G. Vaughan (Université de Rouen), 12 décembre 2014.

Océans d’historiographie.

Ecrire l’histoire des migrations irlandaises à l’ère de la Grande Famine

1.La diaspora irlandaise, objet d’histoire

  • AKENSON, Donald, ‘A Midrash on ‘Galut’, ‘Exile’ and Diaspora’ Rhetoric’ in E. M. Crawford (ed.), The Hungry Stream. Essays on Emigration and Famine, Belfast, 1997, p. 5-16.

DELANEY, Enda, ‘The Irish Diaspora’, Irish Economical and Social History, 2006, XXXIII, p. 35-45.

  • MILLER, Kerby A. Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America, Oxford, OUP, 1985.

SWIFT, Roger and GILLEY, Sheridan (eds.),The Irish in the Victorian City, London, Croom Helm, 1985.

FITZPATRICK, David, Oceans of Consolation. Personal Accounts of Irish Migration to Australia (1843-1906), Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press, 1994.

2.Quelles sources?

Ó GRÁDA, Cormac,‘A Note on Nineteenth Century Emigration Statistics’,Population Studies, March 1975, n°1, p. 143-149.

POOLEY, Colin, ‘Segregation or Integration? The residential experience of the Irish in mid-Victorian Britain’ in SWIFT, Roger GILLEY, Sheridan (eds.), The Irish in Britain 1815-1939, London, Pinter, 1989, p. 60-83.

FARGE, Arlette,Le goût de l’archive, Paris, Le Seuil, 1997.

3.Visages du migrant irlandais

  • Pauvreté
  • Catholicité

AKENSON, Donald H.,Small Differences: Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, 1815-1922: an international perspective, Kingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988.

  • Génération(s)
  • Genre

HARRIS, Ruth-Ann. The Nearest Place That Wasn't Ireland: Early Nineteenth-Century Irish Labor Migration. Iowa : Iowa State University Press, 1994.

O’SULLIVAN, Patrick (ed.),The Irish World Wide. History, Heritage, Identity. Vol. IV: Irish Women and Irish Migration, London, LUP, 1995.

  • Globalité

BIELENBERG, Andy (ed.), The Irish Diaspora, Edinburgh, Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

KENNY, Kevin, ‘Diaspora and Comparison: The Global Irish as a Case Study’, Journal of American History, 2003, 90/1, p. 134-62.

Ó GRÁDACormac, O’ROURKE Kevin H., ‘Migration as disaster relief: Lessons from the Great Irish Famine’, European Review of Economic History, vol. I, 1997, p. 3-25.

O’DAY, Alan, ‘Imagined Irish Communities : Networks of Social Communication of the Irish Diaspora in the United States and Britain in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries’, Immigrants & Minorities, 2005, 23/2-3, p. 399-424.

O’SULLIVAN, Patrick (ed.),The Irish World Wide. Vol. VI: The Meaning of the Famine, London, LUP, 1997.