July 15, 2005
Knights of Columbus , Council 12119
Meeting Minutes for: July 12, 2005
Jerome Schweitzer, Recorder
1. Roll of Officers:
Grand Knight: Dave Dillman / ExcusedDeputy Grand Knight: Robert Coiley / Present
Chancellor: Joe Esmond / Present
Advocate: Deacon Tony Meier / Present
Warden: Dennis Coleman / Present
Inner Guard: Ali Vurucuoglu / Present
Outer Guard: Larry Balan / Excused
Financial Secretary: Tom Hokemeyer / Present
Treasurer::Sean Mayefskie / Excused
Recorder: Jerry Schweitzer / Present
3 Year Trustee: Mike Wands / Excused
2 Year Trustee: Sean Mayefskie / Excused
1 Year Trustee: Duane Frank / Excused
2. Reading of Previous Minutes:
Accepted by unanimous voice vote
3. Balloting for Membership:
4. Grand Knight’s Report
Brother Knight’s, I would like to apologize for not being present at the meeting. I am currently on vacation with my family in Orlando Fl. I would like to thank our Worthy Deputy Grand Knight for conducting this meeting.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am looking forward to a great year. Our success depends on YOU, all members of the council. Feel free to contact any officer with ideas to make the council better.
Lamb Tootsie Roll drive
Thanks very much to all of those who came out on Friday and Saturday, June 24th & 25th, to help with the Tootsie Roll Drive at Wal-Mart. We Collected over $1300.
Social Meeting June 28th
I would like to thank all who attended the social meeting in June. We collected many good ideals for fundraiser and social event. I will be putting together a summary and see that all members receive a copy. I would like to have another social meeting on July 26 at the Church, so we can implement some of these ideals.
The 2005 State Organizational Meeting will be held during the weekend of July 22 and 24 in Greensboro, NC. This is a meeting in which the State gives guidance to councils for starting the upcoming year. Your Grand Knight plans to attending this meeting.
Please become empowered, and get involved! I would like to have a firm council activity schedule, and volunteers to coordinate events by the end of August. The team will need your help now to make this happen. Now’s the time to become active in council meetings and events.
5. Treasurer’s Report : (Sean Mayefskie)
No Report
6. Financial Secretary: (Tom Hokemeyer)
· Dues requests will be sent soon, if possible, members are asked to present payment to Tom and help save postage.
· Council Audit die by August 15th.
7. Chancellor’s Report: (Joe Esmond)
No Report
8. Church Director: ( Deacon Tony Meier)
No Report
9. Program Director: (Robert Coiley)
Lamb Report: (Tony Zsoldos)
The next Tootsie Roll drive will be held on July 22nd and 23rd, The last two drives following this one will take place in the Fall on October 7th and 8th and on November 3rd and 4th. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact either John Lofquist at 639-6761 or Tony Zsoldos at 557-8126. We are looking primarily for 4 Captains for Friday and Saturday mornings and afternoons.
We will be holding a tootsie Roll Drive at the church later on in the year, (Date TBA), after each mass.
Our last drive in June was a smashing success. We collected a total of $1,364.50. Way To Go Guys. JOB WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!
Help is needed with the “Book Read-A-Thon. Please contact Mike Wands at 772-5648, if you would like to help or for further information regarding the Read-A- Thon.
10. New Business
· Welcome new members Donald Koebrich and Jack Quinn (introduce to council.)
· The Induction of Officers should take place early next month. The date selected will be based on the availability of the officers, our Worth District Deputy, Christian Podgurski, and the schedule of Fr. Mark or Fr. William. We need to assemble the availability of the officers. Officers should respond as quickly as possible. Most likely day will be the fourth Tuesday, our regular social night.
· The State Organizational Meeting will be held on July 22th thru 24th. A vote is required to address the GK lodging and food stipend. Jin O’Donnell proposed and Don Prush seconded a motion to allocate a maximum amount of $300 per person for meals and lodging. Passed by unanimous voice vote.
· We need helpers for Lamb on July 22nd and 23th
· There were two donations authorized at tonight’s meeting. Tom Hokemeyer proposed and Jim O’Donnell seconded a motion for the first for a member of the Hispanic Community who passed away and will be buried in Mexico. $100 was donated to assist in the expenses for the transportation of remains. The other donation was proposed by Rich Carberry and seconded by Deacon Tony Meier, to support the effort in Virginia to sustain a pregnant women in a vegetative state due to cancer, until the birth of the baby. $100 was allocated to this cause also. Both of these proposals passed by unanimous voice vote.
11. Report of the Fourth Degree:
Fr. Paul of Graymoor Assembly 2446 Report by Liaison: Tony Zsoldos
The following are the new officers elected may 10th and the installation of officer’s ceremony and banquet took place at 6:30pm, Friday, June 10th at St Andrews.
Please note a member of our Council, Jim McNally is now the Faithful Captain of the Assembly. Congratulations Jim.
Jim is also the Commander of the Honor Guard.
2005 Assembly Offficers:
3 YEAR TRUSTEE Joe Zinannti
1 YEAR TRUSTEE Andy Caamano
12. District Deputy’s Report:
· Our worthy DD reported that our council’s performance in insurance and membership recruiting far exceeded our goals for last year. Congratulations are in order.
· Congratulations to Dave Onofrio for all the hard work and accomplishments as State Deputy for the past two years.
· Congratulations to Dennis Coleman on his Third Degree.
· Past State Deputy John Organ’s mother passed away at the age of 104. Please remember her and her family in your prayers.
13. Unfinished Business:
· Read-A-Thon launched at May 1 at the pancake breakfast.
Need to understand status.
· We need helpers for the August pancake breakfast; Dave Dillman will be captain,
Jim O’Donnell committed to attend and help.
Jim O;Donnell gave an update on the storage shed project. Jim is representing us at the Parsih Council, and has received a commitment of $2,000 to begin the upgrade of the pavilion, so that parish storage can be moved to there. At that point, the existing shed will become the exclusive storage area for Knights items. We are currently proceeding with the permit process before actual work can begin.
· Roaming Cooler for July: Jim Esmond, August: Don Prush, September: Jim O’Donnell, and October: Bob Coiley
14. Good of the Order
Please remember in your prayers:
Hugh McNalley, Tony Zsoldos, Harriett Williams, and all military personnel