Selection of Key Indicators for the UK Economy in 2015
Population, Competitiveness, Living Standards / Data for 2015 / LatestPopulation / 64.9 million
Life Expectancy / 81.5 years
Human Development Index / Ranked 14th
Ease of Doing Business Index / Ranked 6th
Global Competitiveness Index / Ranked 10th
Corruption Perceptions Index / Ranked 10th
Gini coefficient / 0.38 (max = 1)
Real GDP per head (PPP) / $41,787
UK Real GDP per head (PPP) as % of world average / 475%
Economic Structure
Agriculture (% of GDP) / 1%
Industry (Manufacturing + Construction) (% of GDP) / 20
Services (% of GDP) / 79
Exports as a share of GDP / 27%
Imports as a share of GDP / 29%
Investment as a share of GDP / 16%
Inward foreign direct investment as % of GDP / 2.6%
UK GDP as a share of world total / 3.8% (5th largest economy)
Unemployment and Inflation
Unemployment rate (% of the labour force) / 5.2% / 5.1%
Employment rate (%) / 74.1%
CPI inflation (annual % change) / 0.1% / 0.3%
Components of GDP (AD=C+I+G+X-M) / All % change YOY
Real GDP / 2.2 / 0.4%
Consumer spending / 2.9%
Investment / 4.2%
Government consumption / 1.7%
Exports of goods and services / 5.2%
Imports of goods and services / 6.0%
All % change YOY
Manufacturing output / -0.2%
Service sector output / 2.5%
Selection of key economic policy indicators
Budget balance (% of GDP) / -4.4
Current account balance (% of GDP) / -5.4
Trade balance in goods and services (£billion) / -127bn
Gross Government debt (% of GDP) / 91% (net debt = 82%)
Bank of England policy interest rate (per cent) / 0.5%
Interest rate (yield) on 10 year government bonds / 1.8%
Research & development spending (% of GDP) / 1.7%
Output gap (% of potential GDP / -1.2%
House prices (average % change in prices) / 7.6%
International currency reserves / $119bn
Openness to trade (X +M as a % of GDP) / 65%
% of UK exports going to the EU / 44%
% of UK imports coming from the EU / 53%
Figures are for 2015 unless stated, Sources used: IMF, WTO, UK Treasury, OECD