Electronic/Print Evaluation Worksheet

MLA 7th

Remember to use Citation Machine to create your citations


Book Print Source / Reference Book Print
Author: (last name, first name) / Author if known
Title: / “Title of Article”
City of Publication: / Name of Reference Book
Publishing Company: / Edition: (if known) Volume: (if known)
City of Publication:
Copyright Date:
(publishing year) / Publishing Company:
Copyright Date:
Web Source/ Online Database
Author (if given):
Page title/Article Title or Entry:
Website Title/ or Magazine, Newspaper or Book in Database:
Sponsor of Site or N.p. (no publisher)/ Name of Database:
Last Revision Date Web: Date created or last update/Database: Date of article or© Copyright
Date Accessed (d Date Accessed: (Day month year):
URL Optional- no longer necessary for the works cited page

J. Michael Lunsford MS Library

NOTE: not every question applies to both print and electronic sources



If you answer ‘No’ to either, stop and choose another source

Does this source have the kind of information I need? / q  Yes
q  No
Do I understand the content well enough to take notes? / q  Yes
q  No



If you answer ‘No’ more than ‘Yes,’ consider using another site.

Is the author or sponsoring organization identified?

/ q  Yes
q  No

Does the author list occupation, education, or other credentials?

/ q  Yes
q  No

Is there any way to contact the author of the source?

/ q  Yes
q  No

Is the author associated with a creditable institution?

/ q  Yes
q  No

If this source uses information from other sources, do they cite those sources in such a way that I can find them as needed?

/ q  Yes
q  No
Bias /

Understand why this source was published, its purpose, and use its information accordingly.

Is the site commercial (.com), or

not-for-profit (.gov, .org, .edu)?

Who is the intended audience of the source?

Can you distinguish fact from opinion in this source?

/ q  Yes
q  No
Accuracy /

If you answer ‘Yes’ to these questions, don’t use this source!

Do the presented facts conflict with what you already know?

/ q  Yes
q  No

Are there spelling or grammatical errors?

/ q  Yes
q  No



Electronic: if you can’t find publication information, or if the site has not been updated this year consider another site.

When was the site created? ______
When was the site last updated?______

Print: sources need to be current, based on the topic.