Dr Marshall & Partners

Dr Ruth Marshall MBCHB,FRCGP,DRCOG, reg 1979

Dr Stewart McFarlane MBCHB,FRCGP,DRCOG,reg 1980

Dr Keith Hopcroft MBBS,FRCGP,DRCOG, DGM, reg 1985

Dr Jane Moore, MSc, MBBS, Cert.Ed., reg 1982

Dr Anita Pereira MBBS,MD,MRCGP,MFPHM,DFSRH reg 1995

Dr Sunita Dhanjal MBBS,MRCS, MRCGP reg 2004


Mrs Sheila Mclean MA Ed, BSc[Hons], AdvDipEd


The Doctors work with Nurses, Receptionists, Health Visitors, Chiropodists and as a Primary Health Care Team.

We provide a personal service and quality care for around 13,000 people in Laindon, Langdon Hills and surrounding areas.

More information regarding the Practice can be obtained on our Website - www.drmarshallandpartnerslaindonhc.nhs.uk

Our Reception staff are here to help you at any time during opening hours – Reception opening hours

Monday to Thursday 08.00am - 7.15pm

Friday 08.00 am – 6.30pm

Saturday 8.45am – 12.45pm

and from 8.00am Monday – Saturday by telephone.


Your doctor will see you by appointment, which can be made by telephone [01268] 546411 Telephone lines open Monday to Thursday 8am- 7.15pm Friday 8am- 6.30pm

or in person at the Health Centre.

Urgent medical problems will always be seen on the same day. If you think that your problem is medically urgent, please make this clear to the Receptionist.

Surgeries are held throughout most of the day between the hours of 08.50 am to 12.20pm and from 3.00pm to 5.50pm, and on Saturday mornings 9.05am – 11.55am.

There are also four bookable evening surgeries per week, between 6.30pm and 7.10pm. (These are intended for patients who may have difficulty getting to normal surgeries because of work commitments.)

Many appointments are wasted because patients fail to turn up and do not let us know beforehand.

If you cannot keep your appointment please tell us so that it can be given to another patient.


The nurses offer the following services:

TREATMENT ROOM - This is an open access service open on each day to all patients.

·  Wound Care Management

·  Assessment of minor injuries

·  Removal of sutures/clips

·  Ear Syringing

·  Flu/Pneumococcal vaccinations

·  Childhood/Adult immunisations

·  Travel advice and vaccinations (not on short notice-form must be completed at least 3 working days prior to seeing the nurse)

·  Administration of long term injections prescribed by GP or hospital

·  Cryotherapy (freezing of certain skin problems) – Tuesdays and Wednesdays ONLY

SURGERIES- Bookable in advance at reception

·  Diabetic clinic

·  Asthma Checks

·  Advice on contraception

·  Insertion/Removal of ring pessaries


·  ECGs

·  24 hour BP/ECGs

·  Doppler testing

·  Lung function tests/Spirometry


We try our best to see our patients within 15 minutes of the appointment time, so please arrive on time. If you arrive late, you may have to wait a long time to be seen – plus you will make the whole surgery run late for those who are to be seen after you. That’s why it’s important to arrive on time - or even a little early for your appointment.

Sometimes we will run late because a patient has a particularly time-consuming problem. Please be tolerant if this happens – we always try to give patients the time they need, and, next time, it could be you!


You can obtain your test results by telephoning the surgery after 1.30pm and speaking to the Receptionist.



If you are too ill to come to the surgery, or are housebound and need a home visit, please telephone the surgery before 10.30am. Please only ask for visits after this time if it is an emergency (an urgent medical problem, or a sudden change in your condition that cannot wait until the next day).

Please make every effort to get to the surgery if you can – the facilities are better for examination and any necessary treatment, and you’ll usually be seen more quickly.

The Receptionist will need some information about the problem so that the Doctor can arrange the visits in order of priority. You may be telephoned back by the Doctor – sometimes, problems

can be sorted out with some advice over the telephone, without the need for a visit.


Your Doctor will be pleased to advise you over the telephone. In order to avoid interrupting consultations, your Doctor will ring you back after surgery – usually after 11.45am. The Nurses in the Treatment Room can also give advice over the telephone about minor illnesses or health worries during normal opening hours.

If you are expecting a doctor to call you, please ensure that you are available all day on the number you have given and that calls are not directed to voicemail.


From 1st April 2013 if you need medical advice when the Health Centre is closed you should ring the usual Health Centre number – 01268 546411 and follow the instructions in the recorded message.


Patients who need to take medicines regularly will be given a repeat prescription slip to get their prescriptions. Please use this slip as it makes prescribing safer and easier.

When you need a repeat prescription, put your slip in the prescription box near Reception, or post it to the Health Centre enclosing a stamped/addressed envelope if you wish us to post it back to you.

