Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification

Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)

Service Referral Format Specification

Organization: / Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres (OACCAC)
Division: / Business Solutions
Version: / 20.0
Schema Version: / 2.21
Version Date: / April 8, 2014
Prepared By: / Ion Moraru
Updated By: / Ellen Hsu
Arthur Bydon
Manuel Ng, N. Purvis, T. Jin

Revision Log

Version No. / Version Date / Summary of Change / Changed by/Input from /
1.0 / October 26, 2007 / First draft / Guy Fortin
1.1 / October 30, 2007 / Remove duplicates from Service Type Table App A / Guy Fortin
2.0 / November 2, 2007 / Added the Service Referral Update chapter
Added ProviderEndDate to the Service Referral Authorization element
Remove Id attribute from Frequency element (this will not be supported day-1 - but may be added in a future version)
Added OfferId to ServiceOffer element
Added ServiceOfferResponse element / Guy Fortin
2.1 / December 4, 2007 / Change several Optional fields to be Mandatory
Change ProviderContractCode to ContractCode
Move ServiceResponseTime from Service element to ServiceOffer element
Remove RiskCodeLastUpdated and RiskCodeUpdatedBy fields from ClientRiskCodes element
Renamed PrimaryDiagnosis to Diagnosis (to allow for all diagnosis to be provided in the future)
Added IsPrimary attribute to Diagnosis to indicate the primary diagnosis
Added to DiagnosisDescription and SurgicalDescription to indicate that CCAC can also enter freeform text
Add a Date and Time description in Chapter 2
Added appendix to list of valid language codes and reduced PreferredLanguage attributes to 3 bytes
Renamed TransmissionDate to TransmissionDateTime in ServiceOffer and ServiceOfferResponse elements
Added OrganizationCode to Service Offer and ServiceOfferResponse elements
Added RequestType attribute to ServiceReferral element to capture "Initial" and "Resumption" of service / Guy Fortin
V2.2 / February 1, 2008 / Changed ContractCode, and ResponseTimeForReferral from optional to Mandatory in ServiceOffer element
Combined AuthorizingCaseManagerFirstname and AuthorizingCaseManagerSurname into AuthorizingCaseManagerName in Authorization element
Changed StreetName, Postal Code and City from optional to Mandatory in PresentAddressLocation element for Client (for Offer)
Renamed ResponseTimeForReferral to ResponseTimeForOffer (for Offer element)
Renamed ResponseTimeForReferralComments to ServiceResponseTimeComments (for Offer)
Moved GeographicArea from Client to Service (for Offer)
Changed RequiredFirstVisitDate from Mandatory to Optional in Authorization element of Offer
Renamed TransmissionDateTime to OfferTransmissionDateTime (time when Offer was sent to Provider)
Added ResponsePersonName, ResponsePersonPhone, AssignedStaffName, and AssignedStaffPhone to OfferResponse
Added ServiceOrderId to ServiceReferral element
Added OfferId to ServiceReferral element
Changed ReferralType, FocusOfIntervention and TreatmentOrders from optional to Mandatory
Added AuthorizingCaseManagerName and Provider instructions to to ServiceElement
Deleted ServiceTypeDescription and ServiceDeliveryTypeDescription from Service element
Added ServiceLocation element to Service element
Deleted ServiceDeliveryLocationCode, Authorization element, AuthorizingCaseManagerFIrstName and Surname from Service element
Added Summary to Frequency element
Changed QuantityOfService from Mandatory to Optional in Frequency element
Deleted PreferredDaysOfWeek and RepeatRate from Frequency element
Added Interval, RecurrenceNumber, RecurrencePeriod, Weekday1, ... Weekday7, NumberOfHoursPerVisit and AdditionalDetails to Frequency element
Changed Name, Lang, DOB, Gender, Marital Status, and Living Arrangement from optional to Mandatory
Change ClientRelationship, Role and Legal Role to Mandatory in PersonalContacts elements
Added IsPrimary to PersonalContacts element
Deleted CcacCode and SpecialStatus from Client Demographics element
Deleted ClientCharacterisitics from Client element and added IsSmoker Boolean to Client element
Renamed ClientContacts element to PersonalContacts in Client element
Changed SchoolPhone from element to a Number
Added a Physician element inside the MedicalContacts element
Changed TypeOfContact from element to attribute for Physician
Change ContactPhone from an element to a number
Moved GeographicArea and LocalDistinction from Client to Service for both Offer and Referral
Deleted IsActive and RiskCodeDescription from ClientRiskCodes
Changed TelephoneNumber from an element to an Alpha / num in PhoneContact element
Deleted ContactType from PhoneContact element
