Community Advancement Division Council

Meeting Notes

January 5, 2012

Present: Martha Aaron, Kristi Adams, Jose Anaya, Maryann Cohan, Denise DiPasquale, Darling Garcia, LauraLee Garinger, Karen Latuner, Veronica Mendoza, Alin Sanchez, Naomi Tokuda, Traci Traina, Maricela Vital, Alicia Zambrano

A scheduled meeting of the Community Advancement Division Council convened at 1:30 pm at the Business Training Center in Room 2.

Review of Minutes from November 17th meeting

Minutes approved as written.

Department Updates

Grants – Kristi Adams:

1)  Research: Conducted funding searches for more federal, state and private grant opportunities via their RFPs (Request for Proposal). Have participated in webinars such as Department of Homeland Security for more information. Will be compiling a grants newsletter to inform faculty and staff of grant opportunities. Currently grant opportunities are e-mailed on a case by case basis. This will be a more comprehensive format for grants we are eligible to apply for in 2012.

2)  New funding search for Environmental Technology curriculum development + funding for a series of sustainable and regenerative projects including a Sustainable Resource Learning Center on campus would include systems of urban farming.

3)  Grants: Submitting an NSF project, Guest Math Teacher Project, on January 10th that is headed by faculty member Judy Kasabian. It focuses on future math teachers at ECC. Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT) will be submitting non-competitive applications for their Community Collaborative, and Supplemental and Workforce Innovation Partnership (WIP) grants that are due this month. The CACT Career Advancement Academy was awarded their second year funding but at a lower amount. We are looking at several grants this year including the Veterans Upward Bound and the Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP).

4)  The new STEM Title III project is underway. Three support staff have been hired in addition to the two project directors. These include a Project Specialist to assist with all components of the grant, a Special Projects Coordinator who will do outreach and work with industry partners and an advisor to help STEM students with their college and career goals.

5)  Total funding for ECC campus and Community Advancement for 2011 was 9.7 million which includes new grants and the 2011 year of on-going projects.

Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Traci Traina:

1)  Classes for 2012 scheduled.

2)  H1B grant is in planning stages.

3)  Working with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board. Will have Quality classes and new APEX classes on campus. This is last year on NSF grant. Currently looking at doing an on-line program. Last CQE class had 14 participants that passed the Certified Quality Engineer Exam.

4)  Providing training at local businesses on an on-going basis.

Karen Latuner:

5)  Society for Manufacturing Engineers Prime Awards Banquet was rescheduled for January 23rd at 5:00pm in the East Dining Room. Hawthorne High School – School of Engineering will receive a monetary award and scholarships. SME planning meeting is looking to bring local industry into the education conversation creating employment linkages into MTT, Welding and Engineering. Keynote speaker is Bart Aslin, Director of the Ed Foundation.

6)  Project Lead the Way coming along. Schools are now contacting us regarding PLTW. Long Beach has adopted it for all their schools. CAMS has received national recognition.

7)  Institutional Research tracking local high school students to see if they graduate from ECC.

8)  Have developed concurrent enrollment processing for Spring 2012 for every school.

9)  ECC Robotics Academy is in its 2nd year.

Naomi Tokuda:

10) California Advancement Academy (CAA): Winter English and Math Academies are going on at both campuses to help get student scores up. We are doing both pre and post testing. We are recruiting for next semester.

11) Working on CAA RFP (Request for Proposal) that is due shortly. New requirements have been added.

12) Doing proposal for conference presentation at upcoming CCCAOE Conference.

Alicia Zambrano:

13) Finished Welding and MTT cohorts. Three welding students were certified.

14) CAMS: Offered partial PLTW program with 4 sections in place. All were completed with over 100 students finishing the classes. Getting ready to start new spring semester with student orientation and registration sessions.

15) Robotics: Offered class for high school students and 14 completed the class.

16) Aerospace Fastener Program/IDRC: Offered 3 sessions during Fall semester; 2 sessions in MTT Tech 101abcd and 1 session in Blueprint Reading. A total of 70 students completed training this semester.

17) Aerospace Career Day on December 8th had 8 companies, 17 business representatives and approximately 50 students and guests who participated. Eight to ten students who graduated from the program received job offers from Alcoa, PB Fasteners and Air Industries

18) IDRC and Aerospace Manufacturing programs building up. Three classes are being offered. Instructors are working on Introduction for Aerospace Manufacturing, a 12 unit certificate program.

Center International Trade Development – Maryann Cohan:

1)  Maurice Kogon and Kerry Bonner are back from ECO Expo Asia 2011 in Hong Kong. One success story was a firm that uses satellites to forewarn of drainage problems that was successful in selling to the Chinese government..

2)  Kerry Bonner and Bronwen Madden will be attending trade show in Hong Kong in March. They are in the process of recruiting companies.

Community Education – Veronica Mendoza:

1)  Winter/Spring 2012 catalog will be out next week.

2)  All instructors’ contracts are in for 2012.

3)  Summer 2012 instructor RFPs sent out.

Small Business Development Center – Laura Garinger:

1)  We have lost two business advisors within the past month, Sharon Peterson and Samantha Sproson. Bill Sorotsky, one of our loan specialists, will increase his working days to cover part of the loss.

2)  New critical goals have been determined for our center for 2012. The largest goal to meet will be loans/capital infusion. The goal has been set for $10 million dollars. The goal for 2011 was $7.6 million.

3)  We ranked 3rd in the Los Angeles regional SBDC Network for achieving the goals set for the 2011 year.

4)  Orientations will be provided to new clients to make sure they are ready to start a business.

Workplace Learning Resource Center – Denise DiPasquale:

1)  Attended South Bay Workforce Investment Board Alumni Breakfast and SBWIB Executive Board meetings.

2)  Met with new ECC Director of Nursing, Terri Kyle, to discuss IV Certification class.

3)  Attended Veterans Job Fair in Torrance. Met with the Director of U.S. Vets of Inglewood to provide job leads picked up from the Fair.

4)  Met with Alicia Villareal, representative for Labor Secretary Hilda Solice, Phil Sutton and Jose Anaya to discuss mutual interests in workforce development.

5)  Attended opening of new Veterans Center on campus.

6)  Reviewed environmental website KQED (located in Northern California) and produced a one-page report of its site content for Phil to take to Leuzinger High School.

7)  Attended on-line webinar for new WorkKeys Career Ready 101, a new product which WpLRC has now purchased for ECC and Compton.

8)  Follow-up meeting with Tammy Bird, instructor at Carson High School, to future explore how we can implement Introduction to Sustainability curriculum including presentations and guest speakers at the school.

Maryann Cohan

1)  Terminal Island will start with Business Math this month. AutoCad and Blueprint Reading will come later. A Welding class is being looked into. The Job Fair is scheduled for May 2012. Metropolitan Detention Center’s 3rd Parenting class will start soon.

2)  Maritime Training: Trying to schedule a Vessel Security Officer class 2 or 3 times a month. The first class is scheduled for January 24-25th.

Contract Education – Maricela Vital:

Our training schedules for various contracts are now in Share Point. Marketing materials are being developed with our new name of Center for Advanced Customized Training Solutions. A web page is in the process of being developed.

Employment Training Panel (ETP)

1)  All training funds fully allocated and classes completed in September for ET11-0204 Contract.

2)  ET12-1143 (two year contract) current classes in session at various companies.

3)  ET11-0806 Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Contract classes are on-going. We are in the process of getting contracts with several more colleges approved.

Contract Education

City of Torrance continues with their thirty-ninth class which will be utilizing Development Dimensions International’s curriculum.


o  State Budget and College Budget: State budget will be released soon.

Adjournment at 2:45 pm