Curriculum Vitae – Jo Saglie

Name: Jo Saglie

Address: Hegermanns gate 18, 0478 Oslo, Norway

Phone: +47 99162131


Born 21.2.1965, Fetsund, Norway


2000: Dr. polit. (political science), University of Oslo

1992: Cand. polit. (political science), University of Oslo

1988: Cand. mag. (political science, economics and public law), University of Oslo


2009–: Research Professor (Forsker I), Institute for Social Research, Oslo

2009–11 and 2013–16: Adjunct Senior Researcher, Sámi University College, Guovdageaidnu

1999–2009: Senior Researcher (Forsker II), Institute for Social Research, Oslo

Spring 1998: Visiting Scholar, Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

1994–99: Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, Universityof Oslo

1993–94: Research Assistant, National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, Oslo

1990–91 and 1992–93: Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo

Summer 1989: Research Assistant, FAFO, Oslo

Participation in research projects (funding in parentheses):

2017 (project leader): Local referendums (Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation)

2016–20 (project leader): The 2017 Sámi Parliament Election Study (The Sámi Parliament)

2017–19 (project leader): The Limits of Sámi Politics: Inside and Outside of the Sámi Polity (Research Council of Norway)

2016–19: Reshaping the Map of Local and Regional Self-Government. A study of the Norwegian Local Government Reform (NLGR) processes 2014-2019 (Research Council of Norway)

2015–17 (project leader): The 2015 Local Democracy Study (Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation)

2015: Political leadership and democracy in amalgamated municipalities (The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities)

2014–16: Evaluation of the lowering of voting age to 16 years at the 2015 municipal elections(Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation)

2014–16: Women in local politics (Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation)

2014:Personal votesin Storting elections? (Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation)

2013–14: Evaluation of the Internet voting trial at the 2013 election (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

2013–16 (project leader): The 2013 Sámi Parliament Election Study (The Sámi Parliament and the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs)

2013: What distinguishes municipalities with good democratic governance? (The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities)

2013: Limits to volunteering among parents? (Ministry of Culture/Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector )

2012–16: The Sámi Parliaments as Representative Bodies: A Comparative Study of the Sámi Parliament Elections in Sweden and Norway 2013 (Formas [Sweden])

2012–16: Outsourcing of Scandinavian welfare societies? Consequences of private and nonprofit service provision for active citizenship (Research Council of Norway)

2011–12: Evaluation of the e-vote 2011 project (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

2011: Evaluation of the 2011 Church Elections (Church of Norway)

2011–13: The 2011 Local Democracy Study (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

2010–13: Evaluation of the lowering of voting age to 16 years in 20 Norwegian municipalities (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

2010–13: Political Parties and Democracy: Decline or Change?(Research Council of Norway)

2009–10: Evaluation of the Democracy Reform in the Church of Norway (Church of Norway)

2008–11 (project leader): Sámi Election Study (Research Council of Norway, and the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs)

2007–11 (project leader): Democratic governance in a multi-level system: How Norwegian local government deals with national policies (Research Council of Norway)

2007–10(project leader): The 2007 Local Democracy Study (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

2007–09: New urban regions – changing participation? Citizens, parties and civil society (Research Council of Norway)

2005–07: The Politics of Welfare Policy (Research Council of Norway)

2004–06: Power, democracy and ICT(Research Council of Norway)

2003–05 (project leader): The 2003 Local Election Study (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

2003 (project leader): Party Democracy in the Nordic Countries: Governance and Participation in Danish and Norwegian Political Parties (Joint Committee of the Nordic Social Science Research Councils (NOS-S))

2002–03: Media Coverage of the Welfare State (Ministry of Social Affairs)

2000–02: The End of Party Democracy? The 2000-01 Party Member and Party Congress Study (Research Council of Norwayand the Norwegian Power and Democracy Study)

1999–2000: The 1999 Local Election Study (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development)

1997–98: Strategic coordination in the 1909–18 Norwegian parliamentary elections (Department of Political Science, University of Oslo)

1994–99: (doctoral project) The European issue in Norwegian party politics (Department of Political Science, University of Oslo)

1993–94: Geography and Alcohol (National Directorate for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug problems)

1993: The Legitimacy of Alcohol Policy (Ministry of Social Affairs)

