Please be aware that translated document below is not legally binding and only may be used for information purposes. Therefore, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality takes no responsibility for the use of any content of this document.
Article 1- Information About the Contracting Entity
1.1-The Contracting Entity’s:
a) Name: ISTANBUL METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY, Directorate of Studies and Projects, Department of Infrastructures
b) Address:
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Tender Affairs, Additional Service Building, M.Nezihi Ozmen Mahallesi Keresteciler Sitesi, Kasim Sk. No: 77, 4th Floor, 34169 Merter -
c) Phone Number: 0 (212) 449 99 02
c) Fax Number: 0 (212 ) 449 51 97
d) E-mail:
e) Name- Surname/ Title of the Contact Person: Asst. Director Fahrettin ONER (Technical Issues)
Nilgun ERTURK (Other Issues)
1.2. The bidders may get information about the procurement by contacting the contact persons from the addresses and numbers given above
Article 2- Information about the procurement
2.1. Of the consultancy service subjecting to procurement;
a) Name: Final Project Services Work To Be Taken As Basis For Implementation of Dudullu–Bostanci and Umraniye-Atasehir-Goztepe Railway System Lines
b) Code, if any: Y201201057H43015
c) Quantity and type: The quantity and type of the service is explained at the annex of the administrative specification. Final project services to be taken as basis for implementation for a total of 22.4 km. of metro line (Dudullu-Bostanci Railway System Line: 12.9 km, Umraniye-Atasehir-Goztepe Railway System Line: 9.5 km)
c) Place of performance: Istanbul in general
d) Any other information (if any): This item is left blank.
Article 3 – Information related to tender
a) Procurement register number: 2012/168698
b) Procurement procedure: Tender among the specified tenderers
c) Place of submission of Bids: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Tender Affairs, M.Nezihi Ozmen Mh. Keresteciler Sitesi, Kasim Sk. No:62 Merter/ISTANBUL
c) Address where the procurement shall be held: : Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Tender Affairs, M.Nezihi Ozmen Mh. Keresteciler Sitesi, Kasim Sk. No:62 Merter/ISTANBUL
d) Place of meeting of the tender commission: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Tender Affairs, M.Nezihi Ozmen Mh. Keresteciler Sitesi, Kasim Sk. No:62 Merter/ISTANBUL
3.2. The bids may either be submitted at the place indicated in the letter of invitation up until the deadline date and time of the tender or they can be sent by registered mail. Bids not received by the Contracting Entity before the deadline time for submission shall not be evaluated.
3.3. The submitted bids cannot be withdrawn for any reason except the issuing of an addendum.
3.4. In the case that the date determined for the procurement coincides with a holiday, it shall be held at the same place and time on the first working day following the holiday and bids which have been submitted up until this time shall be accepted.
3.5. Even if there is a change in working hours after the invitation, the tender shall be held at the time mentioned in the invitation letter.
3.6. The national time provided by Turkish Radio and Television Authority (TRT) shall be taken as the basis with respect to the time.
Article 4- Scope of tender document
4.1. The tender document consists of the following documents:
a) Administrative Specification.
b) Technical Specification.
c) Draft Contract.
