National Paediatric HIV Care & Treatment Training
FOR TRAINERSMaterials / Purpose or Use
Facilitator’s Guide / Suggested schedule and time allocations for each module by Day.
Key talking points
Instructions for carrying out all activities
Answer keys for Case Studies
Participant’s Guide / So you can:
Know what and when participants are expected to do a written exercise.
Refer participants to correct page numbers for a written exercise or where they can find follow-up information on a topic you are presenting
(Remember: always inform participants of the exact page number they will find the exercise on).
Trainer’s CD / That contains:
Electronic Copy of Facilitator and Participant Guide
All slide presentations (by Module)
All Job Aids
All Master Sheets for Interactive Activities
Answer Keys for Cases (if you want to print out for participants)
Cards for Interactive Activities / Activity cards:
Module 2:
1. Master Sheet for Communication Cards = 3-4 sets
Each Trainer has the master sheet on their Trainer CD and they can write out or type out these cards for this activity.
Module 3:
2. Ten Point Management Terms / Definitions = 4 Sets of Cards
Each region will have 4 laminated sets of red and blue cards
Each trainer has the master sheets on their Trainer CD (you can print out, and cut to do the activity)
3. OI Station Activity – Cards with disease names, symptoms, treatment and photo for 19 diseases from Stages 2-4
Each region will have 1 laminated set of the colored cards.
Each trainer has an electronic copy of the cards in Module 3. (you can color print and cut)
4. Master Sheet for Opportunistic Infections cards (for review activity)
Each trainer has the master sheet on their Trainer CD (in Module 3) (you can print out and cut to do this activity)
Module 4:
5. ART True / False Competition Cards and Answer Sheet = 2 sets
Each region will have 2 laminated sets of yellow cards with answer cards
Each trainer has the master sheet (cards and answer sheet) on your Trainer CD in Module 4 (you can print out, and cut to do the activity)
6. Master Sheet for Regularly Use ARVs Cards
Each trainer has the master sheet (cards to be printed and cut) on your Trainer CD in Module 4
7. Side Effects Chart
Each trainer has the master sheet on their Trainer CD in Module 4
Module 5:
8. Pledge to Take Action Master Sheet
Each trainer has the master sheet on their Trainer CD in Module 5 (to be printed on COLOR paper)
Reporting Forms / To be completed and sent to MOH electronically or hard copy
Send Forms to either:
Ms. Rebecca Nakidde
Dr. Peter Elanyu
Job Aids / The Partner Organization who is sponsoring the training is responsible to provide color copies of all the Job Aids to be used in the training.
Module 1:
1. PMTCT Guidelines
Each trainer has a color copy on your Trainer CD – to print out in color if possible to give to all participants
Module 2:
2. Testing Algorithm for HIV Exposed Infants
Trainers should receive 15 copies (for pair work) of A3 size color copies to use for the exercise during the training.
Each trainer has the electronic copy on their Trainer CD – you can also print out in color in any size you want.
Module 3:
3. Care Guidelines for HIV Exposed Infants
Trainers should receive 15 copies (for pair work) of A3 size color copies to use for the exercise during the training.
Each trainer has the electronic copy on their Trainer CD – you can also print out in color in any size you want.
4. Infant Feeding Algorithm
Each trainer has the electronic copy on their Trainer CD – you can also print out in color in any size you want.
Module 4:
5. National Paediatric ART Guidelines 2011
Trainers should receive 15 copies (for pair work) of A3 size color copies to use for the exercise during the training.
Each trainer has the electronic copy on their Trainer CD – you can also print out in color in any size you want.
6. Paediatric ART Dosing Chart
Trainers should receive 15 copies (for pair work) of A3 size color copies to use for the exercise during the training.
Each trainer has the electronic copy on their Trainer CD – you can also print out in color in any size you want.
7. Brochure
Each participant in a training will receive a brochure.
8. ART Cards (blue card)
Each partner organization should secure enough ART Cards (at least 15 for pair work) to carry out the Tracking a Patient Practicum
Module 5:
9. Pledge Cards – two cards per facility or site
Each trainer has the electronic copy on their Trainer CD – you can also print out in color in any size you want.
Participant’s Guide / Guide should be in a binder or spiral bound (Provided by the Partner Organization hosting the training.)
Participants use their Guides during the training course to:
-do written exercises
-find additional reading information on the topics you are presenting
-find key messages
ALL Job Aids / As explained above