1990–93: Changing parties. The 1991 party member study (Research Council of Norway)

1989: Challenges to the welfare state – how do the parties respond? (Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions)

Other professional activities:

Co-editor of Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning[Norwegian Journal of Social Research], 2005–10

Referee for the journalsBritish Journal of Political Science,European Journal of Political Research,Government Information Quarterly, Information Polity, International Journal of Press/Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Information Technology and Politics, Journal of Peace Research, Local Government Studies, New Media & Society,Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, Party Politics, Politics, Representation, Scandinavian Political Studies,Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning,Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning, Voluntas and West European Politics, and the publisher Akilles forlag

Co-director (with Ulrik Kjær, University of Southern Denmark) ofthe workshop ‘Local political participation’ at the 14th Nordic Political Science Conference, Reykjavik, August 2005

Co-director (with Ann Sullivan, University of Auckland and Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, NIBR) of the workshop ‘Indigenous Politics: Mobilization, Representation, Internationalization’ at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St.Gallen, April 2011

Co-director (with Ulf Mörkenstam, Stockholm University) of the workshop ‘Indigenous Peoples: Participation, Representation, Internationalization’ at the 17th Nordic Political Science Conference, Göteborg, August 2014

Co-chair (with Martin Papillon, Université de Montréal) of the section ‘Indigenous Politics in Comparative Perspective’ at the ECPR General Conference, Montréal, August 2015

Co-director (with Uffe Jacobsen, University of Copenhagen) of the workshop ‘Arctic and Indigenous Politics and Government’ at the 18th Nordic Political Science Conference, Odense, August 2017

Member of evaluation committees for Research Fellow positions at NOVA – Norwegian Social Research (2005), at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Oslo University College (2007), and at the Department of Public Law, University of Oslo (2007)

Member of expert group for the Swedish Research Council, for re-evaluation of applications for research grants (2006)

Referee for the Swedish research foundation Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (2011), and for the Research Foundation Flanders – FWO (2016)

Evaluation (before public defence) of Henrik Serup Christensen’s PhD dissertation, Åbo Akademi University, Finland (2010)

Supervisor for PhD candidate Marte Winsvold (completed 2013)

Deputy Board Member at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) (2005–13)

Deputy Board Member (staff representative) at the Institute for Social Research (2013–14)

Board Member (staff representative) at the Institute for Social Research (2015–16)

Selected publications:


Karl Henrik Sivesind and Jo Saglie (eds) (2017):Promoting Active Citizenship. Markets and Choice in Scandinavian Welfare. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Eva Josefsen, Ulf Mörkenstam, Ragnhild Nilsson and Jo Saglie (eds) (2017): Ett folk, ulike valg. Sametingsvalg i Norge og Sverige [One people, different choices. Sámi Parliament elections in Norway and Sweden]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Jo Saglie and Dag Arne Christensen (eds) (2017): Lokalvalget 2015 – et valg i kommunereformens tegn? [The 2015 local elections: marked by the Local Government Reform?]Oslo: Abstrakt

Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jo Saglie and Ann Sullivan (eds) (2015): Indigenous Politics: Institutions, Representation, Mobilisation. Colchester: ECPR Press.

Marit Reitan, Jo Saglie and Eivind Smith (eds) (2012): Det norske flernivådemokratiet [The Norwegian multi-level democracy]. Oslo: Abstrakt

Eva Josefsen and Jo Saglie (eds) (2011): Sametingsvalg: velgere, partier, medier [Sámi Parliament elections: voters, parties, media].Oslo: Abstrakt.

Jo Saglie (ed.) (2009): Det nære demokratiet – lokalvalg og lokal deltakelse [Democracy at close range: local elections and local participation]. Oslo: Abstrakt

Ann-Helén Bay, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds) (2009): Når velferd blir politikk: Partier, organisasjoner og opinion [When welfare becomes politics: Parties, organizations and public opinion]. Oslo: Abstrakt

Jo Saglie and Tor Bjørklund (eds) (2005): Lokalvalg og lokalt folkestyre[Local elections and local democracy]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Knut Heidar and Jo Saglie (2002): Hva skjer med partiene?[What is happening to the parties?] Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Jo Saglie (2002): Standpunkter og strategi: EU-saken i norsk partipolitikk 1989–1994[Stances and Strategies: The European Issue in Norwegian Party Politics]. Oslo: Unipax

