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Volunteer AgreementWelcome to O.U.R. Ecovillage. As a Volunteer Team Member you will be honored as a friend and co-learner on the mutual path of building sustainability. In order to foster sustainable relationships within O.U.R. community, let’s be clear about our expectations of each other, our roles and responsibilities.
Before you complete this form, please review O.U.R. Information Handbook & Visitors Guide.
(Download here:
HOME ADDRESS and Mailing Address:
(home) (cell/mobile) (work)
EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON: (name and phone number)
From To
How many hours you are willing to commit per week = ______(or, ______per month)
SKILL AREAS: (check all tasks you can do well)
Gardening Manual labour
Natural building/design Driving
Permaculture Business Development
Youth/child care Mechanical repair
Building and Construction Healthcare provision
Bookkeeping, accounting Office work
Animal husbandry Research
Housekeeping Fundraising
Leadership within a Non-Profit Society Playing a musical instrument
Organizing people, events, and/or resources Art work, graphics
Community Development & Outreach Group/meeting facilitation
Other skills areas you have, that are not listed above:
Other areas which interest you, or skills you wish to develop:
What are your LEARNING GOALS in relation to O.U.R. Ecovillage?
Meals paid either monthly, weekly or per meal.
Please see O.U.R. office administrator to arrange payment for meals.
Please check each box indicating you have read and agree with each statement.□ 1. I have read and familiarized myself with “O.U.R. Ecovillage Information Handbook & Visitor’s Guide”.
□ 2. While interning at O.U.R. Ecovillage, I agree to conduct myself in accordance with O.U.R. Guiding Principles, O.U.R. Drug & Alcohol Policy.
□ 3. I will honor my agreements regarding applicable or arranged program costs, as outlined above during my time at O.U.R. Ecovillage.
□ 4. I am familiar with the Safety and Emergency Procedures outlined in O.U.R. Information Handbook & Visitor’s Guide. I will act in a safe and responsible manner at all times, and will not hold O.U.R. Community Association (or O.U.R. Ecovillage residents) liable for any injury I sustain or damage to my personal property. I agree to sign a “Liability Form”.
□ 5. I agree to take personal responsibility regarding all aspects of this agreement, including checking in with others regularly to ensure mutual agreements are upheld.
Volunteer conduct/dismissal
Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves responsibly, with due consideration for the setting, the purposes of the OUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (OCA), and for others at O.U.R.ECOVILLAGE (e.g. food production program students, natural building program, residents, staff, other short term students, volunteers and visitors). If a volunteer is, for whatever reason, unable to live up to the commitments of this agreement, OCA reserves the right to renegotiate the participants involvement, including dismissal from the program.
Misconduct of particular concern includes but is not limited to: (1) acts affecting the safety of any individual, (2) damage to property, (3) theft, (4) disruption of routine farm, school and community activities, instruction, or programs of the Society, (5) insufficient attendance (6) violation of the Drug and Alcohol policy.
In the event that a student is dismissed from OCA written notice will be provided.
Timesheets and overtime
There will be no banked overtime unless arranged prior to the work and with an expected notice of one week. (There are legal and financial implications for working overtime and we must track this completely).
Time sheets must be in on the day prior to pay-day (15th and 30th). If this is not successful staff will be given one notice, a written notice and then may have their contract re-negotiated.
All time sheets must be handed in to your program coordinator (if you are in an Internship Program) and they will be signing to fully confirm and approve your hours. They are responsible for repayment of any hours that were tracked incorrectly so please make sure they are fully able to sign for you. If you do not have a direct Coordinator please have all time sheets handed in to Brandy Gallagher for signature. O.U.R. office manager is not in a position to sign anyone’s timesheets and will not want to be accountable for the follow through of other folks on this task. The office team does need to enter every single timesheet into OUR budget (paid and contribution hours), so please keep up to date to avoid creating a backlog for them to deal with.
