1. Name
  1. Education – degree, discipline, institution, year
  1. Academic experience – institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time
  1. Non-academic experience – company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time
  1. Certifications or professional registrations
  1. Current membership in professional organizations
  1. Honors and awards
  1. Service activities (within and outside of the institution)
  1. Briefly list the most important publications and presentations from the past five years – title, co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation
  1. Briefly list the most recent professional development activities
  1. Name:

Dr. Michael E. Barber

  1. Education:

Ph. D., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 1991.

M. S., Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1983.

B. S., Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire, 1981.

  1. Academic experience:

University of Utah, Professor, 2013-Present, full time.

Washington State University, Professor, 2008 – 2013,full time.

Washington State University, Associate Professor, 1999 – 2008, full time.

Washington State University, Assistant Professor, 1994 – 1999, full time.

Tulane University, Assistant Professor, 1991-1994, full time.

  1. Non-academic experience:

KKBNA Consulting Engineers, 1983-1988, full time.

  1. Certifications or professional registrations:

Registered Professional Engineer, Colorado, No. 24415.

  1. Current membership in professional organizations:

American Geophysical Union

American Society of Civil Engineers

Universities Council on Water Resources

  1. Honors and awards:

Elected President, UCOWR, 2009-2010

Elected Secretary NIWR, 2005-2009

Regional NIWR Representative, 2011-present

  1. Service activities (selected recent):

College of Engineering Leadership Team, 2009-present

WSU Clean Technology Building Committee, 2012 – 2013

Civil Engineering Department Executive Council, 2010-present

Faculty Mentoring Committee for several Assistant/Associate Professors

  1. Most important publications and presentations from the past five years:

M.E. Barber and M. McDonald, “Post-2024 Expectations for Tributary Headwaters Management: Libby Dam Operations in a Changing Climate,” 2012 American Water Resources Association - Washington Section, Ellensburg, WA, September 2012.

M.E. Barber, L. Dilley, and M. McDonald, “Integration Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Hydropower and Renewable Energy in the Pacific Northwest,” 2012 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Planning for Tomorrow’s Water: Managing Water, Energy, and Food in an Uncertain World, Oral Presentation, Santa Fe, July 2012.

H. Qiu, D.R. Huggins, J.Q. Wu, M.E. Barber, D.K. McCool and S. Dun, (2011). “ResidueManagement Impacts of Field-Scale Snow Distribution and Soil Water Storage,” Transactions of theASABE, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp 1615-1625.

M. Barber, C. Shelton, M. McDonald, A. Hossain, and C. Poor, “Aquifer Storage and Natural Recovery: The Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer Project,” 2011 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Planning for Tomorrow’s Water: Snowpack, Aquifers, and Reservoirs, Oral Presentation, Boulder, CO, July 2011.

E. Pruneda, M.E. Barber, D. Allen, and J. Wu, (2010). “Use of Stream Response Functions toDetermine Impacts of Replacing Surface-Water Diversions with Groundwater Withdrawals,”Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 18, pp. 1077-1092. DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0591-3.

R.L. Mahler, M. Gamroth, P. Pearson, F. Sorenson, M.E. Barber, and R. Simmons, (2010).“Information Sources, Learning Opportunities, and Priority Water Issues in the Pacific Northwest,”Journal of Extension, Vol. 48(2), 1-9.

G. Fu, M.E. Barber, and S. Chen, (2010). “Hydro-climatic Variability and Trends in Washington Statefor the Last 50 Years,” Hydrological Processes, Vol. 24, pp 866-878.

K. Chinnayakanahalli, J. Adam, C. Stockle, R. Nelson, and M. Barber. A Coupled Hydrological and Process-Based Crop Dynamics Model for Studying Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Agricultural Production,” 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.

G.K. Gaboutloeloe, S. Chen, M.E. Barber, and C.O. Stockle, (2009). “Combinations of Horizontaland Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands to Improve Nitrogen Removal,” Water, Air, and SoilPollution, Vol. 9, pp 279-286.

Z.M. Al-houri, M.E. Barber, D.R. Yonge, J.L. Ullman, and M.W. Beutel, (2009). “Impacts of FrozenSoils on the Performance of Infiltration Treatment Facilities,” Cold Regions Science and Technology,Vol 59(1), pp 51-57.

M.E. Barber, A. Hossain, J.J. Covert and G.J. Gregory, (2009). “Augmentation of Seasonal LowStream Flows by Artificial Recharge in the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer of Idaho andWashington,” Hydrogeology Journal, Vol 17, pp 1459-1470.

S.S. Nelson, D.R. Yonge, and M.E. Barber, (2009). “The Effects of Road Salts on Heavy MetalMobility in Two Eastern Washington Soils,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, Vol 135, No. 7, pp 505-510.

R. Leek, J.Q. Wu, L. Wang, T.P. Hanrahan, M.E. Barber, and H. Qiu, (2009). “HeterogeneousCharacteristics of Water Movement through Streambed Sediments of the Touchet River,Southeastern Washington, USA,” Hydrological Processes, Vol 23, No. 8, pp 1236-1246.

  1. Most recent professional development activities:

Participation in the workshop entitled Western States ET Workshop, 2011