Articles in English:

Signe Bock Segaard and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘Education and elderly care in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: National policies and legal frameworks for private providers’, in K. H. Sivesind and J. Saglie (eds):Promoting Active Citizenship. Markets and Choice in Scandinavian Welfare. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Karl Henrik Sivesind, Håkon Solbu Trætteberg and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘The Future of the Scandinavian Welfare Model: User Choice, Parallel Governance Systems, and Active Citizenship’, in K. H. Sivesind and J. Saglie (eds):Promoting Active Citizenship. Markets and Choice in Scandinavian Welfare. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Rune Karlsen and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘Party bureaucrats, independent professionals, or politicians? A study of party employees’, West European Politics (40), 6:1331–51

Signe Bock Segaard, Harald Baldersheim and Jo Saglie (2016): ‘The Norwegian trial with Internet voting: results and challenges’, in J. Barrat i Esteve (ed.): El voto electrónico y sus dimensiones jurídicas: entre la ingenua complacencia y el rechazo precipitado. Madrid: Iustel. A previous version was published in Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado (13)

Jo Saglie and Signe Bock Segaard (2016): ‘Internet Voting and the Secret Ballot in Norway: Principles and Popular Understandings’,Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties(26), 2: 155–69

Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jo Saglie and Ann Sullivan (2015): ‘Introduction: Perspectives on Indigenous Politics’, in M. Berg-Nordlie, J. Saglie and A. Sullivan (eds): Indigenous Politics: Institutions, Representation, Mobilisation. Colchester: ECPR Press

Johannes Bergh and Jo Saglie (2015): ‘Self-Determination as a Political Cleavage: The Norwegian Sámediggi Election of 2009’, in M. Berg-Nordlie, J. Saglie and A. Sullivan (eds): Indigenous Politics: Institutions, Representation, Mobilisation. Colchester: ECPR Press

Eva Josefsen, Ulf Mörkenstam and Jo Saglie (2015): ‘Different Institutions Within Similar States: The Norwegian and Swedish Sámediggis’, Ethnopolitics (14), 1: 32–51

Erik Aarebrot and Jo Saglie (2013): ‘Linkage in Multi-level Party Organizations: The Role(s) of Norwegian Regional Party Branches’, Regional and Federal Studies(23), 5: 613–29

Elin Haugsgjerd Allern, Ann-Helén Bay and Jo Saglie (2013): ‘The New Politics of the Welfare State? A Case Study of Extra-parliamentary Party Politics in Norway’, European Journal of Social Security (15), 3: 249–72

Knut Heidar, Karina Kosiara-Pedersen and Jo Saglie (2012): ‘Party Change and Party Member Participation in Denmark and Norway’, in J. Blom-Hansen, C. Green-Pedersen and S.-E. Skaaning (eds): Democracy, Elections and Political Parties. Essays in honor of Jørgen Elklit. Århus: Politica.

Elin Haugsgjerd Allern and Jo Saglie (2012): ‘Inside the Black Box: Parties as Multi-level Organizations in a Unitary State’, West European Politics (35), 5: 947–70

Jo Saglie, Johannes Bergh and Tor Bjørklund (2012): ‘Do Labour Parties Suffer from Declining Turnout? Evidence from Norwegian Local Elections’, Local Government Studies (38), 2: 249–70

Jo Saglie and Signy Irene Vabo (2009): ‘Size and e-Democracy: Online Participation in Norwegian Local Politics’, Scandinavian Political Studies (32), 4: 382–401

Elin Haugsgjerd Allern and Jo Saglie (2008): ‘Between Electioneering and “Politics as Usual”: The Involvement of Interest Groups in Norwegian Electoral Politics’, in D. Farrell and R. Schmitt-Beck (eds): Non-Party Actors in Electoral Politics: The Role of Interest Groups and Independent Citizens in Contemporary Election Campaigns, Baden-Baden: Nomos

Karina Pedersen and Jo Saglie (2005): ‘New Technology in Ageing Parties: Internet Use in Danish and Norwegian Parties’, Party Politics (11), 3: 359–77

Bernhard Hansen and Jo Saglie (2005): ‘Who Should Govern Political Parties? Organizational Values in Norwegian and Danish Political Parties’, Scandinavian Political Studies (28), 1: 1–23

