26th Nov 2007
Ebis Benefits and Costs
Other costs / Mass cost / IS costAsbestos Project
Easy web based access to asbestos information to staff, students and visitors Asbestos module development helped develop the portal guidelines
Estates drawing data has been clean-up as part of Asbestos module go-live / 20116 plus vat / 25.6 days
Project Funding Report
This report delivered an all-encompassing project funding analysis report, covering all projects in EBIS. There is a need to analyse funding sources at funding sources level, ensuring collection of funds from sponsors and other University departments, which can total £20m or more in any one financial year. This allows the data to be captured quickly and be more transparent to management and other users.
The benefits are
1] provides a corporate report for the University which currently does not exist;
2] saves having to analyse individual projects which is very time consuming - could be 100-400 at any time;
3] mitigates the risk of non-collection of funds from sponsors etc.
High-level report –shows either a selected funding source or all sources and show high-level totals. This will allow a snap-shot glance of funding sources without displaying project-level data.
Project-level report – shows, for a selected source, the projects which make up the high-level detail. This should allow the user to select the project ID and show the funding source table for the selected project so that the full funding profile can be displayed. Also, when amount collected is selected, the income details from the financial database view should be displayed, sorted by project ID should display. There will also be a link to display expenditure records. / 30 days
Onelan system
The previous system involved a servitor writing out what was on in each of the rooms and filling the boxes in a giant display board. Now the Onelan system accesses the ebis database for accurateup-to-date information to be displayed on LCD screens
cost of Onelan software – Malts / 2980
Student Study Space
Following discussion of the paper from EUSA entitled ‘Academic Facilities and Student Services’ and subsequent groups, including the Principal’s Strategy Group, it was recommended that a list of rooms should be made available for student study and that these should be booked through MyEd. A paper was considered at a Space Management Group meeting and it was agreed that the preferred option for taking this forward was to develop a link between EBIS and MyEd.
Business Requirement
Develop EBIS and MyEd to allow students to directly book a set of identified rooms, available for defined periods, using their matriculation number. The rooms to be made available will be a mix of centrally bookable and non-centrally bookable. The time periods when these can be used by students will be clearly defined and students will be permitted to book rooms for times within these periods. Reports via MyEd will be developed to allow students to check availability of rooms so they can make bookings. If possible, a means to allow students to cancel requests made should be built in to the system that is developed.
The system should work independently of Room Bookings i.e. there will be no need for Rooms Bookings to be involved in the process. Reports like the existing EBIS web reports should be available to Support Services staff who will have a role in opening buildings and monitoring usage of the rooms.
Following discussions with MIS, Estates and the Space Management Group, it was agreed that MASS Systems would undertake the development work for the Student Study Space module. The main role for MIS will be to ensure that the module can be integrated to the MyEd Portal. MIS will also ensure that MASS’s code adheres to MIS portal coding standards. / 25330 plus vat / 31.9 days
1 Speeds up collecting of data.
2 Ensures data is being recorded.
3 Allows all data to be held centrally rather than on site.
4 Data is more secure.
5 Allows tends to be plotted, graphs etc.
6 Ease of reporting
7 All data can be seen at a glance rather than having to trawl through log books. / 2745
Parking system
Software paid for by department.
A criteria-based allocation system
- Allows for fairer allocation of permits to staff.
- New employees faced long waiting lists and were often unable to obtain a permit for some time in more popular areas. With the introduction of a criteria-based system, those who have a need for parking will be issued with a permit almost immediately.
- Further reductions in the number of car park spaces available, particularly in the Central Area meant that the University needs a way of managing the continued demand with reduced supply.
- Makes provision for part time staff and allows them to pay for a permit on a pro rata basis.
- The University of Edinburgh Strategic Plan 2004-08 highlights the need to implement the Integrated Travel Policy and therefore aims to reduce single occupancy car journeys to the University. There are also external pressures on the University to reduce the car use to its sites through planning conditions. Day Permits encourage users to consider alternative modes of transport to the car.