d) Standard forms
Standard Form-KIK016.1/D: Unit Cost Tender Letter, Standard Form-KIK0016.1/D: Unit Cost Tender Table, Standard Form-KIK0025.0/D: Joint-Venture Declaration Standard Form-KIK027.0/D: Bid Bond, Standard Form-KIK028.0/D: Performance Bond, Standard Form-KIK031.1/D: Work Experience Certificate (Contractor – Work Completion), Standard Form-KIK031.2/D: Work Experience Certificate (Contractor – Work Status for the Consultancy Services Related to Construction), Standard Form – KIK031.3/D: Work Experience Certificate (Work Supervision – Accepted, In the Consultancy Services Related to Construction), Standard Form – KIK031.4/D: Work Experience Certificate (Work Management – Accepted, In the Consultancy Services Related to Construction), Standard Form – KIK031.5/D: Work Experience Certificate (Subcontractor – Work Completion), Standard Form-KIK031.6/D: Work Experience Certificate (Work Supervision – In the Consultancy Services Related to Continuing and Increasing Construction Works), Standard Form – KIK031.7/D: Work Experience Certificate (Work Management – In the Consultancy Services Related to Continuing and Increasing Construction Works), Standard Form – KIK031.8/D: Work Experience Certificate (Work Inspection – Work Completion), Standard Form-KIK031.6/D: Work Experience Certificate (Work Management – In the Consultancy Services Related to Continuing and Increasing Construction Works), Standard Form – KIK032.0/D: Resume Form, Standard Form-KIK033.0/D: General Service Experience, Standard Form-KIK034.1/D: Similar Works Completed in the Consultancy Services Related to Construction in the Last 15 Years, Standard Form-KIK034.2/D: Similar Consultancy Services Works Managed with a Minimum Contract Rate of 80% Related to Construction in the Last 15 Years, Standard Form-KIK034.3/D: Similar Consultancy Services Works Supervised with a Minimum Contract Rate of 80% Related to Construction in the Last 15 Years, Standard Form-KIK035.1/D: Technical Personnel Information Summary Table, Standard Form-KIK037.1/D: Work Completion and Organization Structure, Methodology and Work Planning Statement Form, Standard Form-KIK037/2/D: Personnel Condition, Positions and Job Definitions, Standard Form-KIK037.3/D: Technical Personnel Time Schedule, Standard Form-KIK037.4/D: Working Schedule, Standard Form-KIK038.1/D: Cost Summary, Standard Form-KIK038.2/D: Detailing of the Fees-Work Items Detail Form, Standard Form-KIK038.3/D: Other Items Schedule, Standard Form-KIK040.1/D: Shareholding Status Certificate, Standard Form-KIK040.2/D: Partnership Status Certificate
4.2. In addition, addenda to be published by the Contracting entity as well as the written clarifications to be made by the Contracting entity upon the written request of the bidders shall be an integral binding part of the tender documents in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Specification hereby.
4.3. The bidder shall be liable to carefully review the content of all documents listed above. The bidder shall be liable in the event that he could not fulfill the requirements for submitting the bid. The bids that are not in compliance with the procedure stipulated and described in the tender document shall not be taken into consideration.
4.4. If the papers comprising the tender document are issued and sold to the bidders in other languages besides Turkish, the Turkish text shall be taken as basis in understanding and interpretation of the tender documents as well as the disputes that may arise between the contracting entity and bidders.
Article 5- Notification/official communication principles
5.1. Notification/Official communication is made by the registered and prepaid mail or by the hand against signature. However, notification can be made through electronic mail or fax by the Contracting Entity provided that electronic mail address and/or fax number are specified in the document indicating that the prequalification documents are purchased or downloaded through EKAP using an electronic signature and/or in the letter for tender and it is undertaken to accept the notification to be made to this address or fax number.
5.2. In official communication made through registered and prepaid mail, 7th day following date on which the letter has been given to the post office and 19th day for foreign bidders are considered notification date. If the notification arrives at the addressee before above-stipulated date and then actual notification date is accepted as basis.
5.3. If a notification is sent via e-mail or fax, the date on which the notification is sent shall be the notification date. In this case, the contracting entity must make sure that the bidder has received the notification. Otherwise the notification shall be null and void. The notification delivered via registered mail is enough for the notification to be considered as valid. The notifications sent via e-mail or fax are separately documented to include the notification date and scope.
5.4. The official e-mail address of the contracting entity shall be used if a notification is sent via e-mail.
5.5. Notifications and notices to be made by Contracting Entity to joint ventures are sent to main partner / coordinator in accordance with the rules above mentioned.
Article 6 – Documents Required for Participating the Tender
6.1. The candidates who are on the short list, which is created as a result of the prequalification evaluation per the article 49 of the Public Procurement Law No.4734, and are requested to tender by being sent invitation letter have to submit the following documents in order to participate in the tender:
a) Bid Letter, form and content of which are given in attachment to the Specification.
b) The certificates of the Chamber of Commerce and / or Industry or Professional Chamber they are registered in as per legislation.
1) If the bidder is a physical person, the certificate indicating registration to the Chamber of Commerce and/or Industry or the related Chamber of Profession, as the case may be, as obtained within the year that contains the date of last bidding deadline or date of procurement.