Jo Saglie and Knut Heidar (2004): ‘Democracy within Norwegian Political Parties: Complacency or Pressure for Change?’, Party Politics (10), 4: 385–405

Leif Helland and Jo Saglie (2003): ‘Candidate Competition and Strategic Coordination: Evidence from Four Early Norwegian Elections’, Electoral Studies (22), 4: 581–602

Knut Heidar and Jo Saglie (2003): ‘A Decline of Linkage? Intra-Party Participation in Norway 1991–2000’,European Journal of Political Research (42), 6: 761–86

Knut Heidar and Jo Saglie (2003): ‘Predestined Parties? Organizational Change in Norwegian Political Parties’, Party Politics (9), 2: 219–39

Jo Saglie (2000): ‘Between Opinion Leadership and “Contract of Disagreement”: The Norwegian Labour Party and the European Issue (1988–1994)’, Scandinavian Political Studies (23), 2: 93–113

Jo Saglie (2000): ‘Values, Perceptions and European Integration: The Case of the Norwegian 1994 Referendum’, European Union Politics (1), 2: 227–49

Jo Saglie (1998): ‘A Struggle for the Agenda? Norwegian Parties and the European Issue, 1989–1995’, Party Politics (4), 3:347–66

Svein Larsen and Jo Saglie (1996): ‘Alcohol Use in Saami and Non-Saami Areas in Northern Norway’, European Addiction Research, 2: 78–82

Jo Saglie (1996): ‘Attitude Change and Policy Decisions: The Case of Norwegian Alcohol Policy’, Scandinavian Political Studies (19), 4: 309–27

Selected articles in Norwegian/Scandinavian:

Eva Josefsen, Ulf Mörkenstam and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘Sametingene – institusjoner for selvbestemmelse?’ [The Sámi Parliaments – institutions for self-determination?], in E. Josefsen, U. Mörkenstam, R. Nilsson and J. Saglie (eds): Ett folk, ulike valg. Sametingsvalg i Norge og Sverige. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Johannes Bergh, Stefan Dahlberg, Ulf Mörkenstam and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘Valdeltagande vid sametingsval’ [Electoral turnout at Sámi Parliament elections], in E. Josefsen, U. Mörkenstam, R. Nilsson and J. Saglie (eds): Ett folk, ulike valg. Sametingsvalg i Norge og Sverige. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Ulf Mörkenstam, Johannes Bergh, Ragnhild Nilsson, Jo Saglie and Richard Svensson (2017): ‘Politiska skiljelinjer i den samiska väljarkåren i Norge och Sverige’ [Political cleavages in the Sámi electorate in Norway and Sweden], in E. Josefsen, U. Mörkenstam, R. Nilsson and J. Saglie (eds): Ett folk, ulike valg. Sametingsvalg i Norge og Sverige. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Torunn Pettersen, Jo Saglie, Eva Josefsen and Ragnhild Nilsson (2017): ‘Kvinners saker? Om kjønn og sametingspolitikk’ [Women’s issues? On gender and Sámi politics], in E. Josefsen, U. Mörkenstam, R. Nilsson and J. Saglie (eds): Ett folk, ulike valg. Sametingsvalg i Norge og Sverige. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Hilmar L. Mjelde and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘Velgeratferd: tilbakegang for regjeringspartiene og rekordstor personstemmegivning’ [Voting behaviour: losses for the government parties and record high preferential voting], in J. Saglie and D.A. Christensen (eds): Lokalvalget 2015 – et valg i kommunereformens tegn? Oslo: Abstrakt

Hilmar L. Mjelde and Jo Saglie (2017): ‘Deltakelse i partiene: medlemmer, mulige medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer’ [Participation via parties: members, potential members and non-members], in J. Saglie and D.A. Christensen (eds): Lokalvalget 2015 – et valg i kommunereformens tegn? Oslo: Abstrakt

Bjarte Folkestad, Jo Saglie and Signe Bock Segaard (2017): ‘Hva fremmer en likestilt lokalpolitikk? Et lokalt perspektiv’ [What promotes gender balance in local politics? A local perspective]. Forthcoming in Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (58), 1: 84–104

