Educational Seminars
AIS Seminar
Presenter: Jim Heckman, SN
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Description: This seminar will be designed to explain the basic components and functions of the Coast Guard Supported program called AIS (automatic identification system). The focus will be on how the AIS system can be used by USPS boaters to identify the position, course, speed, and names of nearby boats and ships. The latest information on the AIS will be discussed including new display devices which overlay AIS information over electronic charts..
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Seminars: Teaching and Policy
Presenter: Chuck Wells, SN
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Description: Our courses are structured with tests to measure understanding and completion. Seminars are presented for a multitude of purposes and vary in length and information. DEO Wells will explain the various options for presenting seminars and the current national policy.
Instructor Recertification
Presenter: Bill McManimen, SN
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Description:The revised 2011 Instructor Recertification Seminar focuses on new technologies and techniques for presenting to adult audiences. It is a fun and audience participative program designed to renew enthusiasm and enhance presentation skills. It covers the benefits and pitfalls of using PowerPoint as an aid, as well as the value of manual aids. Keep your certification current!
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CPR/First Aid
Presenter: Jeff McKinney, JN
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Description:You can learn or recertify your current CPR and first aid training using a new approach that cuts your "classroom time" in half and lets you do the book part at home. Remember all boaters should be trained in CPR and First aid. You may save a loved ones life.
NMEA 0183 & 2000: What are they?
Presenter: Joe Gibson, AP
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Description:What is NMEA? How does it relate to my boat? How can I apply knowledge of the current electronic systems’ protocols? This seminar will help address those questions and help you understand how it works on your boat.
Educational Department Update
Presenter: Chuck Wells, SN and others
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Description: Hear the latest information from national headquarters. Find out what the educational department is doing and how it will affect your squadron. This is a must for SEOs.
Presenter: Frank Brown, AP
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Description:HQ800 is the data system for scheduling all squadron courses. Learn how to use it for your squadron and become familiar with DB2000 for search queries and other tools to assist the SEO.
Open Discussion on Education: Q&A
Presenter: Chuck Wells, SN and National Representative
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Description: The DEO and the national representative from the educational department will be available for questions and answers. This is your chance to hear the perspective of the national staff and ask questions about policy and direction.
On-the-water Training
Presenter: Chuck Wells, SN
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Description: On the water training is the application of the knowledge that we attain through our course and seminar work. Learn how you can conduct training sessions in your squadron or how we can expand training to include members from multiple squadrons.
Safe Food Handling
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