); to find out / They spent days gleaning the files for information.
Mollify / To soothe in temper/disposition.
To reduce in intensity / He tried to mollify his critics with an apology.
Persevere / To persist in an undertaking in spite of opposition or obstacles / She persevered in her studies and graduated near to top of her class.
Pinion / To bind, to pin down, to disable / The pinioned his arms behind his back.
Sordid / Marked by baseness or grossness; dirty, filthy / He managed to rise above the sordid streets upon which he grew up.
Succinct / Compact, precise—usually in expression. Without wasting words / He gave a succinct overview of the expansion project.
Volition / An act of mating a choice or decision; the power of choosing (the noun form of voluntary/volunteer) / She left the school of her own volition, not because she was kicked out.