Edward R. Aller, Pastor Emeritus
9393 Church Road
Grosse Ile, MI 48138
(734) 675-0005; (734) 675-8807
Fax: (734)675-5068
Pastor Sean: (734) 250-1655
Emails: Website:
MAY 2012
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!
Yes, it is still the Easter Season all the way up to Pentecost Sunday, which is May 27th. Easter is a time for celebrating new life and new possibilities and that is exactly what we are doing here at St Thomas!
On April 22 we enjoyed lunch together as we began a conversation about where we believe God is leading St Thomas. It is important to have these conversations together from time to time so that we do not fall into the trap of just following our annual calendar and then realizing that the years have gone by. We need to listen for God’s calling to new ways to reach people with the Good News, to new ways to reach out in service to our community, and new ways for us to grow in our own faith. God is always at work providing us with new and creative means of sharing and communicating our faith.
We are continuing this conversation now by meeting together as small groups so that we can discuss our ideas and thoughts on a more intimate basis. On Sunday May 6th we will come back together with a pot-luck lunch and share our ideas. Bring a dish to share Sunday May 6th immediately following worship and join the conversation. Hopefully we will leave on May 6th with a clearer picture of our next steps on the path of faith that our Lord has laid before us. Certainly our council will have many new ideas from all of you to work with. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of the body of Christ.
Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy,Pastor Sean
St. Thomas will recognize this year’s graduates at the May 6 10:15am worship service. The Rev. Edward R. Aller Scholarship, sponsored by WELCA, will be presented at that time.
The Grosse Ile High School Baccalaureate is scheduled for May 30 in the Grosse Ile High School auditorium at 7:00pm.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is working with "Kids Against Hunger" to pack 10,000+ meals for the hungry. Some will be used locally; some where there are emergency needs around the world. We are looking for 120 people (children, youth, families, seniors) from area Lutheran Churches to gather at St. John's Lutheran Church (Telegraph and Northline) in Taylor. Please join us on MAY 5, 2012 10:00 a.m.-12 NOON to do the packing. We had 192 and 121 the first two times. What a great opportunity for you, your family, any who have concerns for the hungry. Please contact PASTOR TED ALLER at 676-7999 or if you have questions and/or are willing to participate. We want to know who is coming. By the way, if anyone is a Thrivent member, let Pastor Aller know as that would enhance the effort.
St. Thomas will hold a Blood Drive in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday, May 27, 2012
9:30am – 12:30pm
Appointments may be scheduled at –
sponsor code is StThomasGI.
As you can see from the pictures, the April Wild Game Lunch was a lot of fun. Mark your calendars for May 2 at 12:00 Noon. We will have lunch and discuss final planning for the Ladies’ & Girls’ Dinner scheduled for May 9.
Once again, please bring two items for the food pantry for our neighbor church and if you forget, there will be a $1 fine. Please bring a friend.
Dick Withey
You are invited to join the church property group as we spruce up the landscaping at St. Thomas on Wednesday evening, May 2, from 6pm to 9pm. Bring a rake and a shovel (and a wheelbarrow if you have one). We look forward to having you join us. If you have any questions call John Schade at 734/675-2452 or Carol at 734/675-0005. If we get bad weather, we have some other easy things to do inside instead. Hope to see you here.
Landis, Steven 5/2
Perry, Lisa 5/2
Riley, Paula 5/2
Benko, Katherine 5/5
Wallace, Natalie 5/6
Perry, Matthew 5/9
Kline, Kathleen 5/13
Brozek, Ryan 5/14
Shelton, Matthew 5/15
Cameron, Russell 5/16
Blackburn, Emma 5/17
Jones, Lillian 5/19
Papp, Richard 5/25
Kujala, Robert 5/26
The following were welcomed into
the St. Thomas family by Holy Baptism:
On April 21
Ava Michelle Sanquist
Daughter of
Kristofor and Keshia Sanquist
Godparents are Russell McGregor
and Tygar McCutcheon
Grandparents are Dan & Pam Sanquist
On April 22
Jeffrey Reginal Hubbard II
Son of Jeffrey & Katelyn Hubbard
Godparents are Todd Hubbard and Melissa Doty
Sympathies of the Congregation are
with the family and friends of Sandi Persia
whose father passed away on March 28.
Sympathies of the Congregation are also
with the family and friends of Joan Broge,
one of our Monday quilters,
who passed away on
April 2.
On Mother's Day, May 13, our Bishop is asking every congregation in our synod to take a special offering in support of our seminarians. Here at St. Thomas every donation that we receive for this can go directly in support of Lauren Ragen, our own seminarian. Any offerings intended to support our seminarian should be placed in an envelope and marked for this purpose.
We will continue to take pictures at various worship services throughout May for the St. Thomas picture directory.It will be available both in print and on-line. Just come dressed the way you wish to be and have your picture taken.
Ethel J. Yops (2) in Memory of
Robert C. Yops, Sr. and Robert C. Yops, Jr.
Harvey & Doris Nissley
Pete & Sandi Loso (2) in memory of
Richard & Valere Carr
Peter & Elizabeth Loso
Dick & Gayle Withey
Doug & Agnes Kujala
Gayle Mitchell (2) in memory of
Carl & Dolly Geloneckand Donna Black
John & Cheryl Shelton in memory of
Oliver and Rose Sheltonand Marge Bowen
Russ & Carol Cameron in memory of
Robert Cameron and Denise Cameron
Lenaya & Fred Burchfield
in memory of Ralph Hines
Kathy Bartos (2) in memory of Tom Bartos
Lori Bartos (2) in memory of Tom Bartos
Jeff & Katelyn Hubbard (2) in memory of
Grandma & Grandpa Sweeney
and Grandma & Grandpa Hubbard
Dear friends of St. Thomas,
Thank you….thank you is not enough to say what our dear friends have shared with us. I am sorry I was not a good hostess to so many of you. Your meals have been great. When I left the hospital after back surgery, I was given strict orders not to cook. Richard does an excellent job, but this would have been a lot to ask. Thanks to your prayers, I am getting better and better each day. I am anxious to soon be able to drive and join you all for worship. Special thanks are also extended to Erin Shelton for organizing these dinners and gifts of food deliveries from different members. We look forward to seeing you all very soon.
Love to you all,
Gayle & Richard Withey & Bradley
DATE / GREETERS / USHERS / COFFEE HOST / LAY READER / ALTAR CARE / COMMUNION ASSISTANTS / ACOLYTES / YOUTH NIGHT MEALSMay 6 (Communion) / John & Cheryl Shelton / Judy Cemer, Sonny Ouellette, Bill Swasey / Congregation Lunch & Planning / Marcia Steger / Elke Malcomson / Bruce Gluski (Sat.)/Corey & Darcie Bammer (Sun.) / Judy Cemer
May 13 / The Thompson Family / Matt Shelton, George Thompson, George Nelson / Chelsea Karrar / * / * / No Youth Night
May 20 (Communion) / Sonny & Debbie Ouellette / Fred Karn, Elke Malcomson / Al Skrocki / Elke Malcomson / Vic Lenhart (Sat.)/Mark & Nancy Graver (Sun.) / Kate Bickel / Cindy Thompson
May 27 / Judy Cemer & Elke Malcomson / Al Skrocki, John Shelton, Sandi Loso / Grace Biggar / * / * / Justine Brozek / No Youth Night
MAY 2012