Year 4Curriculum Letter – Spring 2018
Dear Parents/Carers
This curriculum letter covers the work to be covered during this half term.
We will be continuing our ‘Heroes and Villains’ theme with a particular focus on Greek Myths and Legends.The children will research about life in Ancient Greece, the Olympics and Greek architecture.
Designing, writing and debugging programs them will be the focus for this term.
In our English lessons this half term, the children will be writing their own Greek Myths. Thank you to all those who began researching these over the Christmas holidays! We will also cover a range of other texts, including diaries and recounts. Regular guided reading sessions will continue as last term.
The children will be developing their use of formal written methods in multiplying. Measurement and finding the area of a shape will also be included this half term. After that, we will look at fractions, before moving on to decimals. We will also continue to work on our problem solving and reasoning skills throughout the term as well as our times tables and mental maths strategies.
The children will be learning about the digestive system, including functions of the various organs involved. They will find out what happens when poisonous or bad food is eaten and how illnesses can be caused by poor diets.
Both classes will have an indoor and an outdoor session each week. Please bring in sensible warm clothing for outdoor sessions. We will begin the term with dance and hockey.
We will continue our work on Christianity this term, beginning with Pentecost. However, soon our attention will turn to the Easter story and the production of the Year three and four Easter play. Time will be spent acting out events and singing songs which tell the Easter story.
Homework and organisers
Homework will continue throughout this term. The children will have spellings to learn every week. Maths homework will continue with maths facts and online homework (TimestableRockstars), alternating weekly.
Organisers will be signed every Monday, for the previous week. Please make sure that you sign your child’s organiser at the weekend.
Partake Visit
Partake will be visiting us on Wednesday 28th February, to get us all involved in the story of ‘Jason and the Golden Fleece’. School uniform should be worn for this as normal.
If you have any questions or queries at any time, please contact us.
Yours Sincerely,
Year 4 team