Ulf Mörkenstam, Stefan Dahlberg, Johannes Bergh and Jo Saglie (2016): ‘Valdeltagande, skiljelinjer och legitimitet: en jämförelse med Norge’ [Turnout, cleavages and legitimacy: a comparison with Norway], in R. Nilsson, S. Dahlberg og U. Mörkenstam (eds): Sametingsval: Väljare, partier och media. Stockholm: Santérus

Johannes Bergh, Dag Arne Christensen, Bjarte Folkestad, Rune Karlsen and Jo Saglie (2016): ‘Personvalg ved stortingsvalg?’ [Preferential voting in Storting elections?],Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift(32), 3: 217–242

Jo Saglie, Marte Winsvold and Sara Blåka (2016): ‘Ansvarsutkreving i lokaldemokratiet: i eller mellom valg?’ [Accountability in local democracy: in or between elections?], Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift(32), 1: 59–81

Jo Saglie, Guro Ødegård and Jacob Aars (2015): ‘Rekruttering av unge folkevalgte: nominasjoner, personstemmer og kontekst’ [Recruitment of young councillors: candidate selection, preference votes and context], Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning(55), 3: 259–88

Johannes Bergh and Jo Saglie (2015): ‘Partisystem og skillelinjer i samepolitikken’ [Party system and cleavages in Norwegian Sámi politics], in B. Bjerkli and P. Selle (eds): Samepolitikkens utvikling. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Jo Saglie and Bjarte Folkestad (2013): ‘Deltakelse i riks- og lokalpolitikk: to sider av samme sak?’ [Participation in national and local politics: two sides of the same coin?], in J. Bergh and D. A. Christensen (eds): Et robust lokaldemokrati –lokalvalget i skyggen av 22. juli 2011. Oslo: Abstrakt

Lawrence E. Rose, Jo Saglie and Jacob Aars (2013): ‘Velgerne og kommunestrukturen: sammenslåing, samarbeid eller begge deler?’ [Public opinion on the municipal structure: amalgamation, cooperation or both?], in J. Bergh and D. A. Christensen (eds): Et robust lokaldemokrati – lokalvalget i skyggen av 22. juli 2011. Oslo: Abstrakt

Guro Ødegård, Johannes Bergh, Jo Saglie and Sigrid Stokstad (2013): ‘Stemmerett for 16-åringer. Deltagelse og dilemmaer’ [Enfranchising the 16-year olds: participation and dilemmas], in J. Bergh and D. A. Christensen (eds): Et robust lokaldemokrati – lokalvalget i skyggen av 22. juli 2011. Oslo: Abstrakt

Guro Ødegård and Jo Saglie (2013): ‘Stemmerett for 16-åringer: forsøk som flernivåinnovasjon’ [Lowering the voting age to 16: municipal trial as multi-level innovation], in T. Ringholm, H. Teigen and N. Aarsæther (eds): Innovative kommuner, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk

Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Jo Saglie and Eivind Smith (2012): ‘KS i det norske flernivådemokratiet’ [The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities within the Norwegian multi-level democracy], in M. Reitan, J. Saglie and E. Smith (eds): Det norske flernivådemokratiet. Oslo: Abstrakt

Johannes Bergh and Jo Saglie (2011): ‘Valgdeltakelsen ved sametingsvalg: hvor viktig er tilgjengelighet?’ [Electoral turnout at Sámi Parliament elections: how important is accessibility?], in E. Josefsen and J. Saglie (eds.): Sametingsvalg: velgere, partier, medier. Oslo: Abstrakt.

Jo Saglie and Signe Bock Segaard (2011): ‘Den norske kirkes demokratiske legitimitet – erfaringer fra kirkevalget 2009’[Democratic Legitimacy within the Church of Norway –the 2009 church elections]. Norsk statsvitenskapeligtidsskrift (27), 3: 155–79

Tor Bjørklund and Jo Saglie (2009): ‘Ensaksdeltakelse: om underskriftskampanjer og politikerkontakt’ [Single-issue participation: on petitions and contacting politicians], in J. Saglie (ed.): Det nære demokratiet – lokalvalg og lokal deltakelse. Oslo: Abstrakt

Jo Saglie (2009): ‘Hvorfor delta i lokalpolitikken – og hvorfor ikke?’ [Why participate in local politics – and why not?], in J. Saglie (ed.): Det nære demokratiet – lokalvalg og lokal deltakelse. Oslo: Abstrakt