We are international.
The UCD Forensic Medicine courses are accredited under the European Credit Tansfer System and are open to Irish, European and International students. Although primarily taught in the Irish jurisdiction, much reference is made to comparative law and practice in other jurisdictions. Students may present work in Northern Irish, Scottish, English and Welsh or European law, or in other jurisdictions by arrangement.
Graduate Diploma in Medicine (Forensic Medicine)
The fourth running of our Graduate Diploma course starts in September 2007. The course is part time over one academic year and is an appropriate qualification for those practicing forensic medicine as part of, or in addition to, their work in another speciality, or wishing to work towards our MSc.
The course involves 2 taught modules, with 12 taught sessions in Dublin; distance and self-directed learning; presentations of work; skills training and virtual classroom sessions over 2 semesters (September to May). Module 3 is a casebook presented in July.
The UCD Graduate Diploma has been accepted as a suitable qualification for medical practitioners seeking Membership of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine.
The 2007/8 course is fully booked but potential students are welcome to contact us to be included in our 2007/8 cancellations list or our mailing list for the 2008/9 course.
MSc Forensic Medicine
Holders of the Graduate Diploma, or equivalent approved qualifications such as the DMJ, may undertake a 30 ECT module (Dissertation) to complete the UCD Masters degree in Forensic Medicine. The course may be taken over 2 semesters with entry possible in September, January or May.
The 2007/8 course is fully booked but potential students are welcome to contact us to be included in our 2007/8 cancellations list or our mailing list for the 2008/9 course.
Graduate Certificate in Sexual Assault Forensic Examination
This course is to be run in conjunction with the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit at the Rotunda Hospital Dublin with theoretical and practical modules (each 15 ECTS), starting in Autumn 2007 / Spring 2008. Expressions of interest are being invited at present. The course frequency may be increased to meet the demand for places
Initial Training Course for Forensic Medical Examiners.
We are planning to start this course as soon as negotiations with An Garda Siochana and the Irish Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform are completed. This course will be appropriate doctors wishing to work as Forensic Medial Examiners within the Irish jurisdiction and will be advertised later.
Continuing Professional Development
We are planning a range of CPD sessions in Forensic Medicine by distance learning for doctors working primarily within the Irish jurisdiction to be advertised later in 2007.
PhD and Research Posts
We have interests in medico-legal death investigation, medical law, road traffic medicine and medical ethics. PhD and research posts are available.
A salaried 3 year full time PhD post has been advertised to start October 2007. The closing date for applications is 28th September 2007.
For further Information, contact
Academic: Dr Andrew Wilkinson (Postgraduate Courses and Programmes) or
Dr. Cliona McGovern (PhD and Research posts) or
Professor Denis A. Cusack
Administrative: Ms. Brid MacCormack
Phone: +353 (0)17166647;
E-mail: ;
Address: Forensic and Legal Medicine, School of Medicine and Medical Science,
Health Sciences Centre, UCD Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Dr Wilkinson can also be contacted in the UK: +44 (0) 7776 187505;