How to Make Use of the Teacher Professional Preparation Grant (TPPG)

  1. Schools can exercise flexibility in the use of TPPG and other grants (e.g. OEBG (General Domain)) as needed to create space for teachers and schools leaders for the NSS curriculum.
  2. Prior to using the TPPG, schools need to develop their staff development plans for different subject teachers to attend the New Senior Secondary (NSS)-related professional development programmes at different times.

Possible ways of using TPPG to create space for teachers and school leaders

  1. Recruiting teaching assistants

Schools may recruit teaching assistants either as teachers (if they have appropriate teaching qualifications) and/or as resource developers to relieve teachers and school leaders for NSS-related professional development programmes.

2.Recruiting temporary teachers

Schools may recruit temporary teachers with different teaching expertise for different periodsof time to reduce the teaching loads of subject teachers concerned.

e.g.If the focus of one school year/term is Chinese Language, then schools may recruit one temporary teacher for Chinese Language for the period required (say from September to June or September to January) to share the teaching load of the teachers concerned. With less teaching load, the Chinese Language teachers could then form a pool of teaching force among themselves to take over lessons of each other in attending the professional development programmes. The same strategy could beadopted in recruiting other temporary teacher(s) for different subjects/key learning areas as needed.

In nurturing work-based learning culture as teacher professional preparation for the NSS curriculum,schools may also recruit temporary teachers to createtimefor building teachers’ capacity through collaborative lesson preparation.

3.Recruiting part-time teachers

Schools may recruit part-time teachers.

e.g.Schools may recruit 2 to 3 part-time teachers to form a pool of supply teachers themselves. These part-time teachers will take up the classes of subject teachers to release them for NSS-related professional development programmes and/or contribute to NSS curriculum/resource development tasks.

If a school re-deploys an experienced senior teacher as the NSS coordinator, it may recruit a part-time teacher to take over some of the coordinator’s classes in order to create space for him/her to help coordinate the migration of the schools towards the NSS system.

4.Procuring services for school-based professional development programmes

Schools may invite guest speakers/consultants to conduct seminars/workshops to help build the capacity of teachers and school leaders for the NSS curriculum.


Example D1.2_Use of TPPG