WA’s Top Trails – Assessment Form

This form is to be used to assess the trails nominated for inclusion in the Trails WA marketing project.

“Fundamental principal is that the trails promoted are of a high standard and visitors can enjoy a range of quality experiences in a safe environment.”

Name of Trail: (or section of trail) ______

Type of Trail: □ walk □ bush walk □ cycle □ mountain bike □ equestrian □ multi-use

□ canoe □ snorkel □ dive □ drive □ other ______

What Tourism Region is it located in: □ Australia’s South West □ Experience Perth □ Australia’s CoralCoast

□ Australia’s North West □ Australia’s Golden Outback

Is it in a protected area? □No □Yes If yes, name of park: ______Tenure: ______

Is it in a water catchment area? □No □Yes If yes, name area: ______

Start Point: ______End Point: ______

Loop trail □No □Yes Any other access points- sealed, unsealed or 4WD only______

Length of Trail or section: ______


Degree of difficulty: link to matrix Track Classification: ______

Time to complete: □ ½ day or less □ day □ multi-day No. of days______

Are specific skills required: □ No □Yes Details: ______

(e.g. navigation, map reading, dive ticket)

Is special equipment required: □ No □Yes Section: ______

Wheelchair access (to part or all of trail) □No □Yes Section: ______

(does it meet AS1248?)

Closest wheelchair toilets/facilities: ______


Who is the land manager: ______

Is it well maintained □No □Yes Who maintains it? (DEC/Shire/Friends group) ______

Is there a management/maintenance plan for the trail? □No □Yes ______

Trail Surface: ______

Are there any hazards? □No □Yes If yes, details:______

(e.g. water body, steep cliffs, slippery rocks)

On trail Infrastructure: □No □Yes If yes, details:______

(e.g. picnic table/toilets at certain point)

Prohibited: □No □Yes If yes, details:______

(e.g. bikes, pets)

Signage (note if good or needs improving and give details of what is required)

Directional (i.e. Finding it from nearby road/town): □No □Yes ______

At the Start/Finish: Is it easy to find? □No □Yes Does it have a trail head or sign? □No □Yes ______

Trail marking: Is it adequately marked? □No □Yes ______

Comments on above______

Points of Interest. Does the trail have any: (if yes, please give brief details and take suitable photographs)

Does the trail have any: (if yes, please give brief details)

□ Historical interest______

□ Indigenous interest______

□ Interesting flora and/or fauna______

□ Great/interesting views______

□ Interesting geographical features______

□ Interpretation of any kind

□ Other______

Promotional material (Please source samples where available)

Is there a brochure□No □Yes Available from ______

Is there a map □No □Yes Available from ______

Is a map necessary or would a trail head be adequate?______

Is there a trail head (take a photo)□No □Yes

Is there a website or web page promoting the trail □No □Yes

(e.g. on a regional visitor information site)

Brief Description of trail for brochure: (25 to 50 words max)




Description of trail for website: (200 to 300 words)

Selection of photos required for each trail highlighting key features if possible and or users on the trails.

Closest Visitor Information Centre: ______Contact: ______

Phone: ______Fax:______Email: ______

Address: ______

Nearest Town: ______Distance from town (approx) ______km

Are current trail conditions available? PH: …………………………………………

Questions for the VIC:


If it’s a bike, canoe, snorkel, dive or horse trail – is there anywhere in the nearby to hire a bike, canoe, horse or snorkel/dive gear?

□No □Yes

Details: ______

Is information about the trail available from anywhere in the nearest town/community? □No □Yes

Details: ______

Is the trail accessible at all by public transport? □No □Yes

Details: ______

Are there any attractions/services nearby which could be ‘packaged’ with the trail? E.g. Does it link interesting places, is there a great pub/winery along the way for a lunch stop. □No □Yes

1: ______

2: ______

3: ______

Is there suitable accommodation in the area?□No □Yes

□ backpackers □ caravan park □ B&B □ hotel □ motel □ camp ground

Provide Name and contact details of places that you would recommend:

1: Name: Contact: Phone: Fax: email:

2: Name: Contact: Phone: Fax: email:

3: Name: Contact: Phone: Fax: email:

Is there a website?□ No □Yes

Is it current?□ No □Yes

Who manages it?…………………………………………………………………………………………………..