Conflict resolution
Should conflict arise between Interns, Intern(s) and an instructor, or Intern(s) and a resident(s), the following guidelines apply:
A)First, it is important that an attempt be made to resolve the conflict directly with the person involved. We ask that you do not discuss the situation with all others in the community until you have addressed it directly with the person(s) related.
B)If this is not successful, you can contact the Intern Coordinator or your Team Leader. They can simply act as a support person, or can directly mediate between the parties.
C)In the event that a conflict cannot be resolved even with the help of the Intern Coordinator, the Programs Coordinator [Brandy Gallagher] will be advised. If necessary the Programs Coordinator will request written submissions from all parties, and will provide a written decision. If the Programs Coordinator cannot satisfactorily provide a resolution, or if the complaint involves the Coordinator, the issue is to be presented in writing to the OCA Board for resolution.
Signature (volunteer): ______Date: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Executive Director, O.U.R. Community Assoc.
I , ______, am aware that construction activities, building materials, hand and power tools, and any work sites can be dangerous and there is a serious risk of personal injury.
I acknowledge that O.U.R. Ecovillage, Cobworks, Elke Cole, Brandy Gallagher, Trent Berg, and the apprentices, interns, staff, students and residents of these organizations are not responsible for my personal injury caused as a result of the use, misuse, malfunction, attempt to repair or any other operation of hand or power tools, working with animals, machines or as a result of any activities which I may be involved in through any aspect of OUR ECOVILLAGE (on or off site). I undertake these activities at my own risk and acknowledge that these organizations and individuals cannot be held liable whatsoever for these activities.
Signature ______Print name ______
Witness ______Date ______
I realize that during my time at O.U.R. Ecovillage, I may be included in photographs or video taken by residents, other course participants, visitors or members of the press. I authorize the use by O.U.R. Ecovillage of any photographs taken of me during my time at O.U.R. Ecovillage for use in promotional materials, including print and online, that support O.U.R. Ecovillage in building community and marketing courses or events.
Signature ______Print name______Date ______
Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy
O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE is a high visibility demonstration space; we also support folks to be fully present to themselves and to all other relationships. We therefore do not allow illegal drugs or their use on O.U.R. Property.Tobacco use is allowed in designated areas, which will be shown to you during a tour of the property. If you are unsure, please ask.Alcohol use is permitted on site only after work hours. It is not permitted during working hours and can be grounds for dismissal.
O.U.R. Guiding Principles
One of our residents writes: “Truly it is auspicious to find this place and time together to create what we need most in our lives. To go the full mile together in this space (and beyond) requires a personal commitment to awareness.”To support this commitment and to help us to realize our needs over the long term we have identified a number of guidelines that serve as points of reflection and reference from which to model our communication and actions.
- Responsibility – In all situations we intend to take responsibility for our own feelings. Ultimately, no one can make us feel. If we feel badly we take credit for that. If we feel good, we take credit for that too. Our words and actions may trigger and impact others, however, we take responsibility for using them in a way that doesn’t manipulate or hurt others.
- Openness – Besides death and taxes, there are few absolutes in this world. Various ways exist to interpret and work with a situation. When we actively let go of our fixed beliefs about ourselves, others or the world, we are more open to the “truth” as communicated through our experience and the experience of others in the group. From this place anything is possible. We strive to remain open to negotiate, communicate and dance in all situations.
- Respect – Respect is a two-way street. When we act with respect, we strengthen each other. This means we are conscious about not charging into people’s mental or physical space without permission. Respect also means leaving the physical environment (land and dwellings) in the same or better condition than you found it, so all may enjoy.
O.U.R. Responsibility
With you, we will co-create facility space according to this agreement (with differing amenities according to the facility); healthy meals; supported learning; respect for your personal space and privacy, uniqueness, needs and wishes; and the opportunity for community living in accordance with our Mission Statement and Guiding Principles. Welcome!Signature (participant): ______Date: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Representative O.U.R. Executive Team
PO Box 530 Shawnigan Lake, BC, V0R 2W0, Canada. Ph 250 743 3067, fax 250 743 3019,