EPE310 Professional Experience: Learning for All
Unit title / EPE310 Professional Experience: Learning for allNumber of professional experience days / 30 day placement (6 week block)
Academic requirements / Profile-Critical Practice in ‘Learning for All’
Teacher Performance Assessment Task
Multimedia Presentation
In-school tasks / 30 days (6 week block) with at least 4 weeks incorporating fulltime teaching.
- Planning and teaching
- methodologies
- assessment
- Daily journal
- Mentor feedback
- Presentation
Forms to be verified by mentor teacher / Unit of work
Placement Assessment Forms (Interim and Final)
Forms to be submitted to the
Professional Experience Office / Placement Assessment Forms (Interim and Final)
Unit Title and Code
EPE310 Professional Experience: Learning for All
Unit Purpose
This unit provides a basis for advocacy and practice about inclusive education for teaching students with special learning needs. The terms and concepts related to inclusive practices and principles are defined in this unit.
Pre-service teachers will promote effective instruction, assessment, evaluation and monitoring of learning and develop educational programs for typical and a typical students in a number of curriculum areas.
Students undertaking this unit will be completing their final placement. Theywill demonstrate their classroom readiness and complete Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) requirements that are designed to reflect
data-informed planning, differentiated teaching and authentic assessment.
This unit requires successful completion of two components. The first is up to seven weeks of in-depth study of learning theories, literature and quality pedagogical approaches. The second component consists of professional experience in school settings. Pre-service teachers will undertake specific assessable activities, including personal reflection, planning and teaching that align to the theoretical focus provided. Pre-service teachers must provide current criminal history clearances prior to the commencement of the professional experience.
Unit Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
- Plan, teach and assess student learning over a sustained period and demonstrate the impact of teaching upon improving students' learning.
- Apply the understanding of the role of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in teaching through supporting evidence and reflecting upon own practices.
- Develop appropriate classroom teaching strategies for student with specific needs.
- Critically review policies related to inclusion at international, federal and state or territory levels.
- Integrate relevant legislative policies into program planning for students with special needs.
- Identify, evaluate and utilise support services for students with specific difficulties/disabilities.
- Evaluate and apply inclusive education strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.
Academic Requirements
Academic theory on applying principles to practice is fundamental to Professional experience. Participation with the Academic component of this unit is outlined in detail on Learnline, the on-line learning environment. Visit "Learnline login" in the top tool bar on the Charles Darwin University home page
In-school experience contacts
The Professional Experience Office facilitate the administration of prior to school and school placements for all pre- service teachers including collecting professional experience placement and assessment forms and organising payments for mentor teachers. Contact Phone: 08 8946 6602.
Length of professional experience
30 day (6 week block) placement with at least 4 weeks of fulltime teaching.
Teaching expectations for pre-service teachers
During the 30 days, pre-service teachers are expected to work as co-professionals with the mentor teacher and teach, at least 4 weeks incorporating fulltime teaching. Planning and teaching a unit of work with a focus on teaching methodologies with embedded assessment. Demonstrate a range of appropriate teaching, lesson planning, assessment and evaluation strategies.
Daily Journal
Pre-service teachers must keep a daily journal noting in-class and in-school activities, and reflections on experiences and teaching. The reflection focus for EPE301builds an ongoing critical awareness of inclusive educational contexts and the strategies thatimpact on student learning.
The journal spans the entire period of professional experience and is completed throughout the course. It will include entries which detail knowledge and insights gained, problems encountered, solutions applied, and the reflections of work as a pre-service teacher. Entries in this journal can inform future teaching and reflect personal development and growth as a teaching professional and can be used as a reference as pre-service teachers start to build their portfolio of evidence (PoE)*that addresses the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST).
Mentor teachers are asked to sight this journal and comment in the Final Report.
Mentor Teacher Feedback
The Mentor teacher provides regular written and verbal feedback and guidance throughout the entire block of professional experience. Templates for written feedback are available at
Teaching portfolio
A complete electronic teaching PoE* is required at the conclusion of the course. Evidence collected from your professional experience in this unit is an important part of demonstrating your professional progress. Details about the portfolio are available in the academic component of EPE310 on Learnline.
A digital story based on the student’s portfolio is presented at the school at the conclusion of the course. A copy is uploaded to Learnline for academic review. Details about the digital story can be obtained from the academic component of EPE310 on Learnline.
In-school assessment
Each professional experience unit has one or more in school tasks. These tasks demonstrate the ability of the pre- service teacher to use academic learning in a professional experience environment. The tasks for this unit are:
- At least 4 weeks incorporating fulltime teaching.
- Planning and teaching a sequence of learning with a focus on teaching methodologies with embedded assessment.
- Responding to the requirements of the TPA as outline in Learnline
- Demonstrate a range of appropriate teaching, lesson planning, assessment and evaluation strategies.
The tasks for this unit are:
- Inclusive classroom planning and programming(2,500 words)
- Prepare and teach a program using a range of assessment strategies and a satisfactory report from the mentor teacher.
- Programming, planning and response to impact ofteaching (2,000 words or equivalent.
- Complete and present thePoE*
*Portfolio of Evidence (POE)– completed online portfolio presented to host school at the conclusion of the course. The PoE provides the explicit demonstration of evidence that addresses the Australian Professional Standards for Teacher (APSTs). Pre-service teachers are encouraged to collect evidence towards this portfolio from the commencement of the first Professional Experience.
EPE310 Professional Experience: Learning for All