Stoke Canon Parish Council Minutes

A Parish Council Meeting was held in The Bridge on Thursday15th January 2018 at 7.30 pm.

Those present were: Derek Boustred (Chair), Sarah Poole, Angela Richards, Simon Grundy (EDDC), Kate Scott-Clarke, and Neville Bennett (Clerk) with one member of the public.

1. Apologies for Absence.

Jenny Burman. Ray Bloxham, Sara Randall-Johnson.

2. Minutes of previous meeting (circulated)

These were agreed and signed as a correct record.

3. Matters Arising.

i) Village survey. Responses to survey draft.

The final draft will be finalized and include the responses of the village hall, church and public house. It will then be copied and distributed.

ii) Repair of Stoke Canon to Rewe footpath. Report on progress

Roger Cashmore will manage the restoration of the footpath. The design has to be agreed by Highways which should happen in a meeting with Highways next week as should the approximate amount of grant to apply for.

iii) Helicopter landing site. Grant availability.

Council has to pay the costs of materials - £3238 – the rest of the costs should be met with a DAA grant to cover labour £2802 and Western Power £3998 for connecting electricity.. This will be discussed again at the next meeting when the grant outcome will be known.

iv) Closure of play park.

As indicated in the notices the play park has been closed due to the heavy rain which had left parts of the field waterlogged. Weather permitting it is hoped to open it by Easter. The building work alongside the play park is nearing completion and the rubble will be removed shortly. It is hoped that the work will conclude and the area be leveled and re-seeded before Easter weather permitting.

v) Weight limit Stoke Hill.

There is now no weight limit on this road.

vi) Defibrillator training.

Two training days have been arranged on the 28th and 29th March. So far 19 people have signed up for training.

4. Reports

i) Report from PCSO Steve Trail. No report.

ii) Report from EDDC Councillor. Simon commented on the Ring and Ride controversy. According to the DCC website Tiverton are paid to cover Stoke Canon. Simon to seek confirmation from Ray Bloxham. He also raised the question of the impact of the new data protection act. NB is to attend a course on this in April. Finally thorverton bridge is to close again on March 21-23.

iii) Report from DCC Councillor. Not present but sent a report dealing with DCC budget increases of some 5%. There is a grant available from the Police & Crime Commissioner for tackling anti social behaviour

iv) Highways. Derek Boustred. Potholes have been recorded and reported in several areas in the village. The bollards outside the pub have been reported several times – highways appear to be replacing them one at a time. Complaints have been received about a large pothole by the pub which fills with foul water. The landlord has been approached and is to have a meeting with the pub committee shortly. Finally the recent flooding of roads and footpaths has been carefully watched and photographed and has been reported to highways on several occasions

v) Play Park. Angela Richards. Complaints have been made about dog poo on footpaths. NB to contact EDDC for notices.

vi) Footpaths. Sarah Poole. The annual survey of footpaths has been completed and sent in. The dog bin appears not to be being emptied. NB to contact EDDC.

5. Matters Requiring Discussion.

i) Ring and Ride service in Stoke Canon. See 4(ii).

6. Financial Matters.

i) Payments Out

North Devon Council. Clerks salary + 6 months expenses £747.62

The Bridge. Hire £18.00

G.Hickmott. Strimming. £189.00

S.Poole. Survey Monkey. £159.00

A. Fletcher. Saturday market. £30.00

C.Burrows. Cutting back trees and brambles on Rewe/SC footpath. £1250.00

SC Festival. Donation + part grant. £415

ii) Payments In:

EDDC Parishes Together. £1250.

iii) Bank balance @ 01.03.18 - £10502 (does not include all the payments out).

7. Planning Matters.

17/2789/FUL. Highcroft Prestige Homes. Construction of five dwellings. Planning refused.

17/3046/FUL. 8 Bavent Close. Extension. Council had expressed concern about the loss of light to the house next door. However EDDC has agreed the application.

18/0466/FUL. Imbert Green Tech. Park. External cladding and roof sheeting.

No detail yet.

8. Any Other Business.

9. Questions from the public.

10. Date of Next Meeting.

Thursday 3rd May 2018 .