Reading Notes


Pages 244-247

The main function of the human respiratory system is toensure that ______is ______to each cell in the body andthat ______can leave each cell and be ______from the body.

______is the process by which oxygen andcarbon dioxide are exchanged between the air and theblood, while ______is gas exchange thatoccurs between the body’s tissue cells and the blood.

The structures of the respiratory tract include an ______and a ______tract.

The ______in the upper respiratory tract serve to ______, moisten and ______the incoming air. There are lined with ______.

Mucus ______the air before it enters the respiratorytract and helps to ______the air by trapping ______, such as dust or bacteria. ______cells move thedebris back up into the _____ and ______. The foreignmaterial can then be expelled by ______or ______.

The ______is commonly known as the throat and is the passageway for air into the respiratory system.

The epiglottis is a flap of ______that lies behind the tongue and in front of the ______.

The ______, or voice box, is made from cartilage and contains the vocal cords.

The ______of the larynx determines the “pitch” of peoples’ voices.

The flexible tube called the ______is strengthened by semicirucular, ______arches that prevent it from collapsing.

Lower Respiratory tract

Each ______branches into 2 ______, which then branch into 4______, and then 8 ______, and so on.

______is the overall process that provides oxygen tothe cells in the body and removes carbon dioxide from thebody. The respiratory system must have a large enough______for the efficient exchange of ______to meet thebody’s ______.

Both of the bronchi and bronchioles are lined with ______and ______-producing cells. This helps in capturing ______such as pollutants and pathogens. The ______move the foreign particules up into the upper respiratory tract for removal by ______and or ______.

Each lung is divided into distinct regions called ______.

The right lung has ______lobes and the left has ______.

The ______surrounds each lung. This is a double layered, with one ______to the chest wall and the other attaching to the ______. Fluid fills this space to ______the lungs to the ______cavity, enabling them to expand and ______with the movement of the chest.

Maximizing gas exchange is utilized via tiny ______sacs called ______. Each ______is enclosed by a membrane called the alveolar wall. Each are surrounding by tiny blood vessels called ______, which are one cell thick. ______is dissolved in the blood and is exchanged for oxygen.