NICE health technology appraisals, clinical guidelines & cancer service guidance – summary report
Contact: Caroline Rapu, Project Leader, NICE Portfolio, by e-mail at
* Please do not send any responses to NICE directly – all RCN responses must be submitted by Caroline Rapu*
Nice website:
(Information about all current and completed items, including the published guidance, is accessible via the website.)
1. Work in progress now page 2 – 35
2. Forthcoming items page 36 – 46
3. Public Health Guidance ……………………………………………………………… page 47 - 49
4. Items recently completed or RCN not participating page 50 - 57
Acronyms - key:
HTA = Health Technology Appraisal
STA = Single Technology Appraisal
CG = Clinical Guideline
AR = Assessment Report
ACD = Appraisal Consultation Document
FAD = Final Appraisal Determination
GDG = Guideline/Guidance Development Group
PHI – Public Health Intervention
PHP – Public Health Programme
TBC = to be confirmed (by NICE)
Date of this version: August 4, 2006
1. Work in progress now:
ADHD in children and young people and adults
CG / Awaiting evidence submission / Fiona Smith
Adrian Williams
David Harding-Price
Noreen Ryan
Mervyn Townley
Jan Ramchurn
Margaret Tomlinson
Fiona Mantle
Gill Turner
Suzan Doyle
Ian Hulatt
Louise Shanahan
Catherine Gleeson
Claudia Tomlinson
Andrea O’Connell
Julia Fearon
Barbara Kerzman / tbc /
Noreen, Barbara attended SH meeting
Submitted comments on draft scope – 28/2
*Alzheimer's disease (mild to moderate) – donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine
HTA / Awaiting appeal outcome / Pauline Ford, Mental Health and Older People’s Forum
Sue Thomas
Jan Dewing
Emma Pritchard
Debbie Telford
Heide Baldwin
Art Calder
(Clinical Expert nominee)
Anne Palmer
Gary Blatch
Lucy Botting / tbc / Note – NICE has now combined the two appraisals relating to Alzheimer’s disease.
Final scope out – call for submission of evidence – deadline 3 June 2004. Art Calder attended the consultee information meeting on 25 March 2004. RCN submitted evidence on 3 June 2004.
RCN did not comment on the technical content of the AR.
Further analysis to be undertaken. Time lines extended. Following Appraisal Cttee meeting in Oct 2004, it was agreed that an additional analysis be undertaken on the cost effectiveness of the technology. This will be completed in Jan 05. The output of this work was circulated for comments. RCN submitted comments on 22/1/05.
ACD – RCN submitted comments – 22/3.
NICE requested further data from clinical practice. Submitted – 25/4/05. Awaiting outcome.
Further information requested from companies – July 2005. Report from companies to be circulated to all for comments. Expected 21/11
NICE extended the deadline to 21/10 following representations for the manufacturers.
RCN in collaboration with Alliance submitted comments on manufacturers’ evidence.
Appraisal Committee met 20th December 2005
Submitted comments on 2nd ACD 28/2/06
14/6/06-Appealed against the FAD. Appeal held on 13 and 14 July. Awaiting outcome
*Alzheimer's disease (moderate to severe) – memantine
HTA / Pauline Ford, Mental Health and Older People’s Forum,
Sue Thomas
Jan Dewing
Emma Pritchard
Barry Aveyard
Debbie Telford
Heide Baldwin
Art Calder
(Clinical Expert nominee) /
Combined with above
Anaemia (chemotherapy-induced): erythropoetin (alpha and beta) and darbepoetinHTA / Awaiting appeal outome / Mike Hayward
Andrew Palmer
Shelley Dolan
Claire Atterbury (clinical specialist nominee)
Karen Hobbs
Lindsey Hayes / tbc / RCN commented on the draft scope on 9th July 2004. Nominated Clare as clinical specialist.
Consultees, information meeting scheduled 2 September 2004. Clare attending.
RCN submitted evidence - on 8/11.
AR being constructed by review team. Some issues have been raised relating to the effect of EPO on patient. Further evidence requested.RCN submitted further evidence – 22/2.
