Exodus 33
When You’ve Had A Hard Day
1. Have you had a hard day?
2. Exodus 33 Moses has had a ‘hard day’. Four necessities in overcoming a hard day:
I. DIRECTIVE FROM GOD 33:1-6 God’s Guidance
II. DEDICATION TO GOD 33:7-11 God’s Gift
III. DIALOG WITH GOD 33:12-17 God’s Grace
IV. DESIRE FOR GOD 33:18-23 God’s Glory
Have you had a hard day?
A. God’s Guidance 1-3
*Get back to doing what God wanted you to do before the hard day.
*God has something for you to do. It’s all of grace, and based on God’s
*God will take care of the difficulties. God will do what He tells us to do. v. 2
*God moves us with a purpose to a place.
*We must adjust our lives to fulfill God’s wish and God’s word. v. 3
B. God’s Grief 3b-6
“I will not go up in the midst of the people…”
*”Stiffnecked people” Obstinate, unwilling to turn…
*Complaining People 4, 6
*Consumed People 5
Watch your attitude…your spirit…your obedience and surrender.
Have you had a hard day?
God’s Gift…a place to meet with man.
“Tabernacle” was a temporary tent before the establishment of the permanent
- It’s Location “outside the camp” 7-8
*The people could go to God for spiritual guidance.
*Their sin alienated them from God.
B. It’s Lord 9-11 He is there!
*Moses is an intimate personal friend with God.
*How are you known by God?
Have you had a hard day?
God’s Grace
“I can’t take a step without You.”
- Communication 12
*It’s a two way street.
*Moses said…God said…
B. Continuation 13
“Show me Thy way that I may find grace in your sight.”
C. Confirmation 15
Of God’s presence…
*These words do not express doubt, but a feeling of insufficiency or incompleteness.
*The most important thing in prayer is not what we say to God, but what He says to us.
*Whatever God does is a manifestation of His grace.
*Beautiful statement: “My presence will go with you and I will give you rest” v. 14
Have you had a hard day?
God’s Glory
*Only one thing controlled this man’s thoughts: Knowing God!
* “Show me thy glory”
- What Is The Glory of God?
1. We know that the glory of God is related to the presence of God.
*It is the expression of the essence of God Himself.
*Though the glory of God is transparent, it is overwhelming, though it is
unseen it isrecognizable.
2. We know that the glory of God is not only a representation of the
person of God... It is the expression of the very nature of God!
*The name of God is an extension of the nature of God.
*The glory of God then is the nature of God in a way His people could
3. Apparently, the glory of God must be received in degrees relative to
the spiritualcapacity of the one receiving it.
4. Apparently, God give us His glory in increasing measure when we
ask for it.
B. Where Is The Glory of God?
*God’s revelation of His own character to His children is given to the degree
to whichis determined by the capacity to receive it, and their willingness to
ask for it.
The Desire:
Show me Yourself!
DIRECTIVE:God’s Guidance:Get back to doing what
you know God told you to do.
DEDICATION: God’s Gift: Worship…Praise
A place when God meets with man: His Utter Holiness…Our Unworthiness
DIALOG: God’s Grace: I can’t take a step without Him.
DESIRE: God’s Glory: Show me Yourself!