Tuesday July 25, 2017
I. Roll Call 7:00 PM
Jennifer, Bruce, Andrea, Deborah, Beth, and Matthew in attendance. Megan Burke, who is a potential new member, sat in.
II. Review/approve minutes of June Meeting
Reviewed minutes from the June meeting. No changes requested or identified.
III. Public Comments
IV. Old Business
q ROSI Clearance
The previous submittal is being negotiated by the Township with the state. The Committee will wait until these negotiations are complete before updating it. This item will be removed from the agenda until these isues are resolved (expected around end of 2017).
q Hartford Crossing
The second bridge was installed by the boy scouts. The township is working to get a contract for trail paving in place. This should take 30-60 days.
V. New Business
q Goals and Objectives – 2017
q Replacement Members – Township Appointments.
Beth will advertise the openings to try to get replacement candidates. (*). Megan will apply for one of the seats.
q Hartford Crossing Mountain Bike Park – Matt
Trail paving is now going to be sent out for bids, using additional funds provided by the Township. Another cleanup will be scheduled for the fall. Volunteers will be sought to help. Potential sources for volunteers are the Boy Scouts and Lenape High School. Bruce has two contacts at Lenape (Environmental Club and Community Service Club).
q NJ Sustainability Plan
The Committee discussed how to proceed given Dan’s resignation. Members will look at the issues and a path forward will be developed.
q Tree City Application – Jen
This year’s application is being prepared by Jen (*).
q Other New Business
q Attendance at Planning Board Meetings
The ordinance establishing this Committee states that a MEAAC member will be a member of the Planning Board, which hasn’t happened. Matt will contact Cathy Burger regarding this (*).
q Spring Cleanup
Andrea suggested that the Committee organize a cleanup for next Spring.
VI. Zoning Considerations
q The Township Master Plan is being updated to include three sites for affordable housing development.
q Construction of the new Mexican restaurant at Taunton and Tuckerton has been approved.
VII. Upcoming Meetings
q Monthly Meetings:
August 22
September 26
October 24
November 28
December – combined with annual Holiday Party
VIII. Adjournment
(*) = Action Items