Submitted comments on the AR - 14/4
Submitted comments on ACD - 21/7.
FAD has been delayed due to a need to reanalyze the evidence. Analysis out for consultation.
FAD out. Appeal deadline – 13/3/06
NICE received 6 appeals heard on 6/6/06.
Anaemia management in chronic kidney disease (Renal Failure)
CG / Awaiting publication / Sue Thomas
Avril Redmond
Bernie Cottam
John Sedgewick
Fiona Smith
Eileen Brennan (for info not include CYP)
Catherine Howell
Karen Jenkins (GDG) / tbc /
John attended SH meeting on 28 June 2004. Commented on draft scope - 5th July 2004.
Karen nominated to GDG.RCN did not submit further evidence.
Submitted comments in 1st draft guideline – 28/2/06.
2nd round consultation. No additional comments submitted - 16/5/06
*Ankylosing spondylitis: etanercept and infliximab
now includes Adalimumab
(scope adults only)
HTA / Awaiting ACD / Sue Thomas
Janice Mooney
Tricia Cornell (specialist nominee)
Sue Oliver (specialist nominee)
Kate Gadsby
Lesley Higgins / 17 August 06
(expected) /
RCN commented on draft scope. Sue and Tricia nominated specialists.Awaiting invitation to consultee information meeting. Consultee meeting scheduled for 8/12/04 cancelled. Appraisal timelines revised to include Adalimumab. Re-commenced in August 2005.
RCN comments on draft scope submitted on 31.08
Trish and Kate attended Consultees’ info meeting – 9/11.
RCN submitted evidence – 25/1/06
Submitted comments on AR- June 06.
Assessment of fracture risk and prevention of osteoporotic fractures in individuals at high risk
C.G / 1st round consultation awaited / Carolyn Basak
Kathy Abernethy (on GDG)
Ann Allworth
Janice Mooney
Sue Oliver
Sue Thomas
Jane Scullion / 1st round consultation: expected – tbc / 1st consultation expected.
Beta Interferon for Multiple sceleroris – Guidance review
HTA / Proposal to review / Sue Thomas
Megan Burgess
Richard Warner
Rowena Lavender / November 2006 / Consultation on proposals for review circulated for comments. RCN submitted comments on 24/1/05. Review expected to commence Nov 2006.
Biventricular pacing (cardiac resynchronization) for heart failure
HTA / Awaiting AR / Jane Butler
Liz Lees
Lynn Young
Bernie Cottam
Fiona Smith
Mary McAuley
Jenny Brown / Sept/October 2006 /
No additional comments on the draft scope.
Did not submit additional evidence – 18/5/06
Breast Cancer
Review of Guidance on the use of Trastuzumab for advanced breast cancer (No 34), vinorelbine for the treatment of advanced breast cancer (no, 54), and capecitabine for the treatment of locally advanced or mestastic breast cancer (no. 62) / Awaiting draft guidelines / Carolyn Basak
Steve Jamieson
Shelley Dolan
Celia Manson
Complementary Therapy Forum
Marilyn Kirshbaum
Gian Gargaro
Karen Leach
Elaine Cruickshank
Cristina Ferrando
Maggie Davies
Elaine Stevens (Palliative Forum)
Helen Graham
Ann Russell
Frances Lambert
Tessa Phillips
Liza Cooper
Carole Farrell (specialist)
Nikki West (EB - GDG) / 2 February 2008
(expected) /
submitted comments on draft scope – 10/2/06
Nominated Carole Farrell as clinical specialists.
Did not submit additional evidence list 27/4/06
Trastuzumab (Herceptin) for treatment of early stage breast cancer / Awaiting outcome of appeal against FAD / Same as above / August/September 2006 / Submitted comments on FAD - 28/6.
NICE received and considered appeal on FAD. Awaiting outcome.
Cannabinoids for symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis
HTA / Appraisal on hold (as at 7th November 2003).
ACD awaited / Sue Thomas
Sally Davis (Rehab Nurses)
Justine Smith (Pain Forum)
Gail Clayton (UK MS Nurse Association)
David Harding-Price
Louise Jarrett / Tbc / Joint evidence submission done in August 2003 (RCN & UK MS Nurse Association). Awaiting ACD.
