17th APRIL 2007 – 6.00PM





Committee meeting conducted in accordance with VTI constitution section 8.3.

Meeting opened 6.12pm.

  1. Present:

Stephen Ibbott, Peter Hutchinson, Tim Medwin, Chris Rice,Rachel Kitson, Ian Caletti, Ian Whitehouse, Jess Vreulink, Brett Manion, Tammy Wiggins.

Apologies: Rod Scott, David Hunt

  1. Confirmation of previous minutes as circulated:

Moved Ian Caletti, seconded Ian Whitehouse.

3.Business arising from minutes:

Stephen Ibbott – feels that minutes were not clear with a description of how the sub-committees are going to operate and feels that this topic needs more outlining – Tim believes that the email sent to all committee members gave a clear and extensive explanation of this. Stephen asked if the subcommittees should be presenting a report to each meeting. Tim would like each subcommittee to talk about any issues prior to the VTI meetings and then bring recommendations for discussion by all committee members at the meeting. Will leave up to subcommittees to decide what needs to be bought to the VTI meetings.

Stephen -Tim asked – Should the Treasurer’s Report be embedded into the Finance Subcommittee overview? Also feels that the Referee’s report should be put into the Competitions Subcommittee report. It was agreed that in future these reports are to be embedded into their respective subcommittee reports.

  1. President’s Report:

Brand Development Meeting – Ian Brown

Attendees – Tim, Ian and Brett

  • Ian outlined the value of undertaking a ‘Branding Exercise’ involving many of the stakeholders of VTI.
  • Ian’s client base is extensive and includes the ‘Tasmanian Education Department’
  • VTI would be the first sporting association in Tasmania (to Ian’s knowledge) to involve itself with a ‘Branding Project’
  • Ian has the ability to guide us through the process so that we have a shared and clear understanding of what it is we want to project to the wider community
  • Ian’s time will be free as he is excited about the possibility of working with a sport
  • Once the branding process is completed to everyone’s satisfaction we will then need to have the marketing aspects of our organisation developed. Ian knows individuals who can deliver on these aspects. Charges were not discussed for this.
  • We need to get this process underway and if we are agreeable Thursday April 26 / 6pm – 9pm has been set aside. The evening will be catered for and will be held in the Undercroft (tentatively booked at EC)

E-Learning Project

  • Ian Whitehouse has produced an outstanding application and it is currently under review. The selection committee has met and we are awaiting an outcome
  • Ian W to outline the project

INS Project – Meeting Sydney deferred

  • Presidents were requested to fly to Sydney for the day to discuss the integrated national structure, but this was cancelled at the last minute due to 2 states inability to find ‘ANYONE’ to attend

Spikezone Development – Meeting ACT (Jess Vreulink)

  • Request from AVF to have a representative at the Spikezone development conference in Canberra during May 29 – 31. Jess V will attend. AVF to pay

Active Schools Project Success (Jess Vreulink’s Report)

  • A massive project with several key stakeholders crossing 10 schools in the Southern region.

KEA – Matthew Earl – State Manager (State Teams Uniforms)

  • Met April 16. KEA has the AIS, WAIS, VIS and SASI as clients. Manufactures in Australia and has top quality merchandise.
  • Mat outlined several possibilities for our state teams and is currently producing some designs to show to the committee
  • KEA’s price point is dearer than JB’s but the look and feel of the garments are far superior
  • KEA will do the whole state uniform and has a 6 week delivery time (guaranteed) from order.

National Fitness Board of Directors Meeting

  • April 17 – VTI to have a person designated as a fire warden on Competition nights
  • Suggestion is that we roll it into Rachel’s position description and remunerate her accordingly (Rachel must wear a red fireman’s helmet at all times while in the stadium - nice)
  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Year to date, have madeapproximately $2000 from competitions, however this is the amount paid to Jess for presenting to schools. Monday night comps have 4 teams that have paid up front. Rachel is keeping track of payments and doing an excellent job. ADP players have been invoiced from the original list, this totals approx $21000 in invoices. Balance = $18,000 owing.

  1. Sub-Committee Reports:

Coaching Subcommittee – Jess – have some issues that need sorting with coaching staff. This will be dealt with tomorrow.

Referee’s Subcommittee - Tim presented the report in Rod’s absence. DistrictState National Badge – feels we are not nurturing a group of individuals to referee. We should be encouraging more kids to participate in national competitions as referees. Brett – we need to identify and target potential individuals and nurture them to develop successfully. Peter – we need to be careful that we choose people who are genuinely interested in refereeing.

Rod took part in a teleconference with discussion of the new rule.

Finance Subcommittee – Brett – Amazed at the amount of work done by Stephen. Last year we made approx $6000 profit. The Subcommittee feels we need to keep an amount of approx $12,000 in the bank each year to cover continuing expenses. We currently have approx $12,000 floating to allocate to various projects, with the aim of another $6,000 throughout the year. We feel the subcommittee’s role is to consider applications from other committees for funds, then allocate funds accordingly. Process is to be for members to bring any proposals to this meeting, and thenthe Finance Committee will go away and discuss these proposals, then return with a decision at the next meeting. Chris asks “will the Finance Committee have the final say?” Tim – proposals will be considered by the subcommittee, who will then put forward a recommendation to the general committee, where a vote can take place.

Ball machine – purchase of a ball machine is affordable and will still enable us to meet budget specified. This item will benefit all members of VTI. - Tim put forward a motion that the Finance Committee go ahead and explore the possible purchase of a ball machine at the cost of approx AUD $8,000 – committee unanimously agreed.

Competitions Subcommittee- nothing to report.

Marketing/Information Subcommittee – Branding Seminar to be held at ElizabethCollege on Thursday 26th April. Would like to see as many committee members present as possible. Tim will invite some players and parents to attend and have an input.

6.Senior Interstate Competition:(Chris Rice) -Nothing to report – in future this report to be embedded into the Competition Subcommittee report.

7.Beach Volleyball:(David Hunt) David not present – carry forward to next meeting. Stephen –suggested that we don’t need Beach Volleyball as a standard agenda item, as the beach season finished in March. It needs to be added to the agenda later in the year for the start of the next season. Agreed that this will be changed for the next meeting.

  1. Reports from other Committee Members: This item not needed in future agendas – to be embedded into subcommittee reports.

9. General Business:

Ian Whitehouse - E-Learning –Ian presented a copy of his proposal to the committee. 19 applications have been submitted overall. The results should be known by 20th April. Ian used the committee structure to help prepare the proposal. Process was to meet guidelines, address selection criteria, and incorporate some international research, and to include VTI objectives and plans.

Tim Congratulated and thanked Ian for his exceptional work done on the proposal. A copy of this proposal is attached.

Ian needs access to photos and video to progress the website. Tim toorganise and forward to Ian. Tammy to copy NationalSchool’s Cup photos.

Stephen Ibbott–there are new people in the AVF office who have taken on different roles. One has sent out a version of a registration form. Stephen recommends that we do not adopt similar forms as they are too time consuming. We will continue using the current format.

  1. Next Meeting:

Next Meeting will be held Tuesday 22nd May 2007 at 6pm in the EC Board Room.

Meeting closed 8.20pm.