Instructor: Dr. Ya-Ping Huang (223-3323), RGC 319.1 e-mail:
web page:
Section 29427, 29391: MW: 10:30 AM –11:50 AM, RGC 320
29428 TH: 12:00 PM –1:15 PM, RGC 320
29429: TH: 5:40 PM - 6:55 PM, RGC 320
Office Hours:
M: 12:00 noon - 2:30 pmT: 11:00 am -12:00 noon, 1:15 –2:30 pm
W: 10:00 – 10:30 amH: 11:15 am -12:00 noon, 4:15 - 5:30 pm
By appointment:
M: 10:00 – 10:30 amT: 10:00 – 11:00 amW: 2:30 –3:30 PM
H: 10:15 – 11:15 amF: 10:15 am – 12:00 noon
I. Prerequisite: CHEM 1411 (CHM 1634) and MTH 1743, and concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1412 lab.
II. Textbook:
Lecture: General Chemistry, 6 th Edition by Whitten, Davis and Peck (2000)
Problem Solving Skill
Lab: Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, ACC Custom Edition. by Slowinski, Wolsey & Masterton.
III. Subjects & Schedule:
CHM 1412 covers chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, ionic equilibria, thermodynamics,
electrochemistry, coordination complexes, nuclear chemistry and organic chemistry. We will cover
Ch. 10, 15-21, 25-27, approximately one chapter every 3 lectures.
IV. Tests:
There are five tests for the semester. The first 4 tests will be held in the testing center and one retest
Is allowed for each of these tests. The last test is to be held in class (no re-test allowed).
In order to receive full credit for the test questions you MUSTshow all your work on the scratch
paper provided by the testing center. Clearly number each problem and show all work and
calculation neatly and legibly.
Tentativeschedule and material covered for the test and retest are as following:
Topics / Whitten/Davis /Peck / Brown, LeMayTest 1 / Feb.7- Feb. 13 / Chemical kinetics
Chemical equilibrium / Ch. 16
Ch. 17 / Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Test 2 / Mar. 5 – Mar. 20 / Acid/base theories
Acid/base equilibrium / Ch. 10
Ch. 18-19 / Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Test 3 / Mar. 27 – Apr. 2 / Solubility equilibrium
Thermodynamics / Ch. 20
Ch. 15 / Ch. 17
Ch. 5, 19
Test 4 / Apr. 17 – Apr. 23 / Redox(review) Electrochemistry Coordination Cpds / Ch. 21
Ch. 25 / Ch. 20
Ch. 24
Test 5 / May. 8 – May. 9 / Nuclear chemistry
Organic chemistry & comprehensive / Ch. 26
Ch. 27 / Ch. 21
Ch. 25
Each test will have one or two questions relating to previous topics.
Any changes in the schedule will be announced in class and/or in my website.
It is your responsibility to keep yourself informed!
The result of the retest is your final grade. No further make-ups will be allowed.
Extensions :If for any reason you fail to take the test or retest on or before the deadline, you will be
given a 3-day extension with penalties as following: 5% off for one day extension, 10%
off for two-day extension and 15% off for three-day extension.
Instructor's signed permission is required to take the test or retest after the deadline
Limitation for re-tests:
To be eligible to get a final average of an “A,” you cannot take more than 3 re-tests.
No re-tests are allowed if you miss the deadline for the test.
Scholastic Dishonesty
The use or possession of any unauthorized material in the testing center is considered an
offense of academic dishonesty. The penalty is withdrawal from class or an F grade.
V. Homework:
- Assignments based on the end of chapter questions (every other odd) will not be collected.
- Assignments given in class will be collected on specific dates. (Check Assignment Summary for details) Late assignments are subject to penalty of one point a day. All homework turned in must show detailed work to get credit. Assignment more than one week late will not be accepted. Answers to the assignments will be posted on the bulletin board and on my website. Please check periodically. The granting of extra points (beyond 140) is tied to attendance record.
VI. Grading:
Homework assignments 140 pts A 900 pts and 5th test 60%
5 exams, 120 pts each 600 pts B 800 pts
12 labs 250 pts C 700 pts
Quizzes/Attendance 20 ptsD 600 pts
Total 1010 pts F < 600 pts
VII. Attendance:
Detailed attendance records will be kept for each student. If you fail to attend class for 3
consecutive sessions without legitimate excuses, you may be withdrawn from the course by the
instructor. However, it is your responsibility to withdraw if you so desire.