Appraisal now on hold. New timelines will be published in due course.
Carmustine implants (gliadel wafers) for newly diagnosed high grade
HTA / Appeal against FAD / Steve Jamieson
Lindsey Hayes
Shelley Dolan
Angela Collett
Wendy Kent
Emma Townsley
Sue Thomas
Richard Warner (Chair Neuroscience forum)
Ian Ingledew (clinical specialist)
Douglas Guerrero (clinical specialist) / 18 September 2006 /
Draft scope circulated for comments. Comments submitted on 1/2/05.
Invited to CI meeting (Douglas attended).
RCN commented – 8/6/05. RCN did not submit additional evidence.
RCN did not submit comments on AR -7/11
Did not submit additional comments on ACD. 10/2/06
Appealed against FAD. Appeal to be heard on 18/9.
Cinacalcet HCl for Hyperparathyroidism
HTA / Awaiting ACD / Eileen Brennan
Avril Redmond
Nora Kerrigan
Sue Thomas
Fiona Smith / 7 August 2006
(expected) /
Scope finalized August 05. Evidence due 17/11.
Submitted evidence – 14 November.
Nominated experts – 9/12/05.
Submitted comments on AR –June 2006
Colorectal cancer (advanced) - bevacizumab & cetuximab
HTA / Awaiting FAD / Steve JamiesonLindsey Hayes
Dawn Elliott
Andrea Burgess
(specialist nominee)
Ann Russell
Carole Harper / 21 August 2006
(expected) / Draft scope circulated for comments. Comments submitted on – 24/3.
Invited to the consultees info meeting – 17/6. No attended
Evidence submitted – 23 August 2005.
Assessment Report circulated for comments. Submitted comments - 5/4/06.
Submitted comments on ACD - 23 June
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes - Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No.47,
/ Proposal to defer the review / Imelda Sotto
Jane Butler
Sanjay Ramdany Williams Beth
Young Lynn / Tbc / Consultation on proposal circulated for comments. Due 15/8
No further comments and happy with the proposal to defer the review. Awaiting outcome.
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis (CFS/ME) – diagnosis and management of
C.G. / Awaiting 1st draft / Sue Thomas
Carol Bannister
Ian Hulatt
Fiona Smith
Beverly Thomas
Margaret Chambers
Anna Gregorowski
Liz Hutchinson
Faith Gibson
Jane Readman
Katherine Stewart
Philip Kinsella
Gill Walsh (GDG)
Jane Smallwood
Sue Oliver
Sarah Ryan
Candy McCabe
Trish Cornell
Kate Gadsby
Chris Fokke
Sophie Stanswieska / tbc / Received invitation and nominated GDG members (Anna and Philip).
Stakeholder information meeting: 22 November 2004 (Anna and Beverly attending).
RCN submitted comments on draft scope circulated for comments – 13/12/05.
RCN submitted list of evidence – 22/3
Coronary Artery Stents – Review of Guidance 76
HTA / Awaiting ACD / Lynn Young
Mike Hayward
Stacey Hunter
(nominated clinical specialist)
Nikki Ayers
Jenny Brown / Summer 2006 / Draft scope circulated for comments. RCN submitted comments – 5/2/05
Invited to info meeting 31/3 – Nikki attended
Invited to participate and submit evidence – deadline extended 5 July.
Did not submit additional evidence – 5/7/05
AR circulated for comments. No additional comments - 12/1/06
Review of inhaler systems (devices) for children under the age of 5 with chronic asthma
/ Guidance to remain static / Lynn YoungFiona Smith
Resp Forum
Paediatric Resp Nurses Group –
Sarah Latham &
Helena Dunbar
Jenny Brown / To be considered with asthma appraisal. See below) / Now combined with the review of devices for older children, scheduled for 2005.
Consulted on proposal for review. RCN submitted comments – 9/6. Guidance will remain static and impact of current guidance will be considered with corticosteroids appraisal..
