Local Offer:

East Sussex WellChild Nurse Service

Angela Little

WellChild Children’s Nurse Care Co-ordinator


What the service does ...... 1

Location and coverage ...... 1

Who does the service provide for? ...... 1

How to start using the service ...... 1

How do you decide who can use your service? ...... 2

Communicating with service users and involving them in decision making/planning……2

Accessibility ...... 2

Who to contact for further information ...... 2

Disclaimer ...... 2

What the service does

Co-ordination of any child with complex care needs,that is over and above that which can be met by universal services, requiring discharge planning in order to ensure the safe, planned transfer from hospital to home.

The service aims to co-ordinate the discharge process, working closely with Commissioners, local services and tertiary centres. Care is handed over to local care providers, Children’s Community Nursing Services and the Children’s Continuing Care Team following discharge. Support is provided to families if the child subsequently requires further admission requiring review of existing provision.

Location and coverage

The WellChild Service is incorporated within the Integrated Continuing Healthcare Team and based in Eastbourne. The Service covers East Sussex from the Havens area and up to the geographical areas of West Sussex and Kent (not including Brighton & Hove).

Who does the service provide for?

Any child (0-18yrs) with complex health needs above that which can be provided by universal services, who needs support, preparation and planning to facilitate safe discharge home.

How to start using the service

Referrals can be made by a variety of professionals and this should include professionals working in primary, secondary and tertiary care, child and adolescent mental health services, community nursing teams, local authority, commissioned public health, school nursing and also education and social care. See below for referral form.

How do you decide who can use your service?

Working closely with the local Commissioners and Children’s Community Nursing Services, any child with health needs that cannot be met through universal services will receive support in order to be discharged from hospital.

Communicating with service users and involving them in decision making/planning

Families, carers and young people are involved in gathering evidence which is presented for consideration in determining an appropriate care package. Families, carers and young people are also invited to discharge planning meetings and are closely involved in the discharge process. They are instrumental in determining how the care is arranged and carried out.


Home visits and visits to the tertiary centres. Otherwise the assessments can be arranged in an environment that has wheelchair access etc.

Who to contact for further information

Angela Little, WellChild Children’s Nurse Care Coordinator, 01323 466120 option 1.


This offer is accurate now, but services are regularly reviewed and could change. All information will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new service offer.

Date of publication: 2nd December 2016

Referral form

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