VIII. Miscellaneous:
- Testing center (Room 127): photo ID and ACC ID (or fee receipt) required
Hours: MTWH: 8 AM - 8 PM F: 8 AM - 4 PM Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM
- Parallel study lab: free tutoring for chemistry and other subjects. Check room 212 for individual
tutor’s schedule. (MTWH: 9 am – 9 pm, F: 9 am- noon)
- NO FOODS / DRINKS or cellular phone / pager in CLASSROOM.
- A basic scientific calculator with log and trig functions is sufficient for the class.
Only non-programmable calculators are allowed in the Testing Center.
- Withdrawal deadline: Monday, April 22, 2001.
CHM 1412 Lecture Schedule: Spring 2002
Date / Subjects / References (Whitten, Davis & Peck)Chapter / Pages
1 / J14,15 / Math Review / Appendix A / A-1 to A-4
2 / J16,17 / Reaction rate / 16.1-16.2 / 648-655
3 / J22,23 / Rate laws: rate vs concentration, conc. vs. time / 16.2-16.4 / 656-675
4 / J24,28 / Kinetic theory of reaction rates, Arrhenius equation / 16.5-16.6, 16-8 / 676-688*
5 / J29,30 / Reaction mechanism & catalysts / 16-7, 16-9 / 680-698*
6 / J31,F4 / Equilibrium concept and calculation / 17.1-17.5 / 708-721
7 / F5,6 / Equilibrium calculation and La Chatelier’s principle / 17.6-17.13 / 721-744
8 / F7,11 / Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry acid & strength / 10.1-10.6 / 372-380
9 / F12,13 / Acid strength and structure, Lewis acids and bases, / 10.7,10.9-10.10 / 380-384,386-390
10 / F14,18 / Dissociation of water, pH, weak acids and bases / 18:2-5 / 754-775
11 / F19,20 / Acid-base property of salt solutions, buffer / 18.7-.11, 19.1-.3 / 777-786,793-807
12 / F21,25 / Indicators, Classification of acid/base / 19.4, 18.7-18.11 / 808-809, 777-786
13 / F26,27 / Acid-base titrations / 19.5-19.7 / 621-624, 632-641
14 / F28, M4 / Review, catchup
15 / M 4,5 / Solubility equilibrium / 20.1-4 / 823-836
16 / M 6,7 / Simultaneous equilibrium, formation of complex ions, / 20.5-20.6 / 837-842
17 / M18,19 / Thermodynamics: 1st law, enthalpy / 15.1-15.7,15.10 / 591-604,612-617
18 / M20,21 / Enthalpy calculation, entropy, 2nd law / 15.8-15.14 / 604-628
19 / M25,26 / Gibbs free energy and temp, equilibrium constant / 15.15-15.16 / 628-635
20 / M27,28 / Oxidation-reduction reactions, electrolysis / 11:5-.7, 21:1-6 / Handout,849-857
21 / A1,2 / Voltaic cells, cell EMF / 21.8-21-16 / 858-873
22 / A3,4 / EMF and free energy change, Nernst equation / 21.19-21.21 / 877-886
23 / A8,9 / Coordination Compounds / 25.1-25.3 / 972-978
24 / A10,11 / Nomenclature, isomerism, / 25.4-25.7 / 979-991
25 / A15,16 / Crystal field theory, color & spectrochemical series / 25.8-25.9 / 991-996
26 / A17,18 / Nuclear stability, binding energy & decay / 26.1-26.8, / 1003-1011
27 / A22,23 / Rate of decay, fusion, fission / 26.10-26.16 / 1013-1029
28 / A25,25 / Nuclear chemistry and Organic chemistry / 27.1-27.15 / Handout
29 / A29,30 / Organic chemistry: structure and nomenclature / 27.1-27.15 / Handout
30 / M1,2 / Organic chemistry / 27.1-27.15 / Handout
31 / M6,7 / Review
32 / M8,9 / Comprehensive final