Corticosteriods for Asthma in children and adults
HTA / Awaiting AR / Fiona Smith
Annie Wing
Beverly Hodges
Sara Latham
Jane Scullion
Jenny Brown
Edwina Wooler / November/December06 / Pre scoping meeting: scheduled: 16 December 2004.
Invitation circulated to identify attendees. Sarah, Beverly and Jane attended.
Submitted comments on draft scope – 23/1/06
Sara, Beverly attended consultees info meeting – 28/4/06
Did not submit additionalevidence -26/7/06
Diabetes Type 2 (review)
CG / Awaiting invitation to submit evidence / Sue Thomas
Fiona Smith
Jane Houghton
Elizabeth Fleming
Jill Hill
Lesley Craven
Mags Bannister (GDG) / August 2006 / Lesley attending Consultees’ info meeting –12/12/05.
Submitted comments on draft scope – 14/12/05
Docetaxel for hormone-refractory prostate cancer
HTA / Awaiting published guidance / Shelley Dolan
Kathy French
Malcolm Shaw
Robert Murphy
Annie Young (nominated specialist) / Summer 2006 / Draft scope and matrix of consultees circulated for comments. RCN submitted comments.
Submitted evidence – 6 April 2005.
No further comments on AR – 4/11
No further comments on ACD – 27/1/06
No further comments on FAD – 17/5/06
Dementia: management of dementia, including use of antipsychotic medication in older people
C. G / Awaiting finished
guideline / Cris Allen
Ian Hulatt (21/6)
Pauline Ford
Tracy Paine
Anne Palmer
Soo Moore
Ian Gallon
David Harding-Price
Heide Baldwin
Sharon Dennis
Stephanie Schlingensiepen
Ritta Kukkastenvehmas
Sue Edwards
Greta Alleyne / tbc / Scoping - Consultation started on 26th April 2004.
Anne Palmer attended stakeholders’ information meeting on 21 May 2004. RCN submitted comments on draft scope on 7 June 2004.
RCN did not submit further evidence.
Submitted comments on draft guideline – 18/7/06
Diabetes in pregnancy
CG / Awaiting draft guideline / Sue Thomas
Carolyn Basak
Paul Dromgoole
Fiona Preston
Lesley Craven
Joan McDowell
Jenny Brown
Greta Alleyne
Jane Obrien
Diane Morris
Sarah Lockitt
Julia Brooks
*Annie Parker GDG
*Jackie Webb GDG
Sally Clifford
*(GDG nominees) / 8 May 2007
(expected) / Draft scope circulated for comments. Due 16/9.
Invited to SH info meeting, scheduled for 12/9. Circulated to identify attendees. Due 2/9/05.
Inderjeet and Diane attended.
Did not submit further evidence – 31/3/06.
Drug Misuse (treatment)
Psychological Interventions
(Psychosocial management of drug misusers in the community and prison settings)
CG / Awaiting 1st draft guideline / Fiona Smith
Adrian Williams
Ian Hulatt
Ann Norman
Ruth Heafield
Maggie Lawrence
Cristina Ferrando
David Harding Price
Simon Greasley / 2007 / David attended SH meeting – 16/6/05
Submitted comments on draft scope - 18/7.
No additional evidence January 2006
Drug Misuse – Detoxification
(Opiate detoxification of drug misusers in the community and prison settings) / Awaiting 1st draft guideline / Fiona Smith
Adrian Williams
Margaret Fletcher
Suzan Doyle
Ann Norman
Ruth Heafield
Maggie Lawrence
Cristina Ferrando
David Harding Price
Simon Greasley / 2007 / SH info meeting held on 27/7.
Draft scope submitted in 9th August.
No additional evidence- January 2006
Management of eczema in children
CG / Awaiting invitation to submit evidence / Fiona Smith
Sandra Lawton
Dianne Cook
Beverley Hodges
Pat Ferguson
Joan Myers
Jill Peters
Gail Dunning
Elizabeth Pearce
Peta Hickford
Rosemary Turnbull
Jean Robinson
Jill Daniels
Sue Thomas / Tbc
1st draft June 2007 /