Please give at least 48 hours notice. After this time you can collect your prescription from the Health Centre, or direct from the Pharmacy of your choice.

Requests can also be made through the practice Website –


or by telephone by calling 01268 413400


We try to take time to explain the nature of your illness and the reasons for our actions. We will always examine you if necessary and arrange any appropriate tests.

We also think it is very important to be honest with our patients, so we do not pretend to have magic cures for illnesses such as simple colds or tummy upsets – that’s why we usually don’t prescribe anything for these minor illnesses.

Medicines can occasionally do more harm than good, so we will only prescribe treatment if we really think it will help you.


All of our staff, both medical and administrative, are committed to patient confidentiality.

Also, all members of staff are bound by the Data Protection Act, and adhere strictly to government recommendations and regulations.

The Practice has a written statement about the Freedom of Information Act.

If you need more information regarding this, please contact our Practice Manager who will be pleased to help you.


The Practice is involved with a lot of teaching. Qualified Doctors and Nurses may be attached to the Health Centre to learn about general practice and the community. If they are ‘sitting in’ with a Doctor or a Nurse, you will be asked for your consent to them being in the room.

If you wish to see the Doctor or Nurse alone please say so, - we understand and would, of course, respect your wishes.

Occasionally, we may also wish to video a consultation for training purposes only. You will always be advised of this when booking an appointment – but if you would rather your consultation was not recorded, once again, please say so and we will respect your wishes.

If you have agreed to have your consultation videoed, please report to the Reception desk when you arrive for your appointment. That way we can confirm that you are happy for the consultation to be recorded, and arrange for you to sign the necessary consent form.,


We regularly review the quality of our services and take any necessary action to improve them. We also conduct patient satisfaction surveys and do take notice of your opinions. Please tell us if you have any ideas for improvements.

We hope you will be satisfied with the care you receive from us, however, should you do feel that the service has fallen below the standards you (and we) would wish, we do have a complaints procedure.

If you would like to discuss this, or any aspect of the service, please ask to speak to our Practice Manager,

Mrs Sheila Mclean.


We believe that it is important to prevent infectious diseases by vaccination and encourage all parents to have their children fully vaccinated.

It is also important that adults ensure that they are also fully vaccinated -if you wish check if you need any vaccinations, please speak with our Nurses.

If you are planning to travel abroad please complete a travel vaccination form available from Reception – Please plan well in advance as it can take 3 months prior to travel to get full protection from vaccination.

Our other prevention services include dietary advice, cervical screening and blood pressure checks, but the most important preventative measures you can make are to have a healthy lifestyle.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is as important to your long-term health as having advice and treatment for illnesses you may have.

REGULAR EXERCISE makes you feel better, burns off food and so helps keep your weight down. If you exercise at least three times a week for 20 minutes at a time, and do enough to make you mildly breathless, you will reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

ALCOHOL taken in moderation is fine, but keep your weekly intake to below 21 units ( the equivalent of 10 pints of ordinary strength beer) per week for a man, and 14 units per week or a woman – and avoid binge drinking.


Keeping your weight within the normal range and reducing the amount of fat in your diet can prevent many serious conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

Eat more fish, bread, cereal, pasta, fruit and vegetables rather than fat. Of the fat that you do eat, more should be polyunsaturated, ie soya margarine,Flora,corn oil, sunflower oil – or even better, olive oil.

If you want advice on diet or losing weight, speak with one of our Nurses who will be happy to help.


- Yes, we are sure that you have heard it all before, but we have to remind you…smoking will increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis.

If you are a pregnant mother, your baby may be smaller and your pregnancy more troublesome.

Children in homes where there are smokers are more likely to suffer from coughs, colds, deafness due to glue ear, and asthma.

Smoking near other people can increase their risk of cancer and heart disease.

If you want to try to stop smoking, try nicotine patches or chewing gum.

If you would like more advice regarding a healthy lifestyle you can get further help from our Nurses or your Doctor. Also, further help and advice is available through Vitality, the South West Essex Health and wellbeing service on 0800 077 8000 or at www.lovevitality.org


We will help you –

BUT Please help us to help you too


Advise you how to keep yourself healthy

Give you the best service that we can.

Treat you with courtesy and respect

Discuss your care with you

Try not to keep you waiting for appointments

Provide the services of nurses and other staff

Not prescribe medicines unless they are necessary

Respond quickly to emergencies

Keep your records confidential

Listen to your complaints and take appropriate action.


Never be rude or discourteous to us or our staff

Tell us if you cannot keep an appointment

Give us 48 hours notice when you ask for a repeat prescription

Only ask for a home visit if you are too ill to get to the surgery

Only telephone for advice or ask for a visit outside of our normal opening hours, if it is unavoidable.