Rename OtherServices element to OtherActiveServices in ServicePlanSummary element and add a subordinate Service element
Rename AdmitDate to StartDate in OtherActiveServices element
Add a subordinate Item element to EquipmentMedicalSupplies element
Deleted ItemType, ItemOrderType, ItemDeliveryDate, and ItemRentalPeriod (promoted Start and End date) from EquipmentMedicalSupplies element
Added ItemStatus to EquipmentMedicalSupplies element
Moved Diagnosis element and Surgery element from ServicePlanSummary element to Client element
Added ContractCode to ServiceReferral element (for ServiceReferral Update)
Added AuthorizingCaseManagerName, GeographicalArea, nad LocalDistinction to Authorization element (for ServiceReferral Update)
Made StreetName, PostalCode City, and Directions mandatory in Address element
Deleted ClientDemographics element and promoted Firstname, Surname, etc. to Client Element for ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate
Added an optional Province element to all of the Address specifications
Added full specification of ServiceReferralUpdate element instead of referring to ServiceReferral element (it is a subset)
Delete Authorization element and its sub-elements ReassessmentDate, ProviderEndDate, and moved AuthrizingCaseManagerName to ServiceReferralUpdate element / Guy Fortin
2.3 / Feb 21, 2008 / Renamed PresentAddressLocation to AddressLocation in Client element
Added AdditionalInfo, Comments, and FreeLine to AddressLocation element
Added OfferAddressInstructions to Client element
Added ContractName to ServiceReferral and SeriveReferralUpdateRequest element
Changed ServiceLocation to Optional (of ServiceReferral)
Added CaseManagerReassessmentDate to Service element (of ServiceReferral and ReferralUpdateRequest)
Fixed ServiceLocation element to be ServiceDeliveryLocationCode in Service element (of ServiceReferral)
Changed IsVeteran and IsSmoker from a field to an attribute of the Client element (for ServiceReferral)
Made FirstName, PreferredLanguage, ClientAddress, and ClientPhone Optional in Client element (for ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdateRequest)
Added AdditionalInfo, Comments, and FreeLine to ClientAddress
Address Type optional for School, and Physician element
Made Physician Contact Address Optional
Made Physician ContractPhone Mandatory
Added RiskCodeDescription to ClientRiskCodes element
Made Diagnoses Mandatory
Made DiagnosisCode and ProcedureCode Optional
Made ServicePlanGoals Mandatory
Renamed EstimatedEndDate to ItemEstimatedEndDate
Added ServiceDeliveryLocationCode to Service element (ReferralUpdateRequest) / Guy Fortin
2.4 / Feb 21, 2008 / Added updated XML Diagrams / Guy Fortin
2.5 / March 3, 2008 / Reflect feedback from CHRIS Team Review
-  Added ServiceInstructions element to ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate and moved ServicePlanGoals and other instructional fields into it
-  Removed CaseManagerReassessmentDate (this is for CCAC only) from Service element
-  Added DateServiceRequiredBy to Service element and ServiceOffer element
-  Made Diagnoses optional (not provided for non-meidcal services in Client element
-  In Address element (for both Referral and Offer): made Directions optional; deleted Comments; renamed FreeLine to AddressSummary / Guy Fortin
2.6 / March 7, 2008 / Renamed ClientReferralCode to BillingReferenceNumber in ServiceReferral and ServiceUpdateReferral element / Guy Fortin
2.7 / April 21, 21 / Updated ServiceOfferResponse XML diagram in Appendix C to reflect minor changes in 2.5 of the XML schema (see comments in diagram for details) / Guy Fortin
2.8 / May 27, 2008 / Added ResponseDueDateTime to ServiceOfferRequest
Added Provider Notification Notes, School Name, Referral Type to Service element for ServiceOfferRequest
Added Risk Codes and Active Diagnosis to Client element for ServiceOfferRequest
Added new Authorization element to ServiceOfferRequest, ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate
ServiceOrderId renamed to ProviderAssignmentId in ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate.
ProviderStaffName and ProviderStaffPhoneNumber added to ServiceReferral
UnitOfService and SpecialtyCode added to the Service element for ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate / Ion Moraru
2.9 / June 06, 2008 / Service Offer Request:
Added School Name, Referral Type, ServiceInstructions (Focus of Interventions, ServicePlan Goal, Treatment Orders, ProviderInstructions). Removed dates and description from active risk codes, Contract Name.
Service Referral:
Removed Contract Name, Removed dates and description from active risk codes. Renamed ProviderStaffName to AssignedStaffName, ProviderStaffPhoneNumber to AssignedStaffPhoneNumber. Added OfferDate.
Removed ContractName, RoomNumber. Added CMReassessmentDate, ProviderEndDate,OfferDate, AssignedStaffName, AssignedStaffPhoneNumber, School and ActiveRiskCodes. / Ion Moraru
2.10 / June 12, 2009 / Remove Service Referral Update, Service Offer and Offer Response
Combined Service Referral Update with Service Referral
Added PreferredName and Health Card elements to the Client elelment / Mary Lou Smith
Ion Moraru
2.11 / Sep 1, 2009 / Update to following after QA Testing:
2.1 CcacCode, Referral Type, Request Type
2.2 ServiceTypeCode, ServiceDeliveryType, UnitOfService, ServiceDeliveryLocationCode
Appendix B ‘Home Care’ change to ‘Home’ / Ellen Hsu
2.12 / Sep. 22, 2009 / Changed the data type for NumberOfHoursPerVisit and QuantityOfService / Ion Moraru
2.13 / Oct 6, 2009 / Add <Salutation>, <Phone> and <WorkPhone> to <PersonalContacts / Ellen Hsu
2.14 / December 9, 2009 / Add Sender and Destination elements that describe the participants in the message exchange. / Arthur Bydon
2.15 / March 26, 2010 / Added Allergies, SafetyIssues, BillingCodes / Arthur Bydon
2.15 / March 29, 2010 / Add Description to Frequency Day of the Week selection, Number of Hours per Visit, Recurrence Number and Recurrence Period.
Update Appendix A: Service Type Codes, Service Delivery Location, Service Specialty, Service Delivery Type
Change field length of IsPrimary in Active Diagnosis and Personal Contacts from 1 to 5 / Ellen Hsu
2.15 / April 30, 2010 / Add Authorization Sender
Change Client Phone
Add Additional Information for Diagnoses / Ellen Hsu
2.15 / May 4, 2010 / Add room number and country in Address
Add Mailing Addresses and Cancelled Frequency
Add extension to Client Phone, Personal Contact Phone, Medical Contact Phone / Ellen Hsu
2.15 / May 10, 2010 / Update Home Mailing Address (Building name) for active Correspondent. / Ellen Hsu
2.15 / May 18, 2010 / Delete OrganizationName
Add ServicePriorityRating, Caseload Employee, ClientPhone Phone, PersonalContacts Contact, ActiveRiskCodes RiskCodeItem, ServicePlanSummary Service, EquipmentMedicalSupplies Item
Change from Mandatory “Yes” to “No”:
OfferDateTime, DateServiceRequiredBy, RequiredFirstVisitDate, Frequencies, SchoolAddress, Allergies, SafetyIssues
Change PreferredLanguage to PreferredLanguageOfService / Ellen Hsu
2.15 / May 19, 2010 / Change <ContactFirstName to ContatFirstName> in <MedicalContacts<Physician> / Ellen Hsu
2.16 / June 11, 2010 / Added “FrequencyId” attribute to the Frequency element / Manuel Ng
July 28, 2010 / Updated ContractCode type and size to match the schema / Arthur Bydon
August 26, 2010 / Added ServiceAssignmentId field / Arthur Bydon
2.17 / June 10, 2011 / Added “Service Pathway Name”, “Service Pathway Description”, “Service Pathway Document URL” to Frequency Element details section / N. Purvis
August 26, 2011 / Updated as per CQ 62801 / N. Purvis
February 28, 2012 / ICCP – addition of Care Pathways / N. Purvis
February 29, 2012 / ICCP: update to xml for Billing Codes
Sections: 2.1 / N. Purvis
March 1, 2012 / ICCP: update to xml for Discharge Disposition
Sections: 2.3 / N. Purvis
March 8, 2012 / ICCP: addition of Integration Code to Care Pathways Section: 2.3 / N. Purvis
March 13, 2012 / ICCP: latest updates to Care Pathways post Dev. Review
Section: 2.3 / N. Purvis
April 10, 2012 / Add IsClusterCare / B. Fu
June 26, 2012 / Updates to change “Care” Pathway to “Outcome-Based” Pathway in element Description.
Removed spaces in Care Pathway element names. / K. Guy
June 26, 2012 / TFS 14507, 14508
Major version published / K. Guy
March 20, 2013 / TFS# 47753
Published as v16.0
Section 2.3: added new OBP elements / T. Jin
May 13, 2013 / TFS# 51300 Published as v17.0
Section 2.3: added “ResponsibleActorTypeCode” and “ResponsibleActorTypeName” elements / T. Jin
July 10, 2013 / TFS# 57166, Published as v18.0
Section 2.2 and 2.4: added “ServiceType”, “ServiceDeliveryType”, and “ServiceDeliveryTypeCode” elements / T. Jin
(CHIRS 2.4/HPG 3.2) / September 25, 2013 / TFS# 64868
Section 2.1: added “ProviderReportResponse”
Section 2.2: added “ProviderDischargeDate”, “DischargeDispositionCode”, “DischargeDispositionDescription” and “DisplayDate”
Section 2.4: added “ExternalSystemId”
Section 2.8: added ProviderReportResponse element detail / T. Jin
(CHIRS 2.4/HPG 3.2) / November 27, 2013 / TFS# 77955
Section 2.8: renamed element “ProviderEndDate” to “EndDate” / T. Jin
(CHIRS 2.4/HPG 3.2) / March 26, 2014 / TFS # 167160
Documentation Update: Address Element – Type field. Clarified Service Delivery Location is used in client address (treatment location) / J. Lizon

Table of Contents

1. Purchased Service Referral 13

1.1 Brief Description 13

High Level Structure of the Service Referral 13

2. Service Referral Elements (version 2.21) 14

2.1 ServiceReferral element detail 14

2.2 Service element detail 19

2.3 Outcome-Based Pathway Assignment element detail 23

2.4 Frequency element detail 30

2.5 ServiceRecipient element detail 33

2.6 Client element detail 33

2.6.1 Address element detail 41

2.7 ServicePlanSummary element detail 42

2.8 ProviderReportResponse element detail 43

3. Appendix A - Service attribute values 48

3.1 Service Type Codes 48

3.2 Service Delivery Location 49

3.3 Specialty 49

4. Appendix B - Service Delivery Type 51

5. Appendix C - ISO 639-2 Language Codes 57

1.  Purchased Service Referral

1.1  Brief Description

Once it is determined that a Client needs to receive a Purchased Service, the CCAC may issue a Service Offer to the chosen Service Provider for them to Accept or Reject. Once the Offer is accepted, a Service Referral is sent to that Provider to more fully describe the details and the context of the service that is required. Should the need occur to change the Service frequency, the CCAC will send another Service Referral (for Frequency Update) to the Provider with a set of Frequency elements containing the appropriate changes.

This document specifies the information and associated format of Service Referral.

High Level Structure of the Service Referral

The Service Referral and Service Referral Update are XML documents that share the following high level element structure:

Figure 1 Service Referral

As the diagram above depicts, a ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate element contain one Service element, one ServiceRecipient element and possibly one ServicePlanSummary element. The Service element itself contains one to many Frequency and/or Outcome-Based Pathway elements and the ServiceRecipient element contains a single Client element. These are the principal elements that make up a Service Referral and there is a section below to more fully specify each of them.

2.  Service Referral Elements (version 2.21)