El Paso Independent School District

Community and Student Engagement Campus Performance Rating Worksheet

Factor: Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students for High School


Name of Person Completing the Document:

Standard / Yes/No / Possible Evidence
(Student Assessment)
1.  (Student Assessment) Do all populations at all grade levels of your campus have access to the gifted and talented identification process at least once a year, and are students evaluated for gifted/talented services as the need arises throughout the year? / ·  Data gathered on referred students
·  List of newly identified students
·  Demographics of identified GT students compared to campus population
·  Testing schedules
2.  (Student Assessment) Are decisions regarding student identification made by a committee of at least three educators trained in the nature and needs of GT students who take into consideration a range of data to make a decision in the best interest of each individual child? / ·  Sign-in sheets for GT committee meetings
·  Training records for committee members
·  Documentation of evidence used for placement decisions
3.  (Student Assessment) Does the campus follow the District procedures for handling transfer students who previously received gifted services, furloughs, and exits? / ·  GT screening committee records
·  Minutes from GT screening committee meetings
4.  (Student Assessment) Are families and staff informed of the results of the gifted/talented identification process and given the opportunity to discuss them? / ·  Notification letters to families
·  Communication to staff
·  Schedule of conference /phone calls
5.  (Student Assessment) Have the majority of the members of the GT screening committee completed the initial 30 hours of gifted/talented training? / ·  Staff development records
6.  (Student Assessment) Is an awareness session offered to families and the community, in languages they understand, about the gifted/talented identification process and services, including how to refer students? / ·  Meeting schedules and agendas
·  Translated materials
7.  (Student Assessment) Are the members of the GT Screening Committee who have completed the initial 30 hours of GT training current with their annual 6-hour update? / ·  Staff development records
8.  (Student Assessment) Does the GT Screening Committee take into consideration additional data beyond the standard collected to make a decision in the best interest of each individual child? / ·  Data gathered on referred students
·  List of newly identified students
Service Design
9.  (Service Design) Does your campus offer gifted and talented services daily, according to the EPISD program models, giving GT students the opportunity to work independently, with other identified GT informing parents of all district program options? / ·  Teacher lesson plans
·  Schedules of GT students
·  Documentation of types and manner of dissemination of parental notifications
10.  (Service Design) Does your campus share information about special opportunities (camps, contests, etc.) for students with parents and the community? / ·  Flyers and other communications
11.  (Service Design) Are students provided with independent study and flexible grouping opportunities in the four core subject areas, at an appropriate level and pace, and does your campus regularly utilize acceleration options for students? / ·  Schedules
·  Student work samples
·  Lesson plans
·  Documentation used to determine need for acceleration
·  Summary of acceleration options
·  List of accelerated students
Curriculum and Instruction
12.  (Curriculum and Instruction) Are GT students provided with learning experiences that lead to advanced level products and/or performances, such as with the Texas Performance Standards Project, that are targeted to audiences outside the classroom, and are they provided opportunities to pursue areas of interest through independent research? / ·  Student project samples
·  Lesson Plans
13.  (Curriculum and Instruction) Does your campus improvement plan include the GT program? / ·  Campus Improvement Plan
14.  (Curriculum and Instruction) Are schedules modified when necessary to meet the needs of individual GT students? / ·  Student schedules
15.  (Curriculum and Instruction) Do GT students develop products and/or performances that are appraised by external professionals who are knowledgeable in related fields? / ·  Student evaluation and appraisal records
(Professional Development)
16.  (Professional Development)Are GT students served by teachers who have completed (or will complete within the semester) the initial 30 clock hours of GT training as set forth by the District? After completing the initial 30 hours, do teachers of the gifted complete 6 hours of GT update training annually? / ·  Staff development records
17.  (Professional Development)Have administrators and counselors on your campus completed 6 hours of GT training that includes nature/needs and program options? / ·  Staff development records
18.  (Professional Development)Are all campus staff provided an orientation to the GT identification process and services, including training on nature and needs? / ·  Faculty meeting minutes and agendas
·  Staff development records
(Family and Community)
19.  (Family and Community)Are parents included in the annual evaluation of GT services on your campus, and are the results used to modify the campus improvement plan and do you provide an orientation and periodic updates for parents of identified GT students? / ·  Parent evaluation data
·  Campus Improvement Plan
·  Records of orientations
·  Agendas/minutes/talking points
20.  (Family and Community)Does your campus do presentations for community groups and organizations to solicit their involvement in the GT program on your campus? / ·  Meeting agendas and minutes


Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students