2) In the event that the bidder is a legal person, the certificate received from the registered Chamber of Commerce and/or Industry within the year when the first announcement date, tender date or last bidding deadline with regard to the procurement is made and indicating the registration of the legal person.
b) Signature statement or signature circular indicating the authority of the bidder to submit competency application;
1) In the case of a real person, notary approved signature declaration.
2) The original or a notarized copy of the Trade Registry Gazette indicating the most recent state of the shares and the duties of the shareholders in the company and an Notarized Signature Circular in the case of a legal person. If the above mentioned information is not present in one Trade Registry Gazette, all of the Trade Registry Gazettes or documents including the above mentioned information. The original or a notarized copy of the Trade Registry Gazette indicating the most recent state of the shares and the duties of the shareholders in the company and an Notarized Signature Circular in the case of a legal person. If the above mentioned information is not present in one Trade Registry Gazette, all of the Trade Registry Gazettes or documents including the above mentioned information,
c) If requested in this Specification, a bid bond set out in this Specification and issued according to the standard form or invoices demonstrating that the guarantees apart from the bid bonds have been deposited in the contracting entity’s account department.
d) If the bidder is represented by attorney in the prequalification, the notarized power of attorney indicating that the person participating on behalf of bidder is authorized to participate in the prequalification and the notarized signature statement of the proxy are required.
e) If the bidder is joint-venture, a joint-venture certificate in compliance with the Standard form described in the attachment of this Specification.
f) This item is left blank.
g) If the document submitted by the legal person to show his work experience belongs to his partner who has more than half of the shares, a certificate which complies with the standard form and which is prepared by the trade and industry chamber/chamber of commerce in the trade registry offices within the certified public accountant or public accountant and protected after the announcement date and date of issue for the last one year without interruption,
g) This item is left blank.
6.2. In the case that bid is submitted for procurement as joint venture;
6.2.1. It is obligatory for each partner of joint venture to submit the documents included in sub-clauses (b) and (c) of Article 6.1 separately. If the certificate submitted to show work experience and submitted by the legal person partner of the joint venture is owned by the shareholder of the said legal person holding by more than half of the shares, this partner has also to submit the document in item (g).
6.3. In the case that bid is submitted for tender as consortium;
6.3.1. This clause is left blank as the bids from consortiums are not allowed.
6.4. For the evaluation of the technical bids, documents to be prepared and submitted in compliance with the Technical Bid Forms attached hereto are as follows:
6.4.1. In order to indicate their specific service experience regarding the work that is the subject of the tender or similar works, the Bidders shall attach their work experience certificates to the “Technical Bid Forms” which are included in their technical bids to provide evidence for the works that are the subject of the tender or similar works all of which have been completed successfully within the scope of consultancy services. For joint ventures, all partners of the joint venture shall submit these forms separately.
6.4.2. The bidders shall submit a report explaining the work schedule and method they propose for the work subject to the tender and the management and organization structure of the project along with their technical bids.
6.4.3. The bidders must submit along with their technical bids the “Organization Plan” that is proposed for the management and organization of the work, and "Work Schedule" indicating the timetable for the performance of the technical personnel and work plan.
6.4.4. The bidders shall indicate in the “Technical Bid Forms” along with the technical bids the administrative staff and technical personnel they propose for the work subject of the tender, duties, experience and working hours of these personnel. Curriculum vitae, diploma or graduation certificates of the proposed personnel as well as certificates indicating their professional experience and that they are employed by the bidder shall be submitted along with the documents mentioned hereinabove. However, the bidders shall indicate in the “summary table for technical personnel information” the personnel that they are to provide by being subscribed and submit their curriculum vitae. For these personnel there is no need to submit certificates indicating that they are employed by the bidder. Whether the personnel in question employed by the bidder or provided by being subscribed shall be taken into account at the stage of scoring the technical bids.
6.5- Way of submitting the documents
6.5.1. It is obligatory for bidders to submit the originals of the above-mentioned documents or their notary public attested copies. However, the copies of Trade Registers Gazettes that are certified as “this is a true copy” by the Gazette Authority or Association of Turkish Chambers and Stock Exchanges and issued to the bidders as per Article 9 of Regulation on Turkish Trade Registers Gazette and notarized copies thereof shall be accepted. Internet printouts of the tender participation and qualification documents that can obtained via the internet pages of the public authorities and organizations and the professional organizations that have the nature of public authority and that can be confirmed may be submitted.