July 12, 2016
North Campus, 1st Floor Public Meeting Room #125E
1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas
Summary of Meeting Minutes
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides called the meeting to order at 9:16 a.m.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item B. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum, and Introductions. Committee Members Ricardo Benavides, David Bruce, Blake Garrett, Nina Jo Saint, Carlos Reyna, and Glenn Winningham were present. Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides informs the public that Cindi Jo Newlin and Kevin Knapp will be arriving later this morning. Board Members Patricia Larke, and Frances Gomez were absent. A quorum of the board was present.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item C. Approval of the Minutes – April 21, 2016. Motion by Board Member Glen Winningham, seconded by David Bruce, moved to approve the Minutes of February 25, 2016. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Committee Member Carlos Reyna, second by David Bruce to excuse the absences of Patricia Larke and Frances Gomez. Motion passed unanimously.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item D. Public Comment. Public comments from Patrick Barrett with Driver Ed in a Box and Dorothy Dewalt with Island Driving Schools in Dallas and La Port, and President of the Texas Professional Driver Education Association.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item E.1. Staff Reports. Executive Office Report. Brian Francis, Deputy Executive Director informed the Committee that as of September 1, 2016 he will be the new Executive Director. He informed the Committee that the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan had been filed and went over the section on Driver Education and Traffic Safety. Mr. Francis spoke about Statutory provisions with the Legislative Session which begins in January, 2017. TDLR’s Contact Center – 18,000 phone calls & emails since September, 2015. Now 3,642 phone calls per month.
Committee Member Cindy Jo Newlin arrived at 9:30 a.m.
Committee Member Kevin Knapp arrives at 9:39 a.m.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item E.2. Compliance Division. Kathy Phillips, Compliance Division Program Specialists, and Compliance Manager Lee Parham provided the Compliance Division Report and reported on Staff and Program Updates, Kathy informed the Committee that she is retiring July 15th and Gaye Estes has retired from TDLR; She also provided the report on Projects, Public Outreach and Statistics and answered questions from the Committee.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item E.3. Education and Examination Division. Shanisty Villanueva and Theresa Alvarez, Program Specialists with the Education and Examination Division presented the revisions of application forms that will be used for Driver Education. Shanisty informed the Committee that the Driver Safety forms will also be revised. Cari Hodges, Program Specialist presented the staff report and updated the Committee on Staff and Program Updates, Schools Statistics, and Update on Inspection Process and informed the Committee of the new program packet that has been prepared with the help from TDLR employees, and answered questions from the Committee.
Presiding Officer Ricardo Benavides called for a break at 10:07 a.m. and reconvened at 10:24 a.m.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item E.4. Enforcement Division. Robert Rennich, Prosecutor, Enforcement Division, presented the Enforcement Division report and updated the Committee on Projects and Statistics, and informed the Committee that Criminal Conviction guidelines are now in process and answered questions from the Committee.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item E.5. Licensing Division. Chloe Adkins, Program Specialist, Licensing Division, presented the staff report and updated the Committee on Statistics and informs the Committee that TDLR will assist TEA with licenses, and answered questions from the Committee.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item F and G combined. Discussion and possible action on thestrategy for reorganization of administrative rules for 16 TAC Chapter 84, including a recommended outline of the Chapter; Discussion and review of the Rule workgroup reports and activities which consisted of the work groups’ evaluation of 16 TAC, Chapter 84, the rules for the Driver Education and Safety program. Della Lindquist and Cari Hodges presented documentation to the Committee and went over the rule alignment document and draft rules from the work group meetings with TDLR staff and answered questions from the Committee. Curriculum document will be set aside until the summit meeting and it will not be published at this time. Ms. Lindquist also discussed the timeline for filing the rules and a discussion arose from the Committee on electronic submissions.
Committee Member, Carlos Reyna, second by David Bruce, moved to un-strike the third party data method in Section 84.500(b), Subchapter M until the workgroup meets for further discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
Della Lindquist and Cari Hodges continued with the draft rules and discussions ensued with the Committee Members.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides called for a break at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 12:15 p.m.
Della Lindquist and Cari Hodges continued with the draft rules and discussions ensued with the Committee Members. After the review of the draft proposed rules, Ms. Lindquist will make the changes requested and will put the proposed draft rules on TDLR’s website by close of business on Monday.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item H. Recommendations for agenda items for next Committee meeting: Committee Member Carlos Reyna requested an update on the deaf education and driver education Supreme Court case regarding not being provided the services they want. Mr. Reyna wanted to know what TDLR’s stance is on it.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item I. Discussion of date, time, and location of next Committee meeting. The Committee agreed to hold the next meetings on September 22, 2016. Summit Meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2016. Both meetings will start at 10:00 a.m.
Presiding Officer, Ricardo Benavides moved to agenda item J. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 p.m.
Ricardo Benavides, Presiding Officer
Driver Training and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee