Sunshine Coast Ladies Midweek Tennis Association Inc
(Includes draws, contact details, by-laws)
cONTENTS / PAGEContact details / 3
Div 1 draw / 4
Div 2 draw / 5
Div 3 draw / 6
By-laws / 7-15
we wish to acknowledge and thank tennis queensland for their contribution to our “tennis for busy women” program. Their seed funding for this first season of thursday fixtures has been used to advertise the new fixture program and is greatly appreciated.
COMMITTEE Contact details:
TITLE / NAME / PHONE / MOBILE / EMAILPRESIDENT / Lina Pisasale / 54486458 / 041211585 /
VICE-PRESIDENT RECORDS & PUBLICITY OFFICER / Caroline Myatt / 54462013 / 0408462013 /
TREASURER / Liz Turnbull / 54467473 / 0432275275 /
SECRETARY / Kristen Jones / 54455076 / 0417786100 /
CHARITY CHAIRPERSON / Carol Morris / 54931203 / 0415391381 /
THURSDAY ADMINISTRATOR / Jenny Spender / 54485948 / 0407128239 /
THURSDAY RECORDER / Carol Dahler / 54945136 / 0429497553 /
WED REGISTRATION / Helen Fletchett / 54428305 / 0417072573 /
WEDNESDAY RECORDERS / Joan Rogerson / 54413625 / - / -
Claire Hickey / 54944055 / 0409262293 /
Lina Pisasale / 54486458 / 0412118585 /
Please feel free to contact the committee with any concerns, questions, comments, suggestions and ideas. your feedback is valuable!
Venue - Kawana Tennis Club – Nanyima St Buddina 5478 2989
1 / headlocks / Sue Rheinberger2 / spa girls / Janelle Drummond
3 / christan slammers / Christine Lloyd
4 / interceptors / Lina Pisasale
5 / midoris / Linda Corbett
6 / glam slams / Lisa Snell
7 / dusty stars / Dink Morrison
8 / jats / Jo Watson
CT / 24/2/11 / 3/3/11 / 10/3/11 / 17/3/11 / 24/3/11 / 31/3/11 / 7/4/11 / 14/4/11
6 / 1 v 8
3 v 6
5 v 4
7 v 2 / 8 v 7
2 v 5
4 v 3
6 v 1 / 5 v 7
8 v 6
3 v 2
1 v 4 / 2 v 1
7 v 3
5 v 8
4 v 6 / 6 v 2
1 v 7
8 v 4
3 v 5 / 3 v 8
2 v 4
7 v 6
5 v 1 / 1 v 3
4 v 7
6 v 5
8 v 2 / 8 v 1
6 v 3
4 v 5
2 v 7
CT / 28/4/11 / 5/5/11 / 12/5/11 / 19/5/11 / 26/5/11 / 2/6/11 / 9/6/11 / 16/6/11
6 / 7 v 8
5 v 2
3 v 4
1 v 6 / 7 v 5
6 v 8
2 v 3
4 v 1 / 1 v 2
3 v 7
8 v 5
6 v 4 / 2 v 6
7 v 1
4 v 8
5 v 3 / 8 v 3
4 v 2
6 v 7
1 v 5 / 3 v 1
7 v 4
5 v 6
2 v 8 / 1 v 8
3 v 6
5 v 4
7 v 2 / 8 v 7
2 v 5
4 v 3
6 v 1
Recorder / Court Delegate / Grand Final
Carol Dahler / Lina Pisasale / 23rd June – Venue TBA
6477 Bruce Hwy / 5448 6458 0412118585
Tanawha 4556 / Order of Play
Pairs play two straight 6 game sets (first to 6 games).
If set-all a 10 point tie-break is to be played – an explanation of tie-break can be found on the score card. 1st to 10 by a margin of 2pts ie. 12/10. Tie-break is scored as 1 set.
