Committee Minutes / Mobile Integrated Health CareDate / December 15, 2014
Time / 12:00 P.M.
Location / Iris Room 665 Mainstream Drive
Participants / Members present: Wallace Elliot, Jim Perry, Nathan Sweet, Eric Ethridge, Jim Morgan, Tiwanna Bricker, Jimmie Edwards, Larry Wilson, James (Lynn) Thompson, Kevin Spratlin (Chair), Dr. Joe Holley, Chip Cook, Sandy Hayes, Jim Morgan, Bill Mize, Bill Jolley, Angie Allen, Tim Strange, Tim Lankford, Peggy Ray, Donna Tidwell, Brandon Ward and Keith Hodges.
Member Via Conference Line: Dr. Steven May
Members absent: Bernie Hayes, Frank Able, Sharon Adkins, Sherrie George, Shannon Seaton, Thomas Perkins, Michael Nolen, Dr. Roger Brooksbank, Dr. Pat O’Brien, Dr. David Chambers, Julia Triplett, and Nancy Judd.
Overall Lead / Topic / Summary/Decisions / Assignments / Next Steps / Responsible Person / Time Frame /
Kevin Spratlin / Subcommittee update was given. Ms. Tidwell gave an overview of the assements tools. Mr. Spratlin read the Committee a statement he wrote that will go out with the assessment survey. A question was raised as to who will get the survey. Mr. Spratlin identified five groups and asked if the committee knew of any other groups who should receive the survey. Mr. Lankford asked if the committee had a reliable means to get the survey to the groups identified. A suggestion was made to send an email with the survey to the administrative offices for each group. The email should include directions on how to fill it out. Dr. Holley stated that there is added value to getting it to the right people. Mr. Spratlin asked the Committee if they would like to review the questions now. The committee chose to wait until the survey questions were completed and in the proper format. Mr. Spratlin stated that he will email the questions out so that they can review them again. Mr. Spratlin stated that Michael Nolen has stepped down and he has asked Mr. O’Neal Ellis to take his place.
Tim Strange / Gap Analysis Sub Committee / Mr. Strange stated that they had completed the purpose statement for the survey. Mr. Spratlin reviewed the document and asked if there were any suggested changes. There were none. Mr. Lankford stated the meeting concluded with this document.
Nathan Sweet / New Business / Mr. Spratlin asked Mr. Sweet to come and discuss the scope of practice document. Mr. Sweet presented the revisions of the preamble. He then discussed the revisions within the scope of practice section. Seven (7) bullets were removed and replaced with a statement. He then discussed other items and stated that most of them where already Paramedic practices. Mr. Spratlin cautioned that the committee shouldn’t be too specific but instead refer to the EMS Rules and Regulations for Paramedic practice. Mr. Sweet explained they chose to do it this way because the committee did not think the skill set was expanding. Ms. Tidwell information regarding skill sets and what skills are already allowed. Ms. Tidwell discussed the requirements for adding skills to the scope of practice and what would be required for approval. Mr. Sweet stated that the remainder of the document was a good model and did not feel they needed to edit it other than word revisions. Mr. Spratlin reviewed some of the items that were highlighted. The highlighted items were already voted on by the Committee and will not need to be changed unless the Committee finds cause to make changes. Mr. Spratlin stated that they would need to approve an exam for Critical Care in the future, based upon the criteria for the program. Ms. Tidwell discussed the requirements and the process for exam approval. There were questions regarding other State’s exams and Ms. Tidwell stated that there may be another exam from another State which would meet our requirements. Mr. Sweet stated the subcommittee had nothing further to discuss at this time. The committee reviewed some of the changes that were made in the document. Mr. Spratlin announced that Mr. Strange was a member of the Emergency Medical Service Board and thanked him for his hard work.
Mr. Spratlin asked for new business, hearing none, asked for recommendations for the date of the next meeting. Mr. Thompson motioned to have the next meeting on February 2 and Mr. Lankford seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Lankford motioned to meet on March 9 and Mr. Sweet seconded. Motion passed.
The next meeting will be February 2, 2015. The Subcommittee will be held first at 9:30 a.m. Central Time and followed by the Full Committee at 12:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn was made. Meeting was adjourned.