EdTPA and Classroom-based Video Release Form

As a teacher candidate seeking certification in the state of Washington, I will be evaluated in the coming months by an assessment called the EdTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment). All teacher candidates in Washington State are required to take this test. The primary purposes of the EdTPA are to develop a valid and reliable measure of the performance of future teachers and to help teacher education programs improve their preparation of teachers.

The EdTPA requires each teacher candidate to submit a short videotape of him or her actually teaching. As a part of my development as a teacher, I will also videotape some of my lessons for critique by my professors and classmates. I will ultimately upload a short video and samples of student work to the Pearson Educational Corporation EdTPA website. Because the EdTPA will include images of students and students’ work, and will be assessed by scorers at Pearson Educational Corporation, parents and guardians are asked to give their consent. If you choose not to give your consent to have video images or class work from your son or daughter included, he or she will not be penalized in any way. Your son or daughter will still participate in the lessons but will be seated out of camera range and his or her work will not be submitted.

The video recordings will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating my instruction and for improving teacher education programs. They will be submitted to secure on-line sites and the only people who will see them will be teachers at the school, other UW Bothell teacher candidates, scorers trained by Pearson Educational Corporation, and university faculty. Any samples of student work that are collected for this assessment will not include the student’s last name.

Please indicate your decision and sign below, returning your form with your son or daughter by ______. Thank you for your support.

Teacher’s Name ______Teacher Candidate’s Name ______


Teacher: Teacher Candidate: School:

I am the parent/legal guardian of ______(student name). I have read the description above regarding the EdTPA and classroom-based videos. I understand that the video and student work will be produced during classroom activities and that no last names will appear on any materials.

Please select and complete one option.

□ I give permission to you to include copies of my son or daughter’s work and/or video image for educational use and/or submission for the EdTPA assessment.

Signature of Parent or Guardian ______Date______

□ I do NOT give permission to include copies of my son or daughter’s work and/or video image for educational use and/or submission for the EdTPA assessment.

Signature of Parent or Guardian______Date______