5494 5136 0429 497 553
Venue – Mooloolaba Tennis Club, Lady Musgrave Dve,
Mooloolaba 5444 0033
1 / jay birds / Alison McKenzie2 / WAGTAILS / Dawn Jones
3 / O’Carol / Carol Dahler
4 / sus’spenders / Jenny Spender
5 / maroochydore a / Mabel McGuire
6 / maroochydore b / Rebecca Murray
7 / amigos / Shirley Lowe
8 / lob-stars / Pauline Fraley
9 / goodsters / Marlene Gooding
10 / vixens / Vicki Heading
CT / 24/2/11 / 3/3/11 / 10/3/11 / 17/3/11 / 24/3/11 / 31/3/11 / 7/4/11 / 14/4/11
8 / 1 v 2
3 v 9
4 v 8
5 v 7
6 v 10 / 6 v 7
5 v 8
2 v 10
4 v 9
1 v 3 / 7 v 10
6 v 8
1 v 4
2 v 3
5 v 9 / 3 v 10
1 v 5
7 v 8
6 v 9
2 v 4 / 7 v 9
8 v 10
3 v 4
1 v 6
2 v 5 / 2 v 6
3 v 5
8 v 9
4 v 10
1 v 7 / 1 v 8
2 v 7
9 v 10
3 v 6
4 v 5 / 1 v 9
5 v 10
3 v 7
2 v 8
4 v 6
CT / 28/4/11 / 5/5/11 / 12/5/11 / 19/5/11 / 26/5/11 / 2/6/11 / 9/6/11 / 16/6/11
8 / 2 v 9
4 v 7
5 v 6
1 v 10
3 v 8 / 1 v 2
3 v 9
4 v 8
5 v 7
6 v 10 / 6 v 7
5 v 8
2 v 10
4 v 9
1 v 3 / 7 v 10
6 v 8
1 v 4
2 v 3
5 v 9 / 3 v 10
1 v 5
7 v 8
6 v 9
2 v 4 / 7 v 9
8 v 10
3 v 4
1 v 6
2 v 5 / 2 v 6
3 v 5
8 v 9
4 v 10
1 v 7 / 1 v 8
2 v 7
9 v 10
3 v 6
4 v 5
Carol Dahler
6477 Bruce Hwy
Tanawha 4556
5494 5136 0429 497 553
/ Court Delegate / Grand Final
Carol Dahler / 23rd June – Venue TBA
5494 5136 0429 497 553
Order of Play
Pairs play two straight 6 game sets (first to 6 games).If set-all a 10 point tie-break is to be played – an explanation of tie-break can be found on the score card. 1st to 10 by a margin of 2pts ie. 12/10. Tie-break is scored as 1 set.
1 AUTUMN 2011
Venue – Ballinger Park Tennis Club, Ballinger Rd, Buderim 54455561
1 / the aces / Fiona Roush2 / bubbles / Tanya Mungomery
3 / returned serves / Lyndal Ward
4 / the double faulters / Kate Holzer
5 / blackhanders / Karen Harper
6 / siena hotshots / Nikki Rutten
7 / bushwackers / Mandy Long
8 / schooners / Jan Edmonds
CT / 24/2/11 / 3/3/11 / 10/3/11 / 17/3/11 / 24/3/11 / 31/3/11 / 7/4/11 / 14/4/11
4 / 1 v 8
3 v 6
5 v 4
7 v 2 / 8 v 7
2 v 5
4 v 3
6 v 1 / 5 v 7
8 v 6
3 v 2
1 v 4 / 2 v 1
7 v 3
5 v 8
4 v 6 / 6 v 2
1 v 7
8 v 4
3 v 5 / 3 v 8
2 v 4
7 v 6
5 v 1 / 1 v 3
4 v 7
6 v 5
8 v 2 / 8 v 1
6 v 3
4 v 5
2 v 7
CT / 28/4/11 / 5/5/11 / 12/5/11 / 19/5/11 / 26/5/11 / 2/6/11 / 9/6/11 / 16/6/11
4 / 7 v 8
5 v 2
3 v 4
1 v 6 / 7 v 5
6 v 8
2 v 3
4 v 1 / 1 v 2
3 v 7
8 v 5
6 v 4 / 2 v 6
7 v 1
4 v 8
5 v 3 / 8 v 3
4 v 2
6 v 7
1 v 5 / 3 v 1
7 v 4
5 v 6
2 v 8 / 1 v 8
3 v 6
5 v 4
7 v 2 / 8 v 7
2 v 5
4 v 3
6 v 1
Recorder / Court Delegate / Grand Final
Carol Dahler / Kristen Jones / 23rd June – Venue TBA
6477 Bruce Hwy / 5445 5076 0417 786 100
Tanawha 4556 / Order of Play
Pairs play two straight 6 game sets (first to 6 games).
If set-all a 10 point tie-break is to be played – an explanation of tie-break can be found on the score card. 1st to 10 by a margin of 2pts ie. 12/10. Tie-break is scored as 1 set.
5494 5136
0429 497 553
1.1. The Management Committee is made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Records and Publicity Officer, Team Registration Officer and Division Recorders.
1.2. Management Committee appointments are annual appointments. These roles are appointed at the AGM and any Registered player wanting to be on the committee can be nominated (Refer Rule 2.3 and 3.1)
1.3. SCLMWTA Inc. is affiliated with Tennis Queensland and therefore all members of this Association shall be registered members of Tennis Queensland.
