Economics 102 Study Questions for Final Examination
Part I: Questions 1, 2, and 3
1. A. You will be given a situation with a company in a perfectly competitive industry. First, define perfect competition. Then, assume that this perfectly competitive industry begins in long-run equilibrium, drawing the situation on the relevant graphs (for both one typical seller and for the whole industry). You will be given a situation that can be translated into a change in the demand for the product. You are to analyze the results of the change in the short-run and then in the long-run, showing all of the changes on the relevant graphs. Practice graphs are provided below. (15 Points)
- You are to assume that all companies in this industry hire their labor in a perfectly competitive labor
market. Draw this situation (before the change) on the graphs: one for a typical employer and one for all employers. Then, you are to analyze the results of the change (given in Part A) on the labor market, showing all changes on the relevant graphs. Consider both the short-run and long-run of Part A. Practice graphs are provided below. (10 points)
2. You will be given a different case involving a change in demand with a company in a monopolistically competitive industry. First, define monopolistic competition. Then, you are to show the graph, beginning in long-run equilibrium (define this). You are to analyze the results of this second case in both the short-run and the long-run, showing all of the relevant changes on the graph and explaining your reasoning. A practice graph is provided below. (10 points)
3. You will be given yet another case involving a different change in demand with a company that is a pure monopoly. First, define pure monopoly. Then, you are to show the graph. You are to analyze the results of this case in both the short-run and the long-run, showing all of the relevant changes on the graph. A practice graph is provided below. (10 points)
Part II: Questions 4, 5, and 6
- The last 20 years have seen the growth of the idea of the market economy. Market economies have replaced
socialist economies. In the United States, the idea of the market economy has been extended to areas such as health care and environmental protection. You are to debate the desirability of this dominance of the ideas of the market economy. In question 4, you are to argue that market economies bring great benefits to society as a whole. In your essay, consider and explain the following points: (a) the way by which a market economy allocates resources to their best uses (allocative efficiency -- define); (b) the way by which market economies generate productive efficiency in the short-run and again in the long-run (be sure to define these terms); (c) the ways by which a market economy provides incentives for people to undertake behaviors that are in society’s interest (explain these behaviors); (d) the ways by which market economies provide incentives for behaviors that lead to lower costs, improved products, and greater production; (e) the ways by which people’s incomes (both wages and profits) are determined in a market economy; (f) the way by which a market economy reduces the information one needs in order to make socially desirable decisions. (Do not simply answer these 6 points. Include these as part of your overall argument.) (20 points)
- Those who argue in favor of the market economy also argue that government will not be able to make the kinds
of decisions that will be socially desirable and often make decisions that are socially undesirable. In question 5, you are to describe the argument against government involvement in the economy. In your essay, consider and explain the following points: (a) the special interest effect; (b) the shortsightedness effect; and (c) the problems of government bureaucracies. (Do not simply answer these 3 points. Include these as part of your overall argument.) Use these points as well as others to write a conclusion as to why command economies tended to perform poorly. Give as many examples as you can. (15 points)
6. Many people oppose the complete reliance on markets. They believe that market economies have advantages but also have many problems. Government activities are needed to overcome these problems. In question 6, you are to argue that market economies have many problems that require government involvement to rectify. In your answer, be sure to specify what the government remedy would be. In particular, consider and explain each of the following points: (a) the problem of insufficient competition in general and what can be done about it; (b) the problem of some companies becoming natural monopolies (define this term and then use it to explain why high technology industries are not likely to be competitive); (c) the problems that result from negative and positive externalities (define these terms and give some examples); (d) the problems that result from public goods (define this term plus explain what problems result); and (e) the inequality that results (and why it results). (Do not simply answer these 5 points. Include these as part of your overall argument.) (20 points)
$ Perfect Competition
Marginal Cost
Average Total Cost
a Price1 = Marginal Revenue1
0 One Representative Company Quantity
All Sellers Together (The Industry)
(Price) A
0 Q Quantity
The Labor Market --- One Typical Employer in Perfect Competition
A Wage
0 l1 Quantity of Labor
The Labor Market --- All Employers Together in Perfect Competition
A Supply of Labor
Demand1 = Sum MRP1
0 L1 Quantity of Labor
Monopolistic Competition
Marginal Cost
Average Total Cost
a Demand
Marginal Revenue
0 Q1 Quantity
Marginal Cost
Average Total Cost
e b
d c
Marginal Revenue1
Q1 Quantity