- University staff are required to pay quite substantial sums of money for yearly parking permits, and this may have been difficult for some to pay for in one lump sum. The introduction of payment via ten monthly instalments allows staff on lower salaries to benefit from parking, where they may not have been able to afford to purchase a permit while the old system was in place.
Document Processing
Currently all invoices and credit notes are scanned into the repository and access is made via the Advanced Transaction Summary Report on the web. There is one outstanding item – validation of the input number back to the unique number of the document.
- All invoices received by E&B Financial Control are scanned into the document repository.
- Reduced number of invoices being photocopied.
- Staff in E&B referring to scanned images held in the document repository as opposed to a hard copy.
Serengetti / 0 / 37.82 days
Web lease / IS – 28.2
Room Booking
Space Utilisation at Moray House
The trial of the timetabling software at Moray House has not been concluded so may require further resource. / IS – 24.9days
FEC/TRAC Space and Costs Model
The project to install the M&T software will start in January 2008 with go-live June 2008. As the first year of operation will be to record usage and set budgets, there will be a carry over to the following year to allow the charging interface with Finance.
Archibus Upgrade
This project will also start in January. The last version upgrade was done in October 2005. A similar approach will be taken as last time to condense acceptance testing to 2-3 weeks. The new functionality is needed to implement the workflow project. This project would also link Ebis through the portal.
Functionality changes due to Trades Reorganisation
This project has several parts and most will be undertaken by Mass. The work order processing development is underway, with purchase ordering and workflow still to be specified. It is likely that this project will carry on into the following year.
Euclid changes
The annual booking process starts in March 2008 so if the new requirements are not developed by then the system will need to stay as is but utilising the new course codes. The new interfaces would then need to be live for March 2009.
Concern is raised over possible costs of system changes with Mass and who is liable to pay.
Fire Act Scotland
To comply with Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, Part 3, Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 which requires provision of plan drawings that map all fire safety measures, fire risk areas and equipment throughout university buildings and also to ensure they are available for Fire Service purposes as required.
Copies of drawings will be accessed in a similar way as the asbestos information through Myed. This project also needs to start as soon as IS resource is available.
location of all Fire safety items and high risk areas in University buildings
"reducing any property damage caused by fire by provision of information to Fire Service" / 78-001 / IS
Lease Module Enhancements
Additional functionality is needed to provide detailed transactions information to allow forecasting of expenditure and income. The interface to Finance is needed for sales invoices.This would be a joint project with Mass and IS.
Improved Reporting from EBIS Datawarehouse
This project has carried over from 2006/7 and is considered to be high priority. The requirements will be confirmed from Feb 2008.
Space Audit Upgrade
The current space audit process has been in place for over 5 years and needs to be upgraded to be more user friendly.
New Planning and Resource Allocation System (NPRAS)
This process is currently done manually but a process could be developed to access the required information from the system. There may also be further core corporate requirements for FEC/TRAC analysis that would be done as part of this project.
Capital Reporting
Due to the massive amount of development work being undertaken, improved executive summary reports are needed. Also spend forecasts and gateways information for the milestones in these capital projects.
Year End Process
Currently the year end process is cumbersome for all revenue budgets with orders having to be closed and new ones raised. A process to roll forward commitment is needed.
Web Corporate
Resource will be required to align with the new Corporate Services Web pages.
Booking System Enhancements
There a few system improvements and new reports required now that the new Booking Manager is in post
Security Section Move
The Security Section plan to relocate from AppletonTower to Potterrow early 2009. The current incident reporting system is dated and will be replaced during the move. Likewise the alarm reporting system.
Further document management
Currently all invoices and credits are scanned. There is a requirement for other building related documents to be scanned.
Improved web navigation
This is needed within the Ebis web reports – eg ability to freeze headings, changing the sort sequence etc.
Space Utilisation
In order to monitor space utilisation, a sample of rooms booked would be downloaded to a PDA for investigation. The results would then be uploaded into Ebis to analyse over booking.