1.4. SCLMWTA Inc. has formally agreed that all matches will be played in accordance with Tennis Queensland Rules.
1.5. The Management Committee has the power to change By-Laws from time to time for the internal management of the Association. Any changes made to the Competition Format during a season will come into effect at the commencement of the following season. Members can challenge the By Laws at any AGM or Special Meeting. (Refer by-law 2.4). Members are welcome to make suggestions about any By-Law at any time (in writing).
1.6. The Management Committee shall be the sole interpreter of the Competition Format.
2.1. AGM: The Annual General Meeting is held within 3 months of the close of the Financial Year. Notification of the AGM date is provided at the beginning of the SPRING season via the competition Draw.
2.2. The AGM Agenda: shall include approval of Registration Fees and Fixture Commencement Dates
2.3. Membership of the Committee: Nominations are held at the AGM. Nomination Forms will be sent to all Captains prior to the meeting. All Nominations must be in writing and signed by the Member and her Proposer and Seconder and must be lodged with the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM. Members will vote at the AGM (by show of hands) and the person with the highest number of votes will be appointed.
2.4. To set aside a By-Law at a general meeting of members. A Member must prepare a “Notice of Motion” embodying the proposal, alteration or amendment, in writing signed by the Member and Seconder. This must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Members will vote at the meeting (by show of hands).
2.5. Changes to the SCLMWTA Inc Constitution: The Constitution Rules may be amended, rescinded or added to from time to time by a special resolution carried at any general meeting.
2.6. Player complaints must be in writing: A Registered player may submit a WRITTEN complaint for consideration to the Management Committee at any time.
3.1. Only REGISTERED players have the right to vote at an Annual General Meeting.
3.2. The President shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote.
3.3. Voting by a show of hands, unless otherwise required.
3.4. The Management Committee shall have the power to refuse the membership of any player or team.
4.1. President $50
Vice President $50
Secretary $50
Treasurer $50
Records/Publicity Officer $50
Team Registration Officer $50
Recorders (per annum : Autumn & Spring) $50
Charity Committee Chairperson $50
5.1. Any team which fails to comply with the By-Laws of the Association, with regard to any fixture match, in which that team is competing, shall forfeit their match, or sets and the Management Committee has the discretionary power to award the points to the opposing team.
5.2. Doubles Competition: SCLMWTA – Evening Comp is a self-umpired doubles competition where teams are made up of 2 players. Matches consist of 2 standard sets, first to six games. If one set all then match tie-break to be played. (Note: Match tie-break is to 10 points or more as required to win by 2 point margin). See 9.7 for tie-break details.
5.3. The Draw: The Management Committee determines the dates of each season, the number of teams in each division and the draw.
5.4. Finals Series: Finalists will be determined by ranking on the point’s ladder – at the end of each Fixture season.
Grand Final: Top two teams on the point’s ladder will play in the Grand Final.
5.5. Match Costs including finals: will be determined by the Management Committee and shared equally by all participating teams.
5.6. Divisional Prizes: A certificate of recognition will be presented to the Minor Premiers in each division. The winners of each division will be awarded a prize.
6.1. A registered TEAM must consist of a minimum of 2 players.
6.2. Team nominations: Forms will be sent at the appropriate time to interested parties. Players must complete and return these forms including all relevant information and the nominated fee. This will become the “Original Registration” of the player.
6.3. Original Registration is the first time a player is registered. She cannot play in a lower division for the remainder of the current season. (Exception by-law 7.8)
6.4. Grading a new team member: All new players must nominate the grade achieved in any other competition. The Management Committee has the discretion to determine if a player is too strong, therefore ineligible for that grade.
6.5. TQ Affiliation All players must be TQ Affiliated to register with SCLMWTA Inc. It is each Captain’s responsibility to ensure all team members have current TQ Affiliation. Players may choose to register with TQ via their SCLMWTA Inc. entry form.
6.6. Grading Teams: The grading of teams is at the discretion of the Management Committee. Grading is complex and is dependent on the number of teams registered, past performance of the teams and registered members in each team.
7. MID SEASON REGISTRATION: reserves, NEW registrations, fill-in players.
7.1. TQ Affiliation: A Reserve or a player who registers with a team after the season commences, must be TQ Affiliated after their 3rd match. If a 4th match is played and NO FEE has been paid, that player will forfeit her games. If she plays a 5th match and NO FEE has been paid, the team will forfeit all their points for that match and any subsequent match in which she plays.