Leicester Warwick Medical Schools
Supplementary Application Form
Thank you for your interest in the four-year MBChB degree in Medicine at the Leicester Warwick Medical School. In order to help us with the selection process, we would like you to complete this form which (together with your UCAS form) will enable us to decide whether to call you to interview. The purpose of the form is to give you more space than is on the UCAS form to present your case for consideration to read medicine. Please use this form as a chance to tell us about your commitment to the profession of medicine. Further guidance in completing this form is given on the final Notes page.
You should complete this form in type and this may most easily be done by downloading the electronic version from the web site Do not change the margins and do not use a font smaller than 11 point (preferably Arial). You may vary the lengths of the individual sections 2 to 6 but DO NOT extend the form beyond 5 A4 pages (including this one, but excluding the Notes page). Being able to write concisely is an important quality!
If you are invited for an interview, your responses to the questions in this form may be the basis for discussion. You may therefore like to keep a copy of this form.
Badly presented or over-long forms may be returned and so delay the selection process.
Please complete all the following sections (1 to 7).
1. YOUR PERSONAL DETAILSUCAS Number: / Date of Birth:
Last Name: / College/University:
First Name(s): / Telephone:
Correspondence address: / Email:
Did you apply to study medicine on completion of your post-16 education? Yes No NB. This information is required for statistical purposes only. A previous application to medicine is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage in itself.
These two questions will give us an idea of your suitability for a career in medicine.
2.1. Give your most important reasons for wishing to study medicine.
2.2. What qualities or skills would you regard as essential in a good doctor and why?
These questions are designed to give us an insight into your all-round ability.
3.1. What do you regard as your major non-academic achievement and why?
3.2. Describe your recreational activities and explain why you consider them to be valuable to you.
These answers will enable us to make an assessment of whether you have the capacity to develop fully as a trained, professional doctor.
4.1. Give your best example of having to work as a member of a team.
4.2. Give your best example of having to use communication skills in a tough situation.
4.3. Describe how you have changed the way you do something (e.g. examination revision, the way you manage your finances) after consideration of the way you had been doing it.
Your answers in this section will provide us with information regarding your reflection on and consideration of the issues facing health care professionals.
5.1. What do you regard as the most important ethical issue in medicine today? Explain your views and describe situations where you believe this ethical issue has been well – or badly – dealt with.
5.2. What do you consider the main problems that confront doctors in training?
Describe the nature and extent of the practical experience you have of the skills you regard as necessary for the medical profession. Indicate how this experience has led you to decide to become a doctor.
Give an outline of your previous and/or current degree(s), particularly indicating your studies in cell and molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry. This is necessary to allow us to make a judgement on whether your background in biology qualifies you for the accelerated MBChB course.
I declare that the information I have provided in this form is correct and that I have completed this form unaided.
Signature: / Date:Please return this form (by post) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE following submission of your UCAS application to:
Mrs Anne White
Undergraduate Admissions Office
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
For Office use only:Date received:
First reader:
Course selector:
Notes on Completing the Leicester Warwick Medical School
Supplementary Application Form
Personal Details, Section 1
- Your UCAS number is important and will help us match your Supplementary Application Form to your UCAS application.
- Fill out the other personal details exactly as you did on your UCAS form.
Why Medicine, Section 2
- There are no right or wrong answers to these two questions. We are interested in your views as an individual.
Your Interests and Key Skills Relating to Medicine, Sections 3 and 4
- These questions relate to your intellectual and inter-personal development and will help us assess whether you have the capacity to grow and develop through another long period of academic work. The Medicine degree at the LWMS is interdisciplinary and involves the exploration of social and psychological perspectives on health and disease, as well as the standard biological themes. We are therefore looking for those who can think laterally and have the capacity to integrate different bodies of knowledge.
- Medicine is also more than an academic discipline and demands more from you than intellectual rigour. To function effectively as a doctor you will require a range of different skills, some of which we can teach and some of which you will need to work on yourself. Again, there are no model answers to these questions. How you approach them will tell us as much about you as what you actually choose to write.
- It may help, however, if we say that we are, essentially, looking for dedicated, energetic, balanced and mature individuals.
Insight into Medicine and Work Experience and Responsibilities, Sections 5 and 6
- All opinions expressed in these sections will be viewed from the perspective that a candidate should have taken the trouble to gain work experience in the caring and supportive professions and have reflected on this experience to consider the broader issues facing health care professionals. Moral or political views that you express within the law in the context of medical ethics will in no way prejudice your application.
- It does not really matter whether the work is or was paid or voluntary but you should have had to take some responsibility for promoting the wellbeing of others in an institutional or organisational context.
- It is not enough to tell us what you have done and when. We are also interested to know what you think you have learned from the experience(s) and how this influenced your career choice.
Your Degree, Section 7
- For the Graduate Entry A101 MBChB Degree based at Warwick a degree in Biological Sciences or a related subject is essential, including subjects such as a) Genetics (classical genetics from Mendel on), b) Biochemistry (metabolism both catabolic and anabolic, enzyme function and kinetics, structures and interactions of biomolecules), c) Cell Biology (different types of cell, tissue, cell structure, proliferation control, cell signalling) and d) Molecular Biology (structure and function of macromolecules, DNA and RNA proteins).
- For students who have studied their undergraduate degree outside of the UK, please submit a transcript of your